I have a question for every follower of Jesus in America.
What are you waiting for?
At what point will you say, “Enough is enough. I need to stand up for what is right, no matter the cost or consequence.”
How far must things go before the church of America wakes up?
Back in 1991, I wrote these words: “While the American Church celebrates, our beloved country sinks into lower and lower depths. We are not only killing unborn babies, but we have begun to kill helpless adults – actually starving them to death! It is claimed that some of them are in a ‘persistent vegetative state.’ I believe it is the Church that is in a persistent vegetative state. Will nothing awaken us from our stupor?”
Sadly, in many ways, we were much more awake and alert back then, yet things are far worse today in our culture.
Why then are we in such a spiritual stupor?
Our obsession with entertainment and sports has put us to sleep.
Our addiction to the lusts of the flesh and the world has blinded our eyes.
Our desire to escape persecution and hardship for the gospel has made us weak and susceptible.
Our soft-sell, what’s-in-it-for-me message has seduced us into a deep, self-centered slumber.
Now, when compromise is all around us and when Christian leaders are capitulating to culture left and right; now, when America is in the midst of a massive, anti-God, anti-Bible revolution; now, when the need has never been more urgent – right now, we are snoring so loudly we don’t even hear the trumpet blast.
Now is the time to wake up and stand up.
Now is the time to cast off all lethargy, apathy and indifference.
Now is the time to fight back and push back, but not in the spirit of the world.
We cannot respond in a spirit of carnal anger, hatred, intimidation, or, God forbid, violence.
Instead, we must push back with fervent prayer and renewed devotion.
We must push back with sexual purity and solid marriages and families.
We must push back with truth until the lies are dispelled.
We must push back with faith and confidence and fearlessness.
We must push back with boldness, unashamed of Jesus.
We must push back with a united front, refusing to bow down to the gods of this age.
We must push back in every area of society, regardless of cost or consequence, determined to do what is right because it is right, not because it is expedient or politically correct.
The latest events in the saga of Aaron and Melissa Klein of Sweet Cakes by Melissa should be enough to awaken us out of our slumber, but sadly, their situation is but the tip of the iceberg in today’s anti-God revolution.
The fact that the Supreme Court of the United States could potentially make same-sex “marriage” the law of the land should be enough to stir us out of our cozy dreams.
The fact that an increasing number of Americans no longer identify as “Christian,” that our kids are getting exposed to the most outrageous material in sex-ed classes (and at younger and younger ages), that nudity on TV has become normal, that half of all children born to first-time American mothers are out of wedlock, that young men need to take Viagra due to sexual burnout because of porn and promiscuity – just to name a few obvious signs of cultural decline – all this should serve to awaken us with a sense of holy urgency.
But does it?
On April 17, Cardinal Francis George passed away, but one of his quotes will live on for years.
He famously said, “I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison, and his successor will die a martyr in the public square. His successor will pick up the shards of a ruined society and slowly help rebuild civilization, as the church has done so often in human history.”
Many of us will also die in our beds, but because of sleepiness, not because it is our time to go.
May God shake us up before it’s too late to stand and take action!
In my new book, “Outlasting the Gay Revolution,” to be published in September, I lay out eight principles for long-term cultural change, part of a multi-generational vision to “slowly help rebuild civilization.”
But if we do what is right today, loving God with all our hearts and loving our neighbor as ourselves (which does not mean always agreeing with our neighbor), we can stem the tide of cultural decline, turning back the tide of spiritual and moral collapse with the help and intervention of Almighty God.
Why not? And why not now?
With the Lord, radical, dramatic, nationwide change is possible, and that change begins with each of us individually as we take responsibility for our own lives and say, “God, use me to touch my world.”
That’s how the Jesus revolution spreads and catches fire.
One life at a time.
Beginning with me.
Beginning with you.
Can I count you in?