Dear Christian Zionists, the Gospel is for the Jewish People

Genuinefaithinchrist posted a comment · Jun 16, 2020
I have been having such an issue with this. Its a tricky situation and emotions run high and rightfully so.
I'm getting there. I could not understand how satan could fight satan. I was looking at it with human eyes.
I like my Dr and he likes me, thats why i feel he's open to share things with me. Im not a Dr so I should not try and think i know medicine more than he does. Im going to have a nice chat with him when i see him next. I will bare in mind to make sure I do much more research so hes aware I know the damage that has been done from corruption in the church to the Jewish people. I may only get one shot and i dont want to blow it so he's not open to talk to me.
DR BROWN you are such a blessing to my life. Thank you.
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