Royce posted a comment · Feb 11, 2017
A Constitutional Conservative "truly in the mold of Scalia" might be good for Conservatives and the Constitution but that won't do much for the Kingdom.
"The opposition to Gorsuch simply illustrates the intensity and depth of the chasm between right and left."
That's absolutely right and that chasm is NOT going to be bridged. So let's stop with the empty rhetoric about Unity. No Virginia, we are NOT all gonna get around a campfire and sing Kumbaya.
So let's forget about trying to prove to the Leftwing Progressives that Conservatism is better and it works. Ain't gonna happen. Give 'em the Gospel and leave the rest up to the power of the Holy Spirit.
And let's not forget about the Right. They need to be reminded that no matter how right the Right may be, and no matter how many "good" things may come from conservative policies, and no matter how much they may fight for their religious freedom to be able to say "One Nation Under God" and proclaim the USA as a Christian Nation, no matter any or all of that and more - if they don't surrender as a slave to the Lord Jesus Christ and get saved they're gonna spend Eternity in the torment of the Lake of Fire right alongside those Liberals they hate so much.