How Should Believers Pray During A Global Pandemic?

Jesus Junkie posted a comment · Apr 11, 2020
I would like to add or offer what I believed God showed me individually in this matter. Because I was praying against this virus myself and standing against it in full on warfare prayer type of attitude. After a few days of this I felt like God had brought back to my mind a story I read of 73000 people in Pakistan giving their lives to Christ. In one day !! That would have been a really big powerful move of the Holy Spirit upon a lot of souls that turned to Christ in light of this pandemic. This was on March 18th of this year.
I felt as though God was showing me what He was doing Himself while the world is in this pandemic. By that date of March 18th the total death toll by the virus world wide had just reached 40 000. Yet here in one day the Lord drew almost double that to Him. So it became evident to me He was doing what Scripture says He does. Uses bad for good.
It also says all things exist by Him, and His will. And He seems to be allowing it to happen despite all the prayers "against its existence" His ways are higher than ours...If this pandemic is drawing scores of people to Christ and mass repentance and turning to Him is going on globally, then it stands to reason He has more to gain from letting it happen than to stop it.
Anyway thats what I felt came out of prayer one morning. :)
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