Dear Friends,
This is the most important email I have sent out in many years, so please take a moment to read it carefully and prayerfully.
For the last six years, I have had the great joy of being on the radio five days a week, one-two hours a day, and if there is anything that God has clearly called and equipped me to do, it is live, talk radio. In fact, when I first went on radio six years ago, friends immediately said to me, “Mike, you were born to do this very thing!”
I have carried this burden for many years, reflected in journal entries like this one, from February 9th, 2000: “Father, something within me is stirring. Is it really possible to shake a nation? Will You really give me a national voice? Will a burning pen ignite the masses? Am I dreaming, or is it time? Something is going on!”
Every day, when the radio announcer says, “your voice of moral, cultural, and spiritual revolution,” my heart says, “Yes, Lord! May it be so! We desperately need a revolution.”
Because I carry such a strong burden to be on the radio, when the opportunity for national expansion was presented to us three years ago, we gladly walked through that open door, also putting ourselves under massive financial pressure in the process.
To be perfectly candid, it was a giant step of faith, and often, we had to take money that was desperately needed in other aspects of our ministry work and use it to pay radio bills, requiring real sacrifice from our entire team.
Now, three years later, because listener support has not been strong enough to sustain the broadcast in a number of key cities and because we are simply unable to underwrite the costs of these broadcasts, we will be dropping a number of stations and cutting back in air time on one more.
We are NOT going off the air. To the contrary, by God’s grace, we will continue to broadcast on several hundred stations as well as online, and we trust that this is a season of divine pruning (see John 15:1-2) with the goal of greater, national expansion in the future.
But for now, we must take radical steps that will affect many of you, our listeners. And so, beginning March 31st, we will no longer be on the following stations: KPXQ (1360 AM), Phoenix; KPRZ (1210 AM), San Diego; KRKS (990 AM), Denver; WHIM (1080 AM), Miami; WTBN (570 AM) and WTWD (910 AM), Tampa; WNIV (970 AM), Atlanta; WKU (99.5 FM), Hawaii; WHKW (1220 AM), Cleveland; and WFIL (560 AM), Philadelphia.
Also, the broadcast on WMCA (570 AM), New York, will air for 30 minutes, from 2:00-2:30 instead of from 2:00-3:00.
As soon as we have adequate listener support in these areas — especially more Torchbearers, our faithful monthly supporters — and as soon as the radio stations have open slots, we hope to return to each of these stations. But right now, we have no choice but to take these drastic steps.
If you have been blessed by the Line of Fire broadcast, and if you want to keep us on the air in your area, please help with a one-time gift or by joining us as a Torchbearer. Click here to donate today.
If you can put aside one dollar a day to help support this important radio program, that would make a massive difference, and with a stronger support base, we can also increase our support of our FIRE missionaries worldwide as well as increase our Jewish outreach efforts, and be even more effective in helping to spark revival in the Church and reformation in the society.
When you have a few minutes, please listen to this amazing phone call from Randy, one of our regular listeners on WMCA in NYC, just to get a glimpse of how powerful radio can be. And remember that even if we go off the air temporarily in your area, you can still listen online or subscribe to our free podcast. (For details, click here.)
Last week, I had the privilege of addressing congressional leaders and university chancellors in the nation of Peru on the consequences of gay activism, and we are hearing tremendous reports about the impact of the 45-minute talk I was able to bring. As expected, the backlash from gay activists, including comments like this: “What an evil, horrible little being you are! Shameful.” And this: “Look in a mirror, Mikey. You are that anti-christ.”
None of this moves me in the least — in fact, it is a confirmation that we are doing the right thing — but like everything else we do in ministry, it is a team effort, and with your support in prayer and finances, we can truly be a voice of moral sanity and spiritual clarity in the midst of a society in chaos and a church all too often in compromise, exalting the name of Jesus without fear or shame.
Will you join with us to make a lasting difference in the lives of millions of people?
Thank you so much for reading this and responding as the Lord prompts you. On with the revolution.
In Him,
Dr. Michael L. Brown
** Perhaps you have been blessed by the Lord with a surplus in finances and you live in one of the cities where we will be cutting back on our air time. Contact us today, since it may be possible that we can continue to broadcast in your area with your help.