
Reinhold T posted a comment · Feb 02, 2021
Good article by Dr Brown. Question for Randy Sanford. Granted, a life-changing experience for Biden or Harris is unlikely, I have learned never to rule out something like that

RandySandford posted a comment · Jan 21, 2021
Dr. Brown while I agree with you about almost everything almost all of the time there is one thing I do not agree with you here. While JB may be the president of the United States he is certainly not MY President.
As you have stated:
"But that doesn’t mean his (Biden's) presidency will bring blessing to our nation. To the
contrary, it could bring judgment.
It could bring a loss of freedoms (not necessarily because that is his personal
agenda but rather because of the larger trajectory of the Democratic Party and the
radical left). It could more deeply enshrine Roe v. Wade and make transgender
rights the new Civil Rights issue of our day."
In order to be MY President he would have to have the same goals and values as I do.
But just like false prophesies could never give Trump a second term because it simply wasn't going to happen neither will praying for JB cause him to suddenly repent and become a Believer and change his entire agenda and Administration.
No, Dr. Brown. I will pray for our government but JB WILL NEVER BE MY PRESIDENT.

neptune posted a comment · Jan 21, 2021
Thanksmuch wrote: "However, I simply have to respond that I not only disagree with the position of this positing. I passionately and unremittingly 100% disagree with every tenant that you have written." Good for you, brave fellow conservative! :)

Thanksmuch posted a comment · Jan 21, 2021
I typically agree with your postings. Even on the unusual times when you submit postings that I have some disagreement, I know that you are not under any charter to write only things to be in agreement with me. Indeed, you don't even know me so it would be impossible to agree with everything.
However, I simply have to respond that I not only disagree with the position of this positing. I passionately and unremittingly 100% disagree with every tenant that you have written. By your rational, we could just as simply submit similar articles with the following titles:
Millions more unborn to be torn apart in their mother’s womb – by the Sovereign Will of God.
Advance of subjection of men and women to mutilate their gentalia to be greatly expanded in the USA – by the Sovereign Will of God.
The LGBTQI agenda to be completely backed by the government – by the Sovereign Will of God.
The fall of the USA and the oppression of the world – by the Sovereign Will of God.
The potential transformation of the USA into Mystery Babylon – by the Sovereign Will of God.
The advance of the Jezebel spirit – by the Sovereign Will of God.
Since we are having such fun in declaring the obvious “Sovereign Will of God”. Maybe, we can occasionally write some historical articles...
Auschwitz, Jewish and “untermenschen” liquidation – by the Sovereign Will of God.
Sacrifice of babies on the burning hands of Molech – by the Sovereign Will of God.
The fall of Adam and Eve and all of humanity. – by the Sovereign Will of God.
The fall of Lucifer and 1/3rd of the Angelic host – by the Sovereign Will of God.
Very little of your article needs to be rewritten to incorporate any of these titles and countless others. This is indeed pure Calvinism. James White, whom you have debated, would say your finally getting it! However, it is a direct insult, by a man who should know better, on the very nature of the God of the Bible and of the Lord our Savior.

neptune posted a comment · Jan 21, 2021
While columns like this one are totally clueless, thankfully, so many conservatives actually seem to *get* it. Commenting on Brown's column on another forum, one person wisely remarked that since this was an illegitimate election, we now have our first iPOTUS. (Actually, we don't know that for sure—maybe Obama didn't really win honestly in 2012?) Another astute Christian wrote this: "Look there is no question of massive election irregularities, voter fraud, election anomalies that defy the odds & internet connectivity to those machines tabulating unprecedented amounts of seriously debated 'votes' for Biden. To even suggest as does Mr Brown that there are 'clear headed well informed conservatives who are sure that there is nothing to the charge of massive voting fraud' is an insult to the intelligence of any reasonable person. Conservative or otherwise ..! What Mr Brown is offering up here is little more than flawed rationalization. A rationalization that has compromised the perhaps well intentioned Michael Brown." ------- Anyway, seeing how many so-called Christian leaders now seem to be willing to suck up to the current thief in the White House, maybe this is why Jesus said in Mark 10:31, "But many who are first will be last, and the last first." The people out there with the most intelligence and character appear to be the regular Christians, not the "leaders" (who appear to think they are Hollywood stars, only caring about accumulating "likes" and followers on their ungodly social-media "kingdoms"). Another verse that comes to mind is Matthew 6:24: "You cannot serve both God and Mammon." Unfortunately, that truth seems to be lost on these same idolatrous "leaders."

RAS posted a comment · Jan 20, 2021
Remember, the "right' and the "church" are not synonymous. "We", did not lose if our kingdom is not of this world. If your kingdom is of this world, whether you voted for, or against Biden, you lost.

czarpaul posted a comment · Jan 20, 2021
God gave us Biden because we WASTED our reprieve! We should've been out in force in sustained D-day style offensives fighting, peacefully, to get our country back to God. But where were OUR marches, OUR protests, OUR mass gatherings. Face it we FAILED!!! And now because we squandered our reprieve we must suffer under Biden for a while before the big judgement that America deserves and will finally wake a sleeping church to the need for GOD to be their savior and helper not MAN! Only reliance on him and him alone will see us through. We have to stop trying to find a political solution to a spiritual problem. The church deserves this for as a whole we have left our first love.

OT posted a comment · Jan 20, 2021
I pray for a reset for this Nation! Gods Will Be done!
Matthew 6:9-13
9 “Pray, then, in this way:
‘Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 ‘Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 ‘Give us this day [a]our daily bread.
12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 ‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from [b]evil. [c][For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’]

RAS posted a comment · Jan 20, 2021
For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. . . What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction. . .