Posted Jul 22, 2015 by Michael L. Brown
What if it turns out that America has been conned? What if we discover that an entire movement – a revolution – has been built on lies, exaggerations and deception? What if we learn that we have been duped by the mainstream media and deceived by the propagandizing press?
There was a day when communism ruled much of the world, with more and more nations coming under its sway every decade and with Nikita Khrushchev’s words, “I will bury you,” echoing around the planet. And that was not so long ago. After all, it was in 1982 that President Reagan gave his famous “evil empire” speech. Yet today, that empire has been massively reduced, and even in China, capitalism is more powerful than communism.
What caused this dramatic shift? Communism did not deliver on its promise of economic equality and social egalitarianism, producing instead a harvest of poverty, starvation, inequality and injustice. Simply stated, the communist revolution failed because it was built on lies and false expectations, and ultimately, a revolution built on lies will fail, no matter how powerful and widespread it may appear at a given point in time. As Abraham Lincoln famously remarked, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
This applies directly to the gay revolution, since in many ways, it has been built on lies, exaggerations and misleading propaganda, including the claim that one person in every 10 is homosexual.
This can be traced back to the influential publications of the sexually deviant researcher Alfred Kinsey in 1948, although gay activists have acknowledged for years that this figure is way too high. But since it seemed like a good figure to use – who cares about truth and accuracy? – it has been disseminated as one of those “good lies,” with movie and TV scripts echoing the “one in 10″ claim.
Yet the media hasn’t stopped there. Instead, it has flooded us day and night with gay images and gay themes, from news stories to characters in sitcoms and from reality TV shows to the sports world. Gay is virtually everywhere, giving the average American a totally false impression as to the real number of those who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual in our country. Would you like to know the truth?
According to a major health study released in July 2014 by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), “Less than 3 percent of the U.S. population identify themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual.” To be exact, “1.6 percent of adults self-identify as gay or lesbian, and 0.7 percent consider themselves bisexual,” which means the total of those identifying as gay, lesbian, or bisexual is just 2.3 percent, which is less than one in 40 people.
Other studies have reached similar conclusions, give or take a percentage point in either direction. (A 2014 survey in the U.K. conducted by the Office of National Statistics yielded the exact same result: 1.6 percent of the population identified as gay or lesbian.) So, forget about one in 10 being gay. Not even one in 50 identify as gay, and not even one in 100 as bisexual.
What do Americans believe about the number of gays and lesbians in our country? According to a Gallup poll released May 27, 2011, “U.S. Adults Estimate That 25% of Americans Are Gay or Lesbian.” Yes, Americans believe that one in four people is gay, whereas the number is actually less than one in 40. That is absolutely extraordinary.
Where in the world did we get such an idea? The poll explains that, “Those with lower incomes, the less educated, women, and young people give the highest estimates,” with those aged 18 to 29 believing, on average, that the number was 29.9 percent, meaning almost one in three. (No other age group put the figure this high.)
Confirming this was an informal poll I conducted while speaking at a Christian youth conference, asking these committed young people what percentage of the population was gay. (Some of these kids were homeschooled, and most seemed less aware of the more notorious cable TV shows, so they were less worldly-wise than your average young people.) The first teen answered, “30 percent.” The second said, “40 percent.”
How could our perceptions be that far off? How could we think that one in four people (or one in three people) was gay, whereas the number is less than one in 50 (or, based on higher estimates, still less than one in 30)? Gallup states, “This suggests Americans have had even more exposure to gays and lesbians, be it in their personal lives or through entertainment or other means.” [Emphasis added.]
There you have it. We have been brainwashed by the media, which is why, in particular, those who are less educated, along with young people, were the most misled. Just watch some episodes of “Glee,” a favorite among young teens today, and tell me if you’d come away thinking that less than one person in 50 was gay.
In fact, according to GLAAD, “31 percent of the original prime-time programming on HBO is LGBT-inclusive. Shows like ‘Looking’ and ‘True Blood’ and the film ‘The Normal Heart’ helped boost its ranking this year. By GLAAD’s measurements, MTV is even more inclusive, with nearly half (49 percent) of its primetime original programming, most notably the scripted series ‘Teen Wolf’ and reality show ‘The Challenge,’ deemed LGBT-inclusive.”
No wonder our young people, in particular, have such dramatically skewed perceptions of reality.
The good news is that truth will ultimately expose the lies, and that’s why we must keep propagating the truth until the lies are expose.
As author Robert Reilly noted, “Illusions ultimately lead to disillusion. Reality always wins.”