René Fries posted a comment · Jan 24, 2018
"(...) it seems more and more flesh is being exposed".
What makes women "dangerous" is not what they show but what they conceal. A long history of hunters (in fact, more than 99% of the time since mankind exists) has made the male human being, now, precisely, a hunter. Translated into more "modern" vocabulary: an explorer in every sense of the word (discoveries of any kind). For such an explorer, a fully-clad women lifting her gown from the floor up to just above the ankles is at least as exciting than a beach lass getting rid of her g-string.
This being said, the more "liberal" societies are, the less children are born. Here in Europe, the "fully clad" Muslim woman has on average 3 times more children than the aforementioned g-string lass.
As everyone understands, this perfectly fits into the European politics - Europeans having proved reluctant at Dictature whilst Muslims are used to it.

Royce posted a comment · Jan 20, 2018
No you are not alone. I wholeheartedly agree. Both in what we need and don't need. Though I do believe for the sake of Society as a whole we do need certain standards in place for at least TV. Can anyone really say that relaxing the standards for what can be said and seen on TV has made us a better Society?
I've long been dealing with this in my own way. I confront it every time I encounter it. Especially with self-professing Christians and most especially with "high profile" self-professing Christians. I remind them of Matt. 15:18, Mk. 7:21-23, Lk. 6:45, Eph. 4:29, and Col. 3:8. To the Unbelievers I just ask something like, "Do you kiss your Mama with that mouth?" Or "Is that how your Daddy taught you to talk?" Or "Is that how you were raised to behave?"
That works for both the most of the time. Some are just beyond caring. But I'm convinced the reason it is much more prevalent today, especially in the public square, is because WE - the Light & Salt - are allowing it. SOME even engaging in it!!

Kenslajc2017 posted a comment · Jan 20, 2018
Totally agree with you, Dr. Brown. Like reading all your posts. Love your radio show as well! Keep up the awesome work you do

SteveF posted a comment · Jan 20, 2018
Not only is profanity profane, but it is sin. Let no corrupt communication come from your mouth was not just a suggestion nor just for the first century Christians. The reason this is especially disturbing when a Christian talks like this is that the Holy Spirit is disturbed and we feel it!

Willow posted a comment · Jan 19, 2018
Yes, we seem to be surrounded by profanity and bad language. Many comedians use it a lot...but generally it adds nothing to the humour. I do understand that they often do their acts in working man's clubs so speak in similar language, but there is simply too much of it...particularly certain words. Yet, I have seen extremely funny comedians who never use bad or vulgar language at all.
I don't mind so much words like 'sh*t', because that is just a more 'everyday' word that many use for faeces. I doubt that Trump's comment (assuming it was true) would have caused quite so much of a stir had he said 'faeces-hole' instead of the other. It's quite possible that a fairly large number of people wouldn't have understood him. And sometimes one does have to speak in language that people do understand....a lot of people don't have all that big a vocabulary. And occasionally, certain words CAN be used for emphasis... dependng on what they are and the circumstances.
I was quite shocked a few years ago on a Christian site when someone said, on one particular day she called her kindergarten or maybe infant class little 'b*gg*rs'. I said you do know what that means, don't you? Apparently she didn't...can't remember if I delicately explained or advised her to look the word up. Anyhow, I think she was rather alarmed when she found out what it meant! This is part of the problem, I believe, people hear all these words being used freely from babyhood and a lot of the time they really don't know what they mean...and like you say, not wanting to be prudish, but it does make me shudder when I hear so much of it around all the time...especially some words.

Mike on the Wall posted a comment · Jan 17, 2018
Ephesians 5:3-21 -- Was going to stop at v 4 but seems we need to read all of it