Skeptic posted a comment · Jul 09, 2019
Well, I appreciate the elevation of my brief comment to "methodological skepticism". And I apologize for not adding links and footnotes. And yes: I belong to the "most retarded group of skeptics" who think that the Bible isn't really the most trustworthy book on earth ;-).
I'd say use reality just once in a while as a benchmark for your believes in the supernatural. And by the way, I like your comment on Jezebel and that "it's most likely not made up". This makes you (almost) as skeptic...
SG74 posted a comment · Jul 01, 2019
It's not clear what you mean by made up articles, skeptic. Since Dr Brown provides links to those very articles they're clearly not made up. Or maybe you mean that the supernatural powers of witches have no more reality than those of Elijah in the OT? But then you would be doing the very thing that you attack Dr Brown for namely asserting something based simply on a worldview! I don't know anyone but the most retarded skeptics who think that the Bible is all made up. The relevant accounts in the context of this article are the ones about Jezebel and these accounts are most likely not made up. Why? Well for one they put the hero[s] of the plot in a very 'negative' light. Many of the prophets of God are slaughtered by Jezebel and God 'fails' to stop it and Elijah is so scared of Jezebel despite his miracle on Carmel that he runs away from her!!
At least Dr Brown provides links and citations for his views whereas you rely only on methodological skepticism.
Skeptic posted a comment · Jun 28, 2019
I’m not sure whether it is really a good strategy to debunk witchcraft and “practical magic” with other myths based on the bible: Demonic powers behind Teen Vogue to destroy America? This is as absurd as it is funny. To seriously write an article about the “spiritual logic which connects anal sex and witchcraft (vs a natural logic)”…? I can’t even wrap my head around it and understand what this means ;-) One has to have a lot of time to, first get upset about made up witchcraft articles in Teen Vogue and then write a whole rebuttal with such outrageous claims.
And what’s wrong with writing about reproductive rights, gender and politics? Even when it’s left (or right) leaning? It’s not in-sync with your world view, that’s the problem. You’d be fine with an article about taking away the rights of woman to choose. This artificial hysteria about nothing is just silly in my opinion. As silly as articles about witchcraft and stories about Jezebel ;-)