The Musings of ... posted a comment · Nov 02, 2019
Let me add:
Gods Word Says two things of those of you who want to expouse on your knowledge of Gods Word - and thus teach others falsely.
When you stand up for joe. And believe and say that this priest was wrong.
1. God through The Apostle Paul Says that those who Teach God's Word (and thus speak/write on Gods Word) that those of you who do so, MUST be Very Careful on how and on what you Teach - and Speak and Write ... Regarding God's Word.
For you "Will" Be Judged by God - and also by God's People - on that which you teach, speak & or write.
FOR - IF you teach falsely on purpose or with a lack of true knowledge on or about Gods Word and Ways and Heart -
That speaking on those things which you have Not fully applied yourself to Studying.
That You will receive the higher condemnation for falsely teaching.
And thus your Judgement will come directly from God - When you Speak - Teach - Write - God's Word AND Lifestyle - Incorrectly.
2. Revelation states that those who falsely teach anything that is in The Book of Revelation are also Condemned by God.
Yet ALL True Scripture is The Word of God. And therefore is also A Revelation of Gods Son Yawshua' (Jesus).
For All Revelation and thus The Prophetic Word from and in God's Word - is about Yawshua' (Jesus) ...
Who IS - The Living Word of God.
And thetefore according to Gods Rightous Word AND Life Style. Any one who deliberately teaches falsely on God's Son - Also! Shall be condemned.
Thus be careful that what you Teach (Speak - Write) is done so -Accurately and Wisely.
Thus providing God's Living Word Truthfully. By you. And by Your Holy lifestyle.
Tell me! Since YOU are held to these standards - is not joe biden?
AND - Does joe bidens lifestyle provide this world with an accurate discription of Gods Lifestyle in his actions - that kill innocents.
LIVES That God Sent to be a Living Vessel of Gods Presence of Gods Spirit and Truthful Word.
Does joes actions not kill these innocents - which God Sent.
And in Whom God's Son Died for.
Does joes actions show forth Gods Life Style of Godliness! Love! Joy! Acceptance! Purity! Holiness!
Towards These Innocents?
Clearly Not!
Thus it is clear that joe has No Communion with in his lifestyle and thus actions - with a Holy God.
Thus joe has No right too -Communion with God.
For God HATES - Joes Actions.
And whether you understand it or not - God Also hates those who willfully give their lives to the rebel - who leads others to turn their lives over to do its bidding on this earth.
The ultimate "murderer" who was thrown out of Heaven with 1/3rd of tall the angels.
And whom can not return there.
Ever Again.
Just as joe biden can not and will not go there.
Joe Repents!
Untill then?
No Communion for joe.
Nor his family.
For others who follow and support joes ways and actions.
Unless they too - REPENT!
So that IS the crux of it.
And as such - Do Tell me!
Do You Truly KNOW God.
Or just "part" of Gods Word.
Does not God's Word Say to Know (and therefore Live) the Whole Council of Gods Word.
Do you therefore in Obedience to Gods Living Word Inside and Through You - Study God's Word.
And thereby apply Gods Word And Life Style of Gods Spirit & Word. So that You Live God's Word.
So as to Show yourself approved before God.
And mankind in todays world - today?
Do you not Realize in it's Full Context, that at The Judement Seat of His Son, that on That Day that you are brought before Gods Sons Holy Presence. You WILL Receive either your Rewards.
Or Your Condemnation.
Do you Live Today as Gods Son Lived it a little over 2,000 years ago.
And would Live it today. If He were Personally here. Today.
And are You Doing The Greater Miracles that Our King Said you Can Do.
Do you even Know how to do that?
Yet You call yourself Christlike? Do you not?
So then you who say that you Know God, yet then use Gods Holy Word to justify a sinners life style.
Known as - Joe Biden.
Are you not saying that evil - is good.
And those of you who condem a priest Rightous act - are you not saying that good - is evil.
If so! How can you then say that you are Christlike?
Well you can't - if you stick up for joe and condemn those that deny joe Communion with God!
So then!
If you promote joe and his actions and lifestyle.
The True Crux of This Matter IS -
No Godly Communion - for you either!*
* = New parts added after original was published ... at Dr Browns site.
The Musings of ... posted a comment · Nov 02, 2019
Presumptuous to judge a man's sins! No! It is Foolish not too! For true judgement is not condemnation, but rather careful discernment of someones life style & Actions. And the results those life styles and actons bring upon the lives of others. In the case of joe bidens support for the killing of innocent and helpless lives (genocide) Joes actions clearly define his evil heart. And In the case of Communion, this is more than just an act of taking a wafer or a piece of bread and a sup of wine or grape juice. But rather it is Communion With God in the closest sense. Jesus Says to us ... drink of My Blood and eat of My Flesh. Thus discribing, a Holy Communion with God's 1st Son. Our Big Brother. And True Communion with God's Son is also Communion With God Our Father. As The Son is The Reflection of Our Father Gods Nature, Character & Spiritual Presence. And God The Father will NOT allow Himself to be around sin nor those who are deliberately & willfully doing sin. Why! Because God Our Father "HATES SIN WITH A PASSION"!!! He HATES deliberate sin SOOO MUCH - that He Turned Away in HATRED, of His Son. When On The Cross His Son --- Whom He Loves With A Passion Unequaled by All the fathers who have lived or will live and whom have sons they Love - that God The Father turned away in Wrath from His 1st Born Son Jesus. Because of His Sons Deliberate Actions of Being The Sacrificial Sin Filled Lamb ... for Our Sakes. ... in fact God Especialy Hates sin when the actions of that sin creates an INDUSTRY ... that kills unborn Lives. And then sells their body parts - for profit. These are The Same Innocents Whom were Sent here by Our Father God, so as to be Raised up so as to grow into His Sons Likeness. Therefore! Those of you who believe this priest, in denying this murderer, Joe Biden Communion was wrong in this priest actions. Are those who do not Know God nor Know God's Ways. But only use partial scripture and partial understanding of Gods Pure Holy Nature, to boast your claim that this priest was wrong. The person who is Wrong in this story, IS the hypocrite, Joe Biden. And you, for condoning uncle joes, willfull sin full lifestyle. And you are wrong, for not Knowing God's Nature nor God's Word. When you falsely use God's Word - Untruthfully. And Unknowingly! So Tell me! Do You Truly KNOW God. Or just part of Gods Word. Then use Gods Holy Word to justify a sinners life style. Known as - Joe Biden.
Seidensticker posted a comment · Nov 01, 2019
"Communion is not for those in outright, public disobedience to the Lord’s commands."
Rather presumptuous of a man to judge another's sins, isn't it?
Skeptic posted a comment · Nov 01, 2019
I don’t understand why James Martin is so far off with his comment. The Catholic Church teaches, as far as I understand it, that the death penalty is only morally defendable in case there are no other options to prevent further harm to society. The pope himself said that capital punishment is an offence "against the inviolability of life and the dignity of the human person, which contradicts God's plan for man and society" and "does not render justice to the victims, but rather fosters vengeance." So why the double standard here?