Mathetria posted a comment · Dec 29, 2018
Very interesting Dr. Brown, and thank you for addressing this problem and seeking answers. I am not going to go into the history of illegal immigration into this country, but I do want you to know that I write this opinion based on years of experience on the southern border as a Border Patrol Agent. The fact that illegal aliens have been coming to this country since it’s foundation is not the issue, or the problem in and of itself. I believe that the problem that has allowed illegal immigration to snowball to the point that it has is our lackadaisical attitude toward controlling our own borders and enforcing the immigration laws that apply to illegal immigration. And until we take our own laws seriously, no one else will. Only when we finally decide to take our own immigration laws seriously by stopping illegal entrants at the border will we see any results impacting the flood of illegal entrants into our country. It is only when we take our own immigration laws seriously by stopping illegal entrants at the border that Mexico will be forced to deal with the number of people who flood across their own country. It is only when we take our own immigration laws seriously by stopping illegal entrants at the border that Honduras, and El Salvador will be forced to face the problems of crime and poverty in their own countries. As long as Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador have the ‘safety net’ of the United States allowing illegal aliens into the United States by doing almost nothing to stop it at the border there will never be any positive changes for the people in those countries, because there is no incentive for any of the leadership in those countries to do so. It is only when we take our own immigration laws seriously by preventing illegal entrants into our country at out border will anything ever be done by Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador about their own problems in their own countries.
A._catholic posted a comment · Dec 29, 2018
What is so controversial about a border wall? There shouldn't be any controversy- it shouldn't be built, because it won't work and it would waste billions of tax dollars that should be spent elsewhere. Even the conservative CATO foundation says it won't work. ( Pres. Trump is primarily concerned about is getting his will done- he wants a wall, and he's going to build the wall. Yet he did not show similar backbone when it came to eliminating the carried interest loophole- which he said he benefited from.
Slider posted a comment · Dec 29, 2018
I have always believed we need a strong border. But my beliefs are even stronger now.
For four years I lived as a missionary in Guatemala. Because of our lax border policies I saw family’s torn apart all the time. There are entire communities in Guatemala that only have boys and old men, all the rest of the men are in the US. Most of the wives left have less then a fourth grade education and no other skills because they are trained to be stay st home Moms. This leads many into prostitution and other bad decisions to just feed themselves.
I have worked with quite a few women who grew up fatherless because their Father came to the US after they were born.
The idea that the men send money back to support their family is very isolated from what I saw.
I believe we need a strong border now, for the people of these countries. The only reason they break up their family and risk their lives is because they know they can make it through the US southern border.
I believe once we stop the inflow, we can talk about the options of what to do with the ones that are here and looking at our citizenship policies.
Slider posted a comment · Dec 29, 2018
I have always believed we need a strong border. But my beliefs are even stronger now.
For four years I lived as a missionary in Guatemala. Because of our lax border policies I saw family’s torn apart all the time. There are entire communities in Guatemala that only have boys and old men, all the rest of the men are in the US. Most of the wives left have less then a fourth grade education and no other skills because they are trained to be stay st home Moms. This leads many into prostitution and other bad decisions to just feed themselves.
I have worked with quite a few women who grew up fatherless because their Father came to the US after they were born.
The idea that the men send money back to support their family is very isolated from what I saw.
I believe we need a strong border now, for the people of these countries. The only reason they break up their family and risk their lives is because they know they can make it through the US southern border.
I believe once we stop the inflow, we can talk about the options of what to do with the ones that are here and looking at our citizenship policies.
Deancooper posted a comment · Dec 28, 2018
The border wall controversy is mostly about political optics. The Right wants the wall because it looks like we will finally be doing something real about stopping the flow of illegals. Of course, most illegals arrive here using temporary visas and there's always ways around or under walls. The Left hates the wall because it appears racist to them. They think it's an obsession with keeping brown-skinned people out (the wall is only on the Mexican border). They want to show compassion knowing that the illegals will eventually be voting for them. But you're measuring compassion thinking we're a good country because we let some, like the Vietnamese boat people, in. The Left views America as an oppressive imperialistic country that has stolen from and impoverished nations around the world. We can only really be compassionate then if we open the doors wide and let many come in. The Left also views our culture and our national identity as a bigoted one promulgated by privileged (Christian) whites. Thus, they don't want to preserve our identity. They prefer a multi-cultural identity that celebrates all cultures, beliefs, orientations, etc. The Right on the other hand felt burned by Reagan's compromise of amnesty for illegals. They had been promised that the door would be shut tight to prevent more illegals, but that never happened, and so they are being especially hard-lined now. They see how the politicians may talk tough on illegal immigration but then do just the opposite. After all, many business interests need illegals to function profitably, and Republican congressmen like to be nice to businesses. In the end, the wall effectively divides our country. The Right can't believe that we wouldn't have a wall, and the Left can't believe that we would. The Right wants it to save our country, while the Left see it as destroying our country and the progress they think we have made. It all really comes down to how you view America itself.