True Christian posted a comment · Apr 28, 2020
And what if Jesus had his home broken into by a psycho killer who threatened his family? Would Jesus kill that evil person? No, he would love we should. That’s what the early Christians believed, as should we. And the government must have a military, but we as Christians cannot participate in such endeavors.
A._catholic posted a comment · Feb 14, 2020
Pres. Trump is "honest" according to you? He says that he doesn't like someone who says they are praying for him, when he "knows" they aren't (presumably Rep. Pelosi). So when did Pres. Trump get the ability to read souls? How does he "know" this? And he dislikes it when people impeach (investigate) him for "nothing". There were more than enough reasons to investigate him (impeach him). He was not exonerated of obstruction of justice by the Mueller Report; he tells witnesses to not honor legally valid subpoenas- really. Why would you tell witnesses who could exonerate you, to not testify, unless you were afraid that their testimony would convict you? Pres. Trump believes the only law he is beholden to = is himself.
words2yz posted a comment · Feb 14, 2020
TRUMP mocks, scorns , and
bullies anyone who dares
disagree with his views.
His views are entirely self-
centered and self-serving.
He only reveres himself and
serves only Mammon ‼️
words2yz posted a comment · Feb 14, 2020
TRUMP mocks, scorns , and
bullies anyone who dares
disagree with his views.
His views are entirely self-
centered and self-serving.
He only reveres himself and
serves only Mammon ‼️
OT posted a comment · Feb 11, 2020
'All of us can step higher. All of us can seek to heal rather than destroy. And all of us, without compromising our convictions or violating our ethics one iota, can choose to love our enemies, with the help of the Lord." Will we? (dr.brown)
Oreopagus posted a comment · Feb 11, 2020
First he came for @comey...
Articles by Benjamin Wittes
OT posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
What if He wins ! You’ll have to love your enemy! ;-(
OT posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
What if He wins ! You’ll have to love your enemy! ;-(
OT posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
Some context please ! Please I’m starting to dose ! And it’s not Yentl on the radio I want to hear ! Stop looking in the projection
Mirror troll
OT posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
Some context please ! Please I’m starting to dose ! And it’s not Yentl on the radio I want to hear ! Stop looking in the projection
Mirror troll
Oreopagus posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
Once Trump is out of office, his projection behavior will be the subject of a mountain of books, articles, academic papers, plus talks and interviews by psychologists and psychiatrists. Actually, there is a film currently in post-production, titled #UNFIT
Projection is seeing something in others that lies in ourselves:
Remarks by President Trump to the Nation (Feb. 6, 2020)
"I want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony, rotten deal by some very evil and sick people."
"So I’ve always said they’re lousy politicians, but they do two things: They are vicious and mean. Vicious. These people are vicious. Adam Schiff is a vicious, horrible person. Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person. And she wanted to impeach a long time ago. When she said, “I pray for the President. I pray for the…” — she doesn’t pray. She may pray, but she prays for the opposite. (Laughter.) But I doubt she prays at all."
Mad Man Trump has PDS—Projection Derangement Syndrome
The Projector in Chief
The Projection President
See also: Duty To Warn
Oreopagus posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
“During a recent road trip, we were listening to the news on the radio. The 'breaking reports’ of ranting Tweets were making my head spin. I thought to myself, ‘How do people who constantly lie, sleep at night?’ So, we switched to a pop station that was playing a song with a hypnotic beat. As I looked off into the distance, this song title and lyrics came too me.” — Barbra Streisand;
Don’t Lie to Me (2018)
OT posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
Me thinks your all throwing tantrums because God didn't check with you first and all non- evangelicals - ex·e·ge·sis /ˌeksəˈjēsis/ Learn to pronounce noun critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture. "the task of biblical exegesis" Try asking God what He's doing!
OT posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
Most of the antagonist who post here are void of a rational recognition that God can use the likes of a Donald John Trump to confound a nation He has turned things upside down that includes the way political leaders operate, who have operated while hidden behind a veiled agenda for generations. Trump is not afraid of them and for all his faults he continues to do what he campaigned on! If God wants the swamp drained then-drain the swamp! when I read most of what is said on here, It is becoming troll-like robo trolls
OT posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
"People see dimly, can’t see the forest for the trees, blinded by bias, people of faith need to stop all the bleating like sheep and pray! Pray for our leaders, Pray for our nation! Pray that killing babies STOPS ! Jesus we call on your name ! Clay Jones is a hater! on all levels.
Oreopagus posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
The Republican God
OT posted a comment · Feb 09, 2020
“Matthew 10:16 I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.” Pray for our Nation! Stop killing baby’s!
Latinuproar posted a comment · Feb 08, 2020
Sorry. Forget my question. In your article you said from his perspective. Forgive me for overlooking that criticle part in your article.
Latinuproar posted a comment · Feb 08, 2020
One question Dr Brown if you can please answer? You said "The unjust attempts to remove him from office with the Mueller investigation and the impeachment trial." How was it unjust to have the impeachment trial considering Trumps quid pro quo?
Oreopagus posted a comment · Feb 08, 2020
(Video) Lawrence: Prayer breakfast rant shows Trump doesn't understand what love is
Kenneth Greifer posted a comment · Feb 08, 2020
I am amazed that Dr. Brown has turned his religious organization into a political/religious organization. By promoting and defending Trump as much as his religious beliefs, he is turning people against his religion and making himself less effective, which is a good thing actually. Trump is not a victim of persecution. He was investigated by Mueller because his campaign people were meeting with many Russian agents. That is normal. If you meet with suspected terrorists, mobsters, drug smugglers, or drug dealers, etc., the FBI will investigate you too. They have to. Even if you are innocent. Saying that the Mueller investigation was "unjust" is unbelievable. Dr. Brown, you should stick to discussing the Bible because you don't understand why the FBI had to investigate Trump's campaign. You are not an expert in law enforcement or counter-espionage tactics. It is unfair for you to judge the FBI when you don't know what the reality is when it comes to Russia's attempts to influence our society by helping candidates get elected or whatever else they do. Do you like it when average people say you are wrong about the Bible, when they are barely educated in the subject? That is what you are like when you say the Mueller investigation was unjust. All Trump had to do was cooperate. Instead, he went crazy and started screaming "witch hunt." He also tried to interfere with the investigation. He made a mountain out of a molehill. They would have investigated and found nothing serious, but he obstructed justice unnecessarily. He always finds a way of making things worse by overreacting to every thing.
Kenneth Greifer posted a comment · Feb 08, 2020
So many religious people who support Trump because he is against abortion are telling their kids how great Trump is. He is a role model, and his way of talking and acting are going to affect the kids who are aware of how he acts. Don't be surprised if these kids grow up to be proud, angry, vengeful, dishonest, greedy, lawless, and vulgar because they will be copying a great man, according to their parents. He is more exciting and successful than their parents, so they will be more impressed with him than the boring, humble, honest, law-abiding people. You can't have it both ways. You can't say someone you think is bad is good and expect kids to understand. These people are choosing a man who is not a good role model to be the president and a role model for their kids. Trump's anger and revenge against his enemies has been obvious for years. He is not attempting to control it or reduce it. This article makes it sound like Trump is trying or has tried to love his enemies, but he never has and he probably never will. At least be honest to yourself that Trump is not following the teachings of your religion. I am not saying I agree that you should love your enemies. That is not my religious belief, but it is also not Trump's religious belief.