As expected, no sooner did Sen. Ted Cruz announce his presidential candidacy than the outlandish attacks on him began. If we are to judge him by the nature of his enemies and the content of their attacks, then he’s off to an excellent start.
As the Washington Times announced on March 22, “And so 2016 begins: Ted Cruz critics arrive like clockwork.”
Typical was this quote from California Gov. Jerry Brown: Sen. Ted Cruz is “absolutely unfit” to run for president.
You heard it from the governor himself.
There were the expected attacks on Cruz’s citizenship, since he was born in Canada – although his mother was an American citizen.
Ironically, many of those claiming that he would not be eligible to run for president are the very ones who yell “Birther!” at those who questioned President Obama’s eligibility. (Donald Trump is a notable exception. He has questioned the eligibility of both Obama and Cruz.)
Do I perceive a little “double standard” here?
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) immediately chimed in, wanting to warn the world about the diabolical Mr. Cruz.
“For years now,” they wrote, “Cruz has stood on the wrong side of history against the LGBT community. The Texas senator has proved his homophobia time and time again, and shown a willingness to use the LGBT community to create divisions in order to advance his own career.”
What, exactly, were his sins?
You better sit down, because this is really horrific stuff.
The HRC reports, “Ted Cruz led the charge to deny Texas couples marriage equality.”
Translated into English, that means, “Ted Cruz stood for true marriage in Texas, refusing to redefine it from its historic meaning and purpose.”
How low can you go?
They continue: “In the Senate, he has introduced legislation that would stop the federal government’s recognition of same-sex marriages for couples who do not live in marriage equality states.”
In other words, Sen. Cruz wants to protect states from federal tyranny, and if Texas (or any other state) stood for true marriage, the people of that state should not be forced to recognize homosexual unions performed elsewhere.
What a monster!
Worse still, “he has said he will introduce a constitutional amendment to prevent nationwide marriage equality.”
To translate again, Ted Cruz believes that we ought not tamper with the most fundamental element of our society, the union of a man and a woman in sacred matrimony, which remains the only union capable of producing children naturally and joining them to their mother and father.
How dare Mr. Cruz stand for something like that. What an intolerant bigot he is.
He’s even on record as saying this: “Traditional marriage is an institution whose integrity and vitality are critical to the health of any society. We should remain faithful to our moral heritage and never hesitate to defend it.”
He should be utterly ashamed of himself!
Yet it gets even worse. “As recently as 2012,” the HRC tells us, “he made similar comments to fellow potential nominee Ben Carson, claiming, ‘I believe that engaging in homosexual conduct is a choice.’”
Well, here’s a revelation for the HRC.
All conduct, be it heterosexual or homosexual, is a choice, and Sen. Cruz could not have been more precise in what he said, which is entirely correct – unless only gays and lesbians do not make choices, as if all homosexual acts were done by compulsion.
He did not say that having certain desires or attractions was a choice but that “engaging in homosexual conduct is a choice,” which is true.
For statements like this, he was put on HRC’s hit list.
Well done, Senator! I’m on that list as well.
Mr. Cruz has also been attacked for launching his campaign at Liberty University, founded by the late Jerry Falwell. Surely this is a clear sign that, if elected, he is planning to establish a Christian theocracy.
Will it be long before he’s called a “dominionist” and accused of wanting to institute “Christian Shariah law”? (Hey, he’s already been mocked for suggesting that Muslims want to impose Shariah law on America. He might well be accused of wanting to impose some type of draconian “Christian” law on the nation as well. After all, he believes in “Judeo-Christian” values!)
Among his other sins are: He doesn’t believe in global warming; he wants to abolish Obamacare; and he wants to abolish the IRS. (Actually, even some of his critics might not object too much to his attack on the IRS.)
To be sure, and in all seriousness, he’s made a number of controversial statements on other, less important issues, and I have no idea whether he’d make a good president.
But it’s clear already that much of the hatred coming against him simply reflects a deeper hatred of the God of the Bible and the values of the Bible, and that’s where the real rub lies.
To the extent Sen. Cruz represents Judeo-Christian moral values, he will be savaged by the radical leftists and liberals.
That tells us where the real conflict lies.