OT posted a comment · Dec 09, 2019
I agree with Dr Brown as he wrote in this article:
“And while we pray for him and support him, he is not our savior or our example or our guide.
He is simply our president.
Those who hold this position are not bewitched in the least. Our eyes are wide open and our head screwed on rightly.”
Until he is otherwise removed or voted out in 2020 he is the president of the United States
Would you rather have had Hillary win so she could continue and build on the Obama years! Any Christian who would knowingly vote for democratic candidates with known policy bents ...would in fact be considered favoring darkness over light! To cast dispersions ( foolish) on individuals for their civic participation , it is difficult enough to discern who a candidate is and how the will conduct themselves!
A._catholic posted a comment · Dec 09, 2019
I am in much agreement with Kenneth Greifer's post ("People who support Trump..." 8 Dec. 2019), although I would not go so far as to say Trump supporters don't "understand" the issues. Pres. Trump has acted positively on a number of evangelical issues such as abortion- HOWEVER, evangelical Trump supporters seem blind to Trump's abuse of power, obstruction of justice, trying to turn communications media into his own personal propagandists, lying/failing to get his facts straight, his lack of charity in dealing with opponents, and his greed and servitude to mammon/wealth/profit. It is the latter alone that should disqualify him from Christian support- his greed and servitude to wealth are hurting the poor and elderly, creating further income disparities, and destroying the creation/environment on which ALL biological life depends.
Kenneth Greifer posted a comment · Dec 08, 2019
I think the people who support Trump don't understand the issues. He is violating the Constitution and Conservatives are letting him do it. He is doing this by declaring national emergencies, claiming national security as an excuse, and claiming executive privilege for everything. Congress sets the budget, but he is claiming national emergencies to take money from the military and homeland security to spend how he wants. Congress sets tariffs, but he says a good economy is important for national security, so he is setting tariffs illegally and unconstitutionally. Congress is supposed to be allowed to know what the executive branch is doing, but he won't tell them anything or let his people talk to them, claiming executive privilege, even for people who never even worked for the executive branch. Even if you ignore many other issues, people should at least want the president to uphold the Constitution. I could go on listing cruel and bad policies, but if you don't care about the Constitution, you are not going to care about anything he does wrong.
OT posted a comment · Dec 06, 2019
I have to admit that on more than one occasion I have cringed while listening to and reading the news of the day! Yes President Trumps is not polished! He is not a politician. He is an American citizen that saw what was going wrong in our country and decided to run for president! Trump is a man who is flawed and in need of guidance for sure . I was struck by something he said when it was announced he had won “ I will be everyone’s president! “ and of course we all know how long it took the political elites to draw their swords! And I said to the Lord “this has to be who you wanted “ and so I began to pray for our president! Our Country was hemorrhaging socially after the Obama years ! All that Obama did I felt it could not be undone! To all the educated elite I’m sure Trump is the cause of head scratching everywhere ! And tears in Brooklyn! God is good!
OT posted a comment · Dec 06, 2019
I have to admit that on more than one occasion I have cringed while listening to and reading the news of the day! Yes President Trumps is not polished! He is not a politician. He is an American citizen that saw what was going wrong in our country and decided to run for president! Trump is a man who flawed and in need of guidance for sure . I was struck by something he said when it was announced he had won “ I will be everyone’s president! “ and of course we all know how long it took the political elites to draw their swords! And I said to the Lord “this has to be who you wanted “ and so I began to pray for our president! Our Country was hemorrhaging socially after the Obama years ! All that Obama did I felt it could not be undone! To all the educated elite I’m sure Trump is the cause of head scratching everywhere ! And tears in Brooklyn! God is good!
OT posted a comment · Dec 06, 2019
People who call others foolish makes you wonder! God told you to pray for leaders and those in authority ! foolish?
OT posted a comment · Dec 06, 2019
Romans 13:1 Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.
words2yz posted a comment · Dec 06, 2019
Trump is everything JESUS
warned you about;. a wolf in
sheep's clothing--ruled by his
own ego who serves Mammon !!
Swkh310 posted a comment · Dec 06, 2019
Better question: "Are Evangelicals Who Support Trump Christians?"
neptune posted a comment · Dec 06, 2019
This is kind of funny. I went to Thurman's Web site, and at the very top of the main page, he prominently displays this text: "DR CHRIS THURMAN, PH.D." I don't think I've ever seen anyone use *both* the prefix and suffix like that before. Even if he weren't a Christian, this would still seem very arrogant, but all the more so in light of Matthew 23:10. It's as if he's milking every possible opportunity to say, "Hey, I'm a DOCTOR, and don't you ever forget it!!!!!" And Thurman has the nerve to call Trump arrogant?? Perhaps he should consider getting the beam out of his own eye first. ;)
neptune posted a comment · Dec 06, 2019
Well said. The key, as you pointed out, is *balance*. Mr. Thurman seems just as unbalanced as some of those he criticizes. In fact, I believe that he is (unconsciously) projecting many of his own flaws onto Trump and others. He talks about how Trump is arrogant (and there is certainly some truth to that), but in his rant, he comes as quite arrogant himself. His whole article seems to have a smug, Judge Judy-style "I'm smarter than you!!!!!" vibe. Sadly, I think he's completely blind to all this. I've always felt that "Never Trumpers" are more dangerous than Democrats, and this latest piece just underscores that. Typically, "Never Trumpers" seem to act like professional cult-hunters. In fact, they're a lot like ravenous wolves. They seem to have no positive ministry of their own—only that of criticizing and tearing down Trump. And they throw out both the good and the bad together. In short, I think they suffer from black-and-white thinking, which is not a sign of a mature, sophisticated mind. Furthermore, I believe that Thurman—if he had lived back when Jesus was on earth—would likely have been one of those who said so dismissively of Jesus, "He eats with SINNERS." Thurman seems to display many of those same disturbing attitudes that the Pharisees showed. Finally, back in 2015, minister Jeremiah Johnson claimed that God spoke the following message to him about Trump. And given how true it rings, I believe the message actually did come from God: "Trump shall become My trumpet to the American people, for he possesses qualities that are even hard to find in My people these days. Trump does not fear man nor will he allow deception and lies to go unnoticed. I am going to use him to expose darkness and perversion in America like never before, but you must understand that he is like a bull in a china closet. Many will want to throw him away because he will disturb their sense of peace and tranquillity, but you must listen through the bantering to discover the truth that I will speak through him. I will use the wealth that I have given him to expose and launch investigations searching for the truth. Just as I raised up Cyrus to fulfill My purposes and plans, so have I raised up Trump to fulfill my purposes and plans prior to the 2016 election. You must listen to the trumpet very closely for he will sound the alarm and many will be blessed because of his compassion and mercy. Though many see the outward pride and arrogance, I have given him the tender heart of a father that wants to lend a helping hand to the poor and the needy, to the foreigner and the stranger."