Posted Jun 24, 2015 by Michael L. Brown

The rally was absolutely massive, of historic proportions, the largest of its kind in its nation’s history. And it was organized in only 18 days.


You knew nothing about it?

You heard nothing (or almost nothing) about it in the mainstream news?

Surprise, surprise!

I’m talking about the massive pro-family rally that took place in Italy on Saturday, June 20, the fruit of just 18 days of announcements, drawing a crowd of multiplied hundreds of thousands. (The event organizers claimed 1 million were in attendance.)

What was the reason for the rally?

These Italian families were protesting the attack on gender in their schools (in one district, it was reported that boys were dressed up as girls and vice versa to break down so-called gender stereotyping). They were also standing against gay adoption and gay “marriage,” believing that children deserve a mom and a dad.

Is it really any surprise that this went almost without mention in the mainstream American media? A friend in Italy even told me that it was largely ignored by Italy’s mainstream media.

But of course!

As my Italian friend emailed me pictures from the rally, I looked on major news sites and, alas, the rally hadn’t made the news, let alone the major headlines.


It was pro-family, pro-marriage, pro-gender distinctions.

How could that be news, even if 500,000 or 1 million people attended the rally? But if five LGBT activists staged a protest in a church in Rome, that would probably have made international news. (Think of what happened in Russia on Feb. 21, 2012, when the Russian feminist punk rock group Pussy Riot staged a protest in a Russian Orthodox Church building. It drew international headlines.)

There was a giant banner at the rally with the words “Let’s defend our children. Stop (making) gender (neutral) in our schools. Families defend our children.”

But such is the slant and bias of the secular media that major news like this is largely (if not entirely) ignored, if not reported in wholly negative terms.

When I lived near Washington, D.C., from 1987-1996, I would sometimes watch the local news the night of the large pro-life rally that would take place every year on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, sometimes drawing hundreds of thousands of marchers.

Invariably, the story would be buried toward the end of the newscast, and rather than tell the truth about the size and scope of the rally, reporters would interview one or two pro-life people and then a few pro-abortion protesters, and that would be the entire report.

If you had no knowledge of what happened and just saw the news, you would have had a completely skewed idea of what took place that day.

That’s how strongly biased the secular media was (and still is) against conservative moral values.

More than 20 years ago, during a giant pro-life rally in D.C. attended by then-Vice President Dan Quayle, Dr. James Dobson and Cardinal John O’Connor, with President George H.W. Bush addressing the rally by phone, when the media were mentioned the crowd would erupt with cries of “Tell the truth!”

The pattern continues to this day, and it’s no wonder so many Americans hold to so many skewed views: They are being misinformed by skewed news.

Earlier this week, MassResistance ran a report about a Boston hospital firing a doctor because he told the truth about the health dangers of homosexual practice and criticized the hospital’s aggressive backing of gay pride events.

You didn’t hear about this story either? How odd!

The doctor in question, Paul Church, “is a member of the Harvard Medical School faculty. He has done research on diagnosing prostate and bladder cancer, and has been a frequent volunteer for medical mission projects in Mexico and Africa.”

Why in the world would he be fired?

“He has also spoken before educational and civic groups on the subject of high-risk sexual behaviors,” which obviously include things like sodomy.

Of course he was fired!

“But,” you might say, “he’s a medical doctor, and doctors constantly warn us about dangerous behaviors, like smoking cigarettes or eating unhealthy diets. Isn’t it good that he warns people about such things?”

Not when it comes to homosexual practice, especially when he challenges the hospital for its aggressive promotion of gay pride events and activities, continuing to include him in e-invitations to the events, even after he made his views clear.

The MassResistance report notes that, “Promoting such behavior, [Dr. Church] said, is contrary to the higher mission of the health-care facility to protect the public welfare and encourage healthy lifestyles. Dr. Church also reminded the administration that its staff and employees represent a diversity of moral and religious views, and many believe that homosexuality is unnatural and immoral.”

Yet despite his protests, he was fired by the hospital, having crossed some clearly forbidden lines, with the hospital accusing him of “discrimination,” “harassment” and “unprofessional conduct.”

And get this: He was fired on March 30 – in the news, that’s an eternity ago – and we’re just hearing about it now.

That’s why I’m thankful for alternative news sites like WND and others that report the stories overlooked by the “mainstream media.”

If it’s true that “you are what you eat,” then it’s also true that “you are what you read and view.”

May God have mercy on our misinformed nation.

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