Swkh310 posted a comment · Dec 18, 2020
Steve, please feel free to get back to me when you can produce even one shred of evidence. Not just an anecdote, Steve, but evidence presented in a court of law. I’m happy to wait.
Daniel434 posted a comment · Dec 18, 2020
SteveW, there is no evidence of voter fraud. The highest court in the land agrees that the "evidence" is at best a delusion, therefore they refused to hear the case. I'll play along though, if there is evidence, is it enough to overturn Trump's win? Please show me the evidence that would make Trump president. In fact, show me ANY evidence of voter fraud. Not some Trump nut posting something like "Oh, I was there and I saw some wierd stuff...." I guess you believe in QAnon too?
SteveW posted a comment · Dec 18, 2020
Swkh310, yeah right, and pigs fly as well. I suspect you really know the truth that there has been massive Election Fraud, but you just don't care. Do the ends justify the means for you?
Swkh310 posted a comment · Dec 17, 2020
Congratulations, God answered your prayers. There was zero voter fraud in the last election.
RAS posted a comment · Dec 17, 2020
I did not vote for Trump in 2016. Living in Texas, I knew Hillary would certainly lose my state and I felt safe with a write-in candidate---a cop out, maybe, but I feared both HRC and DT. If Trump won and and turned out to be a disaster, I didn't want it on my head. However, I readily voted for Trump in 202O, because he did an excellent job in many cases. Did I come to worship Trump because of this? No, not at all. I believe God moved him, and he used a very flawed man on our behalf. Do I believe Trump can save the nation? No, America as I see it is about to become very burnt toast. The atrocities taking place now which have have been spreading like a plague for years are coming to their fullness. God will certainly visit these sins upon our nation as he did the sins of Sodom and as he destroyed the nations who burnt their children in the fire to their gods. Still, I will support Trump any way I can as long as I see it righteous. If anyone wishes to heap accusations on me for doing so---go for it. America is at the brink now, the national debt is a time bomb. I know Trump can't stop what's coming, but those who seek to overthrow him are the destroyers. We should expose and resist them. If indeed Trump becomes a one term president, I don't want it to be because I along with others who knew the truth failed to stand up and do our duty. On the other hand, if it is God's will to replace Trump and destroy America as he did ancient Israel, so be it. I trust God, not princes, but I can certainly support a prince who is doing right things. If Trump goes down, the consolation is this: When judgment does come in the form of destruction, let it come upon the wicked who have taken the rule by their wickedness. Trump can't stop America from reaping what it has sown anyway, I would rather see the destruction come upon those who openly defy and despise God. Let their victory become their judgement.
RAS posted a comment · Dec 17, 2020
For starters, Jimmy Carter served 4, not 8 years. The error is no big deal, it doesn't change the point. It's true Reagan didn't fix everything, no man can or will, but the difference he made in contrast to the other choices are huge. No one ever perfected a nation, not even King David, and no one ever will until Christ reigns. My question, however, is this: How do you stand up against a travesty of justice and fight an extremely destructive evil that is threatening your family, your nation, and the whole world really, without being cast as an nationalist extremist, an idolater, or a rightwing racist? The answer is this: You can't. It all comes with the job.