
OT posted a comment · Jan 12, 2021
Swkh310 remember history won't "forget" all the reasons Trump ran for President ! stick that in your pipe and sMoKe it ! ______Obama opened the door and unveiled the way to Sodom-n-Gomorrah 2.0 just saying! "Obama"s world apology tour" just saying! so It is unequivocally Obama's Fault Trump ran for office ! You say it was not, could not be a course correction for America inspired by God! Then Obama inspired the "ORANGE" monster as you call him! who or what else could have been the reason!

OT posted a comment · Jan 11, 2021
Swkh310 posted
Swkh310 posted a comment · Jan 04, 2021
“...2) a significant percentage of the population believes there was fraud...”. No, that is wrong. A tiny fraction of the population believe that myth. 70+ courts (Republican and Democrat) have spoken with one unified voice: There is zero proof of any illegalities in the last election whatsoever.
Swkh310 - I dont like how you wrote that post IT OFFENDED ME "YOU NEED TO BE CENSORED"

Jonas posted a comment · Jan 09, 2021

neptune posted a comment · Jan 09, 2021
RAS wrote: "They have become so large we cannot sink them by avoiding them; a boycott only gives them absolute authority." Would you say the same thing about, say, boycotting Walmart? If enough people stopped using social media, it could seriously hurt them. But you have to do what you think is right. I personally will try to avoid the "socialist media" sites like the plague, including YouTube. (Of course, it's almost impossible to avoid YouTube entirely because many important Christian videos aren't available anywhere else, but at least I can vastly reduce my visits there.) But if you do go on social media, posting Scripture, as you suggested, would definitely be a good thing!

RAS posted a comment · Jan 09, 2021
Neptune commented, "...someone wrote on another web site: "Anyone who stays on Twitter after this is either a Democrat or a useful idiot." I agree!" I'm thinking there is a another category. After years of shunning social media, I am now considering creating accounts. I don't even remember how many years ago I dumped F-book, but the last few days I have been thinking about going back, and to twitter also. Here are some reasons why: 1) They have become so large we cannot sink them by avoiding them; a boycott only gives them absolute authority. 2) There are millions of lost souls on social media who are virtually void of exposure to truth. Do we abandon them? 3) I realized I could avoid the right left confrontation from a political point of view and go into enemy territory sticking to the Word of God. Why should we cede the whole "land" to them? My thought is that if I create accounts I can post scriptures. If I post, it will be a scripture, if I reply to a post, it will be a scripture. I will avoid my own words as much as possible. Will they ban and censor me? At some point, I'm sure they most certainly will, but it will not be me that are banning, it will be God because the words will be his, not mine. When the do it, it be a testimony against them and the "Gentiles". Being "crucified" by them is no big deal to me, especially online.

neptune posted a comment · Jan 08, 2021
Oh, one more thing. Just like any other troll, Michael Obama is best ignored!

neptune posted a comment · Jan 08, 2021
As someone wrote on another Web site: "Anyone who stays on Twitter after this is either a Democrat or a useful idiot." I agree! If you continue to actively participate on any of these "socialist media" platforms, then you're enabling their evil. Because there are so many alternative platforms, there's absolutely no excuse for a Christian to do this. Sadly, I've noticed that so many Christian leaders appear to be very stubborn and would seemingly rather die than give up their "socialist media." Well, maybe God will have to rip their idols forcefully out of their hands.