
Weeping Willow posted a comment · Jan 10, 2021
Interesting...I tried to share this article on facebook, but was not allowed....

RAS posted a comment · Dec 12, 2020
2 of 2: In 2006 I wrote something addressing this movement which I entitled: Ideo-fascism. The following is an excerpt: "Traditionally the identifying criteria to define members of a fascist entity has been based upon nationalism, imperialism, or sometimes race; nevertheless, physical and cultural attributes can be ignored, and the operational principles of fascism may instead be put in application using a set beliefs and ideology to qualify members.
The accusation here is that the latter is being done presently by "progressive" secularists with global intentions. The result is a politically aggressive movement embracing a radical cosmopolitan ideology with aspirations for a collective authoritarian society on a global scale: ideo-fascism. However, this is a movement unique only in its outward appearance.
Although many, but by no means all, of the views embraced by the Fascist Party of the 20th century are espoused by "progressives" today, their concepts of government structure are built upon the same architectural designs, and they share a number of philosophies, if only envisioned somewhat differently. Of all forms of government historically speaking, the form presently proposed and propagated by modern "progressives" is fascism, or as it is more commonly termed today, liberalism, or socialism. Socialism and fascism are the same spirit regardless of doctrines..." --- The rest of he article can be found on my site --

RAS posted a comment · Dec 12, 2020
Dr Brown wrote: "(And again, I recognize that Big Tech is not imprisoning us or, in this example, behaving like violent Nazis. It is our response I am focusing on.)" --- While this may be true, it is important to view this from a spiritual perspective. The physical realm we live in expresses the eternal. We die, spirits don't. From one generation to the next the same demons and spiritual forces inhabit humanity. That is one reason why history repeats. Don't think for one moment that Big Tech or the other forces in high places are not possessed by the same spirits of those in the past; or that the future outcome will be any less horrific. "Progressives" are indeed acting exactly like Nazis, if only to the extent they are able to at this point. Doubt not that the atrocities of the Nazis cannot be matched or even surpassed by "progressives" if they obtain absolute power. The form may be cloaked differently but the end will be no less cruel or evil. How can it be? It is the very same Devil. - 1 of 2

Swkh310 posted a comment · Dec 12, 2020
“The Hunter Biden story?” “Trumps many positive accomplishments?” Such absurdities alone make the rest of this article ridiculous. No one is forced to use Google. There are plenty of other platforms available And they are glad to entertain these ridiculous conspiracy theories. Click away!