
freefroggynow posted a comment · Mar 26, 2020
To pose the scientific view against the 'religious' view is a false choice. Both are true and valid approaches to health care. Man's mind is naturally opposed to God, until he realizes God is going to judge him one day, and the person needs to find a way out, or go to eternal death. With that being said, I guess we will all talk about this on the other side of death, those of us who will live. For those who do not believe, then go to hell, I suppose you could say they were also correct.

Skeptic posted a comment · Mar 26, 2020
The simple fact that we send folks to the hospital and not to church when they are sick proves you wrong. I very appreciate the fact that our doctors rely on science and not on the healing power of your god. And again, why is God letting thousands of people die?

texasaggie posted a comment · Mar 26, 2020
In reply to Skeptic, many of those health care workers are probably followers of Jesus. That would give them an advantage in the healing area since Jesus is the master healer who rose from the dead after being crucified and still lives. His followers have been praying for people ever since, and seeing miraculous healings in many cases. According to the Bible, humanity is fallen spiritually due to Adam and Eve's bad choice a long time ago. There is a real God (the God of the Bible who created everything that is) and there is a devil also. The default in our lives is devil control, but if we actively choose Messiah Jesus he promises eternal life. In the Bible he also equates forgiveness of sins with physical healing. Ultimately, we all die physically but those who have chosen Jesus will live in the spirit of Life forever. Anyone can call out to Jesus and be saved and he came to save everyone, including you, Skeptic. God loves you too.

Skeptic posted a comment · Mar 25, 2020
In contrast to the health care workers, who risk their life's on a daily basis saving people, your omnipotent creator seems to be too busy to do the same. I'm glad that we as a society have decided to adhere to different moral standards and put folks, who could, but decide to do nothing to help others, on trial.

Swkh310 posted a comment · Mar 25, 2020
Here is the good news: God gave us amazing minds, and with those minds we have created science and medicine. To imply that we Christians have some kind of corner on the market is border-line blasphemous.

Henry Knox posted a comment · Mar 25, 2020
Good article thankfully our hope isn't in positive thinking but is in the Lord who is our source of strength. Rejoice in the Lord always I sat again rejoice!