Suzanne posted a comment · Nov 21, 2016
@patriotmexmom and @gerald_a I did not accuse Bannon of being anti-Semite, nor do I care about the “Renegade Jew” article.
It is undisputed that Brietbart is an Alt-right publication. In an interview with Mother Jones, Bannon stated Brietbart is a platform for the alt-right. These are HIS OWN WORDS. To view details of this interview, look at the first link that Dr. Brown hyperlinked: “3 Thoughts on Steve Bannon as White House ‘Chief Strategist” by the Daily Wire. Dr. Brown’s Daily Wire article also states, “Bannon has openly embraced the racist and anti-Semitic alt-right.” On March 29, 2016, Brietbart published the article, “An Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right.” That’s right. Brietbart literally wrote the guide to the Alt-Right. The article articulates that the only difference between the Alt-Right and skinheads is intelligence. To me, that is frightening. The article also argues that they only act like bigots because they are anti-establishment. Yes, because we all know women and minorities are the establishment?
In an interview with Hollywood reporter on Nov. 18, Bannon literally compared himself with Satan: “Darkeness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.” I would really prefer our future leaders to refrain from comparing themselves to Satan and saying “darkness is good.” Call me a square.
Many of Brietbart’s articles are Misogynistic. Look at, “The Solution to Online ‘Harassment’ Is Simple: Women Should Log Off.” Here are some excerpts: “Women are, and you won’t hear this anywhere else, screwing up the internet for men by invading every space we have online and ruining it with attention-seeking and a needy, demanding, touchy-feely form of modern feminism that quickly comes into conflict with men’s natural tendency to be boisterous, confrontational and delightfully autistic… Here’s my suggestion to fix the gender wars online: Women should just log off. Given that men built the internet, along with the rest of modern civilization, I think it’s only fair that they get to keep it. .. The likes of National Review and any other c*cked old Republican stiffs can sod off, too… your v*g*n* is not a qualification for a job, for political office or for special treatment. T*ts or GTFO is the second commandment of the male internet.”
As a mother of two teen boys, I would never want them to read this type of material. The author is Milo Yiannopoulous. He practices what he preaches. He was kicked off of Twitter in July because he encouraged his followers to harass Leslie Jones because she had the audacity to be African American, and a woman, and in Ghostbusters. His followers called her an ape and threatened to kill her.
Some of their White Nationalist/racist articles include: “Why White People Seek Black Privilege” Read the Scary Descriptions of Refugees by Idaho Refugee Agency” “Federal Reserve: Illegal Immigrants take teenagers’ summer jobs” “Americans First—National Think Tank Briefs Media on Immigration’s Impact on America.” Breitbart fuels fear of refugees and hatred towards immigrants. I am not okay with that. Maybe you are. Again, I voted for Trump because the most important issue to me is the pro-life cause, but I am not on board with all this Alt-Right nonsense.
Dr. Brown and his Daily Wire article argue that Bannon may not be racist or misogynistic even if he panders to those that are racist and misogynistic. To me, that is ridiculous. And really, does it matter if he is racist on his own? His career has been to fuel hatred.
P.S. @patriotmexmom I am calling your bluff on being a woman. You write like a man. Not that I'm upset about it. I am just calling your bluff. ;)
gerald a posted a comment · Nov 18, 2016
@Suzanne The claim that is alt-right is a liberal lie. Nor is Bannon a racist or anti-semite. The people who make such claims virtually NEVER cite anything specific to back it up, just as you did not. The only specific claim which keeps getting repeated ad nauseam is that an article called William Kristol a "renegade Jew". The author of the article is Jewish. It should be extremely obvious that anti-Semitic websites don't invite Jews to write articles. Further Bannon is very pro-Israel. I've never heard of an anti-Semite who supports Israel.
Stop repeating Democrat propaganda.
patriotmexmom posted a comment · Nov 18, 2016
P.S. @ Suzanne.... I forgot to mention that the whole "Bannon" issue and the "Briebart" post, I sense you are making reference to, lacks one important do know, right....that a "Jew" wrote the article about the "renegade Jew", and that was none other than Alan Dershowitz, who not only wrote it, but he submitted his article to Briebart. Anyone reading this can just go unto Youtube and search "Alan Dershowitz, msnbc, Bannon".....the interview will pop up.
patriotmexmom posted a comment · Nov 18, 2016
@Suzanne....., with all due respect, to your categorical statement in regards to "minorities & women" don't speak for me, as I am a "woman" and a "minority" of Hispanic descent , who has spent my whole life amongst real racism living in the inner cities of Los Angeles...I must sincerely say, I saw nothing inappropriate with Dr. Brown's post. To the gentleman that criticized Dr. Brown's use of his "platform", as a believer for 36 years now, I also didn't see the misuse of Dr. Brown's comments. Carry on Dr. are a modern day "voice in the wilderness"...may The Almighty continue to guide you and protect your "platform" by His Ruach Hakodesh. Patriot Mom :)
Suzanne posted a comment · Nov 17, 2016
I am a 46-year-old stay at home mom and have never made an online comment in my life, but you are in desperate need of a reality check.
Your article didn’t sock it to the liberal media or the leftys. It punched your female and minority followers in the gut. It really really hurt.
I too voted for Trump because I put a premium on the prolife cause, but I have the common sense to admit that the appointment of Stephen Bannon is outrageous and terrifying.
Bannon is the publisher of Breitbart, a news source for the “Alt-right” movement, which is a variety of white supremacism that openly embraces racism and misogyny. Many of the opinion pieces that have been published under his control argue minorities are destroying America and women are worthless and should shut up. He makes a living promoting and fueling hatred. Those men drawing swastikas everywhere: Breitbart’s audience. Those men attacking Muslim women by pulling on their head coverings: Breitbart’s audience. Those men cyber-bulling African-American women on social media and calling them apes: Breitbart’s audience.
He is quite literally an agent of evil. I am not exaggerating. Seriously, there is no two ways around it. His only contribution to society has been to make America a more hateful and scary place. And you don’t think that’s enough “baggage.”
You don’t think it matters that Bannon has lined his pockets by promoting and inciting hatred and oppression because he, himself, never owned up to being a racist or a misogynist. As my youngest niece likes to say: You cray.
By saying our outrage over Bannon’s appointment is “hysterical,” you are gas lighting us. You are saying: “who cares that a man who has encouraged and incited others to belittle you and harass you is now one of your countries highest leaders? What we all should be focusing on is that one time in 2007 when some dude criticized George Bush.” Geez. Why read Brietbart news when you do such an efficient job at making me feel worthless?
I have no idea what possessed you to semi endorse Bannon. Maybe you are grappling with some form of psychosis. Maybe you are starting to buy into the “Alt Right” movement. Either way, thank you for letting me know I needn’t ever value your opinion.
Rev. Randy K. posted a comment · Nov 17, 2016
If you can't handle the truth mary, you better find a different web site to visit. Dr. Brown tells it like it is...the truth. And he has been doing it for a long time. Have you not read the Gospels lately mary? Jesus was forever calling out the hypocrisy of the hypocrites. The apostle Paul did the same thing. He even rebuked the apostle Peter for his hypocrisy. Great job Dr. Brown. Keep up the good work. It is refreshing to see a Christian leader who is not afraid of the repercussions for telling the truth. Someone needs to be telling the truth. If the Church doesn't, who will? It certainly won't come from the godless, liberal mainstream media in America.
mary posted a comment · Nov 16, 2016
Dr. Brown, Do you understand the privilege of your platform? You need to repent from using your platform to further divide people. You are not walking in the spirit of Jesus, but walking in the spirit of the evil one. If you are sincere in your walk with God, ask Him.
James 3:17
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.