OT posted a comment · Jun 11, 2022
Really Now you are capable of more “BS” as you call it than most here, this describes you and your tactics in a nutshell: “Those who challenge the normalcy and equivalence arguments of GLBT advocates are predictably met with the jamming tactic of being labeled bigots, haters, and homophobes so as to pre-empt reasonable debate.” You believe your campaign imbues people with dignity( it doesn’t) to say God is this confused old ancient that messed, makes me cringe! To progressive for me!
OT posted a comment · Jun 11, 2022
Excerpted from Got Questions .org
“Many people who are same-sex attracted have come to faith in Christ and, in doing so, surrendered that particular temptation to Him. Some go on to marry and live in Christ-honoring, heterosexual marriages, and others choose celibacy, finding the fulfillment they need in intimacy with God. So same-sex attracted Christians go to heaven the same way heterosexual Christians go to heaven: by exercising faith in Christ, renouncing their past, and embracing the life of holiness God desires for His children (1 Peter 1:15–16; Hebrews 12:14).”
OT posted a comment · Jun 11, 2022
Excerpted from Got Questions .org
“Many people who are same-sex attracted have come to faith in Christ and, in doing so, surrendered that particular temptation to Him. Some go on to marry and live in Christ-honoring, heterosexual marriages, and others choose celibacy, finding the fulfillment they need in intimacy with God. So same-sex attracted Christians go to heaven the same way heterosexual Christians go to heaven: by exercising faith in Christ, renouncing their past, and embracing the life of holiness God desires for His children (1 Peter 1:15–16; Hebrews 12:14).”
Deancooper posted a comment · Jun 06, 2022
You need to step back and see the big picture of what God is doing and why. He made a covenant with Abraham, because He wanted to show the world that there was a difference between the Jews and everyone else. Holiness means that God is not like us, and He intended His people to show that they are different than the world. And you don't mix the two. So you don't mix one type of material with another type. You don't mix worship of God with worship of idols. You don't mix sin with purity. It's really pretty simple when you look at it in the right way.
Really now posted a comment · Jun 05, 2022
So OT, for centuries - prior to ‘God’s covenant changing’ would people not have been following the Old Testament scriptures, and things like the Levitical laws?? Avoiding shellfish, fabrics of different material, tattoos….only to find out that they actually didn’t need to?? Does this mean that for that period - prior to the covenant changing - that God was wrong in providing those directives?? I don’t get it, and as usual, your BS has me baffled….
Deancooper posted a comment · Jun 05, 2022
It shouldn't matter whether you are on the Left or the Right. What should matter is what God says, and the only way to know that reliably is what scripture tells us. But you can't just pick and choose, or change it to fit your bias. The Corinthians thought what they were doing was okay. Paul had to tell them, "Sober up as you should and stop sinning! For some have no knowledge of God - I say this to your shame!" In other words, how can you stop sinning unless you know what God considers sin? The Corinthians were ignorant, but that's not an excuse. It was actually a shame on their part. Or consider what Paul says to Timothy, "For the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: 'The Lord knows those who are His,' and, 'Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.'" In other words, God's expectation that we stop sinning is foundational. It's not optional. My point here is simply that this is quite serious. Loving your daughter is great, but a father also has to consider the serious issues of life as well. I recently heard a pastor tell of how her teenage daughter brought a bunch of her friends to her house. Somehow the subject of sex came up and the pastor asked the girls whether they were gay or straight. Oh neither, said the girls, we're all bi, because that's the least offensive these days. The pastor told them that she was monogamous, and only had sex with her husband. They had never even heard of such a thing. My point is that society is changing a LOT more than any of us realize. Well except for God. I tend to think He knew where this stuff is heading and that's one reason He tells us not to do it. He's a truly good Father.
Really now posted a comment · Jun 05, 2022
I lived the first 40 years of my life in the world of conservative Christianity. We Raised our 2 daughters in the tradition, and both were baptized and born again as teenagers. Our younger daughter had been ‘different’ from birth, and low and behold came out as gay when she was 17. I once thought like a fundamentalist, but this event changed my life. Seeing a child grow since birth, I KNEW that her identity WAS NOT A CHOICE. It was merely ‘who she is’…and had always been. She had always been different and unique and we made a conscious decision to accept and celebrate her - EXACTLY as we accept and celebrate our straight daughter. They both want the exact same things - love, acceptance, belonging, and inclusion, and are both equally deserving of so. Despite what the right will tell you - THIS is the ‘gay agenda’. NOTHING MORE. I hope that mikey, and others here encounter a life and faith changing situation like I did. And again, if ‘the Lord’ chooses to punish me for dealing with this situation the way I did…it’s a risk I’m willing to take.
Deancooper posted a comment · Jun 05, 2022
You can love someone and still tell them that what they're doing will hurt them. In fact, that seems to me exactly what love should do. Just because they don't or won't believe you doesn't mean that it's now okay. I think God knows what He's doing and in the end everyone will see that He was right all along. I think that's wisdom. And love should include wisdom.
Really now posted a comment · Jun 05, 2022
What would you do if one of your own grandchildren - of no fault of their own - was queer? Would THEY deserve your hate filled message too?? Would you simply tell them the ‘truth’ that they are an abomination, and not part of God’s plan? If so, I can GUARANTEE that you will be losing a lot more than the other things you have listed. You’ll be one lonely fella. But hey, at least God will be well pleased with you.
Deancooper posted a comment · Jun 05, 2022
It used to be that freedom of speech was a cornerstone of liberal democracies. That apparently needs to be repealed now to enable enforcement of anti-hate laws, and compel people to speak/believe what the state dictates. I can understand you think this change is a good thing, but from my point of view - given I'm not about to change my belief in the Bible - it means there are very dark times coming for people like me. I mean, will the government allow me to tell my grandchildren what I believe? Will I be able to support organizations and politicians that agree with me? Or will they see what books I've read, who I've sent donations to and so on, and... well and what exactly? Why should they stop at canceling people like me? Why won't they have things like Covid passports to prevent people like me from functioning in society unless I give in and agree with what the state says I should think? And if I still refuse, why won't they try to reeducate me? And then eventually even worse? Why not? After all, I believe that hate-filled Bible is the truth - all of it.
Deancooper posted a comment · Jun 05, 2022
It used to be that freedom of speech was a cornerstone of liberal democracies. That apparently needs to be repealed now to enable enforcement of anti-hate laws, and compel people to speak/believe what the state dictates. I can understand you think this change is a good thing, but from my point of view - given I'm not about to change my belief in the Bible - it means there are very dark times coming for people like me. I mean, will the government allow me to tell my grandchildren what I believe? Will I be able to support organizations and politicians that agree with me? Or will they see what books I've read, who I've sent donations to and so on, and... well and what exactly? Why should they stop at canceling people like me? Why won't they have things like Covid passports to prevent people like me from functioning in society unless I give in and agree with what the state says I should think? And if I still refuse, why won't they try to reeducate me? And then eventually even worse? Why not? After all, I believe that hate-filled Bible is the truth - all of it.
Really now posted a comment · Jun 05, 2022
Deancooper, you say these ‘anti-hate’ laws will land you ‘In prison, or worse’. Does the ‘or worse’ part imply what - death and violence?? Hmmm I believe we’ve discussed that here before - that the ‘Christian’ nationalist right represent a massive threat of violence, and destruction. I just don’t get it… would your, and Mikey brown’s version of ‘Christianity’, just NOT be the same if you never uttered another word about things like LGBTQ hatred, or abortion rights? Do you honestly need these things to hold your faith together? (I ask, but know the answer. Of course you need these things). Do I ‘support’ anti-hate laws you ask? Seems like such an insane question to even ask. 1000% I do, and yes, I pray everyday that sites like this will one day be shut down. In Canada, where I live, I am PROUD of our human rights legislation. This legislation prohibits - BY LAW - discrimination based on many things, including sexual orientation and gender identity. Is my country better for it? YES. Is my version of ‘Christianity’ better for it? YES. Will God one day judge me for being too inclusive, too accepting, too loving, and too understanding of life’s complexities and inconsistencies? Maybe. But that a risk I’m willing to take.
Deancooper posted a comment · Jun 05, 2022
Hi Swkh310. If you want to disagree with parts of the Bible, you should be free to do so. And I should be free to believe the Bible is fully God's word. My point is simply that anti-hate laws are only going to cause people like me to end up in prison or worse (since I'm not about to change). Are you for anti-hate laws? Should the government (or Big Tech) shut down websites like this one and silence people like Dr. Brown? I notice that Really Now didn't want to say whether he's for such laws or not. Younger people seem to be very much for such things these days. I don't think they realize where it will all lead. At least I hope they are merely blind to it, and not actually wanting it. But then there seems to be a lot of hate on the Left these days.
OT posted a comment · Jun 05, 2022
No God didn’t change, His covenant did!
Really now posted a comment · Jun 05, 2022
Once again OT is baffling us with his BS - ‘The Old Testament Law is not in force today - we have a new and everlasting covenant with God through JESUS’. But wait, does this not mean that God’s word CAN change?? I thot his word was the same yesterday, today, and forever??? You mean things actually CAN change, and things that were once thought to be true, can be re-thought and re-understood??
OT posted a comment · Jun 04, 2022
Does the Bible really say that parents should have their rebellious children stoned?
This is one of those “Yes, but…” questions that require serious explaining.
First, a note on the last part of the verse. “His bloodguiltiness is upon him” basically means that he brought this punishment on himself. He knew what he was supposed to do, and he didn’t do it. *Also, it is important to remember that the Mosaic Law was for God’s covenant people, Israel, living in a theocracy.* •The Old Testament Law is not in force today • we have a new and everlasting covenant with God through JESUS.
The New Covenant sacrifice of Jesus on behalf of His people means that sins can be forgiven once and for all.
OT posted a comment · Jun 04, 2022
What Covenant are we Now ?
Swkh310 posted a comment · Jun 04, 2022
"I'm never going to say the Bible is wrong." Really? Check out Deuteronomy 21: 18-21. Says there you should kill your disobedient son. I'll go out on a limb here and call that "wrong." Wanna try more? I've got plenty.
Deancooper posted a comment · Jun 04, 2022
While America still has a Supreme Court that will uphold freedom of speech and religion, if things keep going the way they have been, it won't be long until we too have anti-hate laws. Even without those laws they can still cancel and destroy you in numerus ways, but other countries, like Canada and the U.K. are already putting people in prison for things like misnaming their child or reading certain scriptures in public. Well you can put me in prison but I'm never going to say the Bible is wrong. And really, just how far away are we from putting people like me in reeducation (or worse) camps? I'm glad your daughter isn't like this, but she can't stop where all this is headed either. But then, are you (or your daughter) for anti-hate laws? Would you be glad to see someone like me arrested for believing the Bible (and willing to say I do)?
JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Jun 04, 2022
Really now, yes, they do want control. everyone can see this, everyone except you.
Severiano David posted a comment · Jun 04, 2022
@RaallyNOw. It is actually scary that a meagre 2% of the population need to wield control over the remaining 98% and be in control of the narrative. And amongst the 98% are those who choose to be vocal advocates and resisting their tyrannical agenda. They need to be discredited, censured, cancelled. What are the 2% so very afraid of?
Really now posted a comment · Jun 04, 2022
Looks like JUSTJC needs hugs too. Wow what a loaded comment you’ve made:
‘these people want domination, they want to control everything and everyone, they want to be able to do things that others can't do and you either have to agree with them or face punishment’.
I know many gay people - including my own daughter - and NOT ONE of them would describe things this way. But I get it. You see ‘these people’ as robbing you of something. Taking away YOUR power and control maybe? Pushing YOU to the margins….to the places THEY have occupied for decades? It sucks to be put into someone else’s shoes, doesn’t it? I’ll ask you too - what are you so scared of?? What are ‘these people’ going to do to you and YOUR world?
JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Jun 04, 2022
The argument that because something exists it has to be accepted is so stupid. so just because homosexuals exist means we have to accept them? why dont we also accept pedophiles too then since those people exist as well. this kind of thinking is why pedophilia will eventually be accepted.
JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Jun 04, 2022
Really now, it's true, these people want domination, they want to control everything and everyone, they want to be able to do things that others can't do and you either have to agree with them or face punishment.
Really now posted a comment · Jun 04, 2022
Poor baby orangehunter says ‘ The alphabet activists are not fighting for "equality", they're fighting for domination’. Tell me, orange, what are you so afraid of?? What would this ‘domination’ rob you of? How would YOUR own life be changed if this came true?? Sounds really scary. Imagine, treating people with dignity and respect…and seeing the world through someone else’s eyes. Terrifying stuff. I’d give you a hug if I could. But pls tell me - what exactly are you do scared of????
[email protected] posted a comment · Jun 03, 2022
Appreciate your courage Dr Brown. Of course it is not you asking people to follow God's instructions, it's Jesus. There is much in my life that doesn't fit God's design but because I love and trust Him enough I'm willing to follow His way. Of course not everyone will make that decision and will choose to go their own way.
OrangeHunter posted a comment · Jun 03, 2022
The other sinners are not trying to normalize and propagate their fallen state. How many drunkards and rapists have the ENORMOUS public support of all the megacorporations for their sinful desires? In how many books for children drunkards and rapists are presented as normal and even commendable? Are there any repercussions for "misgambling" a gambler? Or for "misraping" a rapist? No, but there are some for "misgendering" a man who thinks he is a woman, but you had the audacity to call him "him". Are there any university degrees in swindler studies? In sloth studies? No, but there are in gender studies and queer studies. The alphabet activists are not fighting for "equality", they're fighting for domination. It's Christians' duty to prevent this from happening. As Christ Himself said : "He who is not with Me is against Me".
Swkh310 posted a comment · Jun 03, 2022
"Drunkards, rapists, gamblers, drug addicts" are not the myopic focus of the Evangelicals and Born Agains' scorn, derision, and vile profit-earning enterprises. The gays are. THAT is the difference.
OrangeHunter posted a comment · Jun 03, 2022
Aaah, yes, Swkh310 provides another ample evidence that he is a fake "Christian". What matters to him is siding with the Current Thing, and if the Current Thing goes against God's law- too bad for God's law! Swkh310's "Christianity" is entirely coinciding with modern leftism, which means that his true religion is in fact modern leftism, not Christianity. Well, you can't serve two masters at once, you know? That's why Swkh310's comments are almost always so off-putting and out of touch. He's not bringing out God's truth in him, but the spiritual mud that his soul is soaked in. Besides, "Gays do exist" is a meaningless statement, a lot of things do exist, don't they? Drunkards, rapists, gamblers, drug addicts. They all "exist", don't they? Existing, however, is not enough. One must also have pure faith and live righteously.
JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Jun 02, 2022
Swkh310 It's not fiction. how about the fact they that can't stay away from kids? why does everything that they do always have to involve children? why do they have such a weird obsession with kids? they had a kid dance at a gay bar while grown men were throwing money at him, in pride parades children are exposed to grown naked adults doing all sorts of immoral stuff, let's not forget NAMBLA, have you noticed that you rarely see the gay community condemning pedophilia? and also why is it that those who want to legalize pedophilia always happen to be apart of the LGBT group?
OT posted a comment · Jun 01, 2022
You can also choose to not use Google search …….Skwh310 is always talking about freedom to ignore, not support, be kind ! love your neighbor as your self! Your good to go! Vote your values! And don’t apologize for that! Live your truth! Protect the innocence of your family and children! And don’t apologize for that! Vote your values! That is your right! Pray!
OT posted a comment · Jun 01, 2022
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem …by doing so we hasten the day of the Lords return!
Swkh310 posted a comment · Jun 01, 2022
Ah, yes. The tired, old, gay=pedophile fiction. If only you folks had a shred of evidence (not rumors or conspiracy theories), but actual empirical proof (the good kind: “right hand on the Bible, swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”) to back it up your none sense. But, of course, you don’t. Happy pride month, folks.
JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Jun 01, 2022
Swkh310 ''Gay people exist'' yeah, so do pedophiles. whats your point? and whats there to be happy about?
Swkh310 posted a comment · Jun 01, 2022
That horse has left the barn; the water is under the bridge; the genie is out of bottle; you won’t get the toothpaste back in the tube…. Pick your metaphor. Gay people exist—always have, always will— and all the self-righteous rendering of garments and gnashing of teeth will never force them back into the closet. Happy Pride month, folks!