Royce posted a comment · Mar 03, 2018
Thank you, Dr. Brown, for this article. I appreciate you pointing out how Facebook & Google is manipulating information to censor & discriminate against Christians. I have to ask the question, what Kingdom purpose does it serve when "Christian" companies, organizations, & other sources are on Facebook and providing more of a platform and voice for God-haters, the sexually immoral, and others who desire to silence Christians and remove the Light while looking the other way when Facebook bans Christians for stating Biblical truths and responding to the lies being put forth. At times, as stated in the article, simply for quoting a Scripture. It seems to me they are aiding and abetting The Enemy much more than they are shining any Light.
With the manipulation of information by Facebook, Google, and others it highlights the need to have a platform for Christian information to be disseminated and commented on without manipulation by those who oppose the POV nor disrupted by trolls with no other purpose that to harass, intimidate, ridicule, mock, and hopefully get banned into silence those Christians. Open civil discussion, and even disagreement, should always be allowed and tolerated but that is NOT what's going on with Facebook. All one has to do is spend a little time on the Christian pages to see that.
Another thing I hope folks take away from this article, especially parents, is the absolute urgent necessity of being proactive in discipling your children and others. In addition to the things Dr. Brown points out, in just the last week or so an OH judge has taken a 17yo girl who wants to be a boy out of the home, away from her parents, because they would not authorize her to take hormones and I think have sex reassignment surgery too.
The time is at hand where every worldly system is now actively, proudly, openly, and loudly formidly fighting hard to snuff out the Light. Silence the Truth. Not only shutting you down from expressing Christianity but preventing you from having any efficacy with your children, other family, friends, neighbors, or acquaintances of any kind. Try to teach your kids when they're 10 that God made ALL humans to be Man or Woman and you're 5yrs too late. The schools have already been indoctrinating them since Kindergarten. So "every worldly system" means just that. The Government included.
As for CNN & Loesch, well, Camerota could watch that video 10x and she'd still say, "I don't believe you." Christians had better wake up. When you have a full-grown man standing naked in front of a mirror and saying, "Boy howdy, I am one good looking woman!" And you have a crowd of people cheering him on and saying, "Amen!"; then you can forget about logic and reason winning out the day. Let alone Biblical Morality.
Dr. Brown is right. The Left really is trying to silence Christians. So Christians had better settle the issue on whether they have died to themselves and now live for the Lord. Have they reconciled themselves dead to this world and alive to the Kingdom or not? Are they focused on the Kingdom or the kingdom? The Eternal or the Temporal?
Where will you spend Eternity? Where do you want your kids, family, friends, neighbors, and others to spend Eternity?
Deancooper posted a comment · Mar 03, 2018
It most be obvious that since Christians are no longer tolerated that we truly need to have our own versions of Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, etc. I think we'll be seeing these soon.
Adam Whitty posted a comment · Mar 02, 2018
Thanks, Dr. Brown. I appreciate your repeated warnings. The best weapons against secular intolerance are grace and truth. I want the world to know that no matter how much they may despise my beliefs in Jesus and the Bible, I will always love them and pray for them to come to the saving knowledge of the Risen Christ. He is Beautiful and Glorious and Worthy of whatever injuries I may face. Praise be to Him!