In the late 1980s, gay activists laid out one of their major strategies for changing public opinion about homosexuality, calling for the “conversion of the average American’s emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of propaganda fed to the nation via the media.”
Today, Americans have believed that propaganda beyond all reasonable expectation. We have been duped and brainwashed, plain and simple. That’s why the sixth principle in my new book, “Outlasting the Gay Revolution,” is “Keep Propagating the Truth Until the Lies Are Dispelled.”
One of the lies I address is the claim that gay suffering is primarily due to homophobia.
To be sure, I don’t dispute for a moment that societal and family rejection has caused a great deal of gay suffering, including some self-destructive behavior. Common sense would tell you that this is so, and I do not minimize the tragic consequences of anti-homosexual hatred, especially among family members.
But it is also indisputable that societal acceptance of homosexuality does not greatly diminish these self-destructive behaviors, which have remained disproportionately high in countries and cities that have long embraced gay culture.
The more our society accepts and even celebrates homosexuality (and bisexuality and transgenderism), the harder it will be to blame the higher incidences of depression, suicide, substance abuse and STDs in the LGBT community on alleged societal homophobia.
As noted by a team of conservative researchers:
“The usual hypothesis is that societal discrimination against homosexuals is solely or primarily responsible for the development of this pathology. However, specific attempts to confirm this societal discrimination hypothesis have been unsuccessful, and the alternative possibility – that these conditions may somehow be related to the psychological structure of a homosexual orientation or consequences of a homosexual lifestyle – has not been disconfirmed. Indeed, several cross-cultural studies suggest that this higher rate of psychological disturbance is in fact independent of a culture’s tolerance of – or hostility toward – homosexual behavior.”
A recent CDC study found a higher percentage of substance abuse in gay and lesbian circles, while other recent studies have found a higher percentage of mental and emotional disorders. Simply blaming this on homophobia doesn’t make it go away, while refusing to look for deeper causes to these problems is to do a disservice to the LGBT community. Similarly, the steady trend of high health risks for gays and bisexuals cannot be blamed on homophobia.
Could it be that men are not designed to be with men and women are not designed to be with women? Could that be part of the problem? Are high levels of STDs society’s fault or a result of homosexual behavior?
A 2014 report in the U.K. pointed to much higher drug use among LGB people than among the general population, indicating that:
Almost half of gay and bisexual men frequently have sex while drunk. …
The poll put the figure at 49 percent after recording that 94 percent of the respondents said they have had sex at least once while drunk. …
In response to questions on drugs, 76 percent replied they had used them recreationally while 31 percent said they spent between £100 and £300 on average every month on illegal substances.
On what drugs they took before sex, 56 percent answered poppers, 48 percent cannabis, 41 percent cocaine, 40 percent MDMA/ecstasy, 32 percent Viagra, 12 percent crystal meth, 11 percent ketamine and 10 percent mephedrone.
When asked if recreational drugs would make them more likely to have sex with a stranger, 60 percent said it would.
A gay leader in England, Monty Moncrieff, responded with concern, noting that:
Our primary association by identity as LGB people is done in bars and clubs, and we can usually stay at play longer than our heterosexual counterparts with responsibility for childcare still less common. Certainly we normalize longer partying behavior, and more recently drugs have crept increasingly into our bedrooms with chemsex noticeably on the rise amongst some gay and bi men. When drugs are used less for fun but to self-medicate we know all too well that the reasons – depression, anxiety, prejudice – are more prevalent in our populations too.
And note that Mocrieff never even mentioned the word “homophobia.”
All this underscores the fact that there are differences in the lifestyles of homosexuals and heterosexuals, and while the media want us to think that the vast majority of gay men and women want to get “married” and live a quiet life together, there’s actually a lot more partying going on among gays than straights, which is consistent with higher rates of drug use and promiscuity. That’s why drug users have often known that the best place to get certain kinds of drugs was in the gay community, not because they were medicating because of societal rejection but because they partied more.
A recent study from Australia confirms that homophobia is not the principle cause of gay suffering:
While many assume that family rejection is the leading cause of depression among LBGTI individuals, a new study has found that in fact the problem appears to stem predominantly from the higher incidence of relationship problems among homosexuals.
Dr. Delaney Skerrett led a team of researchers from the Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention (AISRAP) in studying suicides in Queensland. He found that a leading cause of suicide among “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex” (LGBTI) people is stress from their romantic partners.
“We tend to assume that the psychological distress LGBTI people are often going through is due to family rejection. But it seems that’s not so much the case. The conflict seems to be largely related to relationship problems, with partners,” Dr. Skerrett said.
In short, the more our society embraces homosexuality and bisexuality, from childhood through adulthood and through all sectors of our society, the harder it will be to blame mental, emotional and physical problems experienced in higher proportion in the LGB community on alleged homophobia and transphobia.
Once again, the success of the gay revolution will reveal some of its greatest weaknesses.