Posted Oct 15, 2013 by Michael L. Brown


by Michael L. Brown

Persecuted saints? Oh no, not in our day.
We are the enlightened Church; we’ve found a better way
To preach the gospel message while getting no one mad:
We leave out “God the Judge” and just speak of “God the Dad”!

We major on the promises. We’re positive to the max.
We want the sinner to feel at home. We help him to relax!
We’re strong on self-acceptance; we build the ego up;
We’re here to make you happy — so come to church and sup!

You’ll find such tasty dainties; each meal will be so sweet;
Nothing will upset you; the sermon will be a treat!
Sunday morning is the best show, designed to entertain,
With every detail chosen to spare the rebel pain.

We’ve cut out all those nasty words: “hell,” “repent,” and “sin”;
Our pastor’s slick, with such finesse; even his wardrobe’s in!
He’s not the John the Baptist type, rabid and out of control,
Raving and foaming at the mouth, like some frenzied droll.

Our church is for the family, with fashion shows and fun;
And bowling, tennis, swimming, too, plus cruises in the sun.
We’re socially acceptable; we adapt and change our hue;
We’re sensitive to our culture — like chameleons we’re true blue!

Oh, away from us, you dreary ones with your talk of self-denial;
Jesus already bore the cross; now we can live in style!
The Savior’s not offensive; He only gives good things.
He makes us rich and prosperous so we can reign as kings!

Suffering, hardship, martyrdom — they’re really not for us.
We’re giving out the Good News. There’s no need for all the fuss!
Persecution comes from lack of faith, when saints don’t know the Word;
Poor Stephen might be alive today, if our message he’d only heard . . . .

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