Tuesday, Jan. 27, was the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, and it was chilling to read some of the recent headlines, not to mention posts on social media. Jewish murder is still being justified, and the Holocaust is still being denied.
In response to my “Never Forget!” post (with graphics) on the AskDrBrown Facebook page Tuesday morning, one Muslim responded, “Palestine is facing the same and the world is ok with it. 21st century.”
Another individual posted, “I don’t believe in this anymore. There’s no such a thing as the truth that happen[ed] because [re]member Hitler he was a Jewish too.”
And then one woman, in response: “I agree. Do a little research and you will find many hoaxes all along in history and this very well could be one of them.” Yes, “the holocaust has been proven that it was likely a hoax and most of those people were paid to do what they did.”
So, when Israel engages in a war for survival against Hamas terrorists, Israel is just like the Nazis seeking to exterminate all Jews.
Not only so, but Hitler himself was actually a Jew, the Holocaust was a hoax, and “people were paid to do what they did” – like go to the gas chambers, have horrific medical experiments performed on them without anesthesia and become emaciated to the point of starving to death.
Millions of people believe lies like this to be true.
Consider also these headlines from the last few days.
Jan. 25, on the Palwatch website (which monitors Palestinian media broadcasts): From the official Palestinian Authority (PA) Daily: “Israel was behind the terror attacks in France because Israel ‘was the only one to benefit from them'”; and, according to a poll, “84.4 percent of Palestinians think ‘Israel behind the murder of French [citizens].'”
With brainwashing like this, what else can you expect the Palestinians to believe?
Also on Palwatch was this report from Jan. 21, straight from Fatah’s Facebook page: “Urgent! Self-sacrificing operation in Tel Aviv: A knife attack inside a bus. Reports of the wounding of 10 Israelis and the wounding of the man who carried out the operation from Israeli police fire. The area has been sealed off and the Israeli police is conducting an extensive search in the area.”
So, the coldblooded knife attack on Israeli bus riders (and Israelis walking down the street when the attacker fled) is branded a “self-sacrificing operation.”
What a noble act by this devoted terrorist!
Jan 26, on the British Daily Mail website: Before joining together with three other Muslim teens and attacking a 41-year-old Orthodox Jewish man in Gateshead, England, one Muslim teenager tweeted out, “I’m going to go Jew bashing.” The attack, one of the teens explained, was “in protest against conflict in Palestine.”
Isn’t it ironic that Muslims complain when they are all blamed for the acts of Islamic terrorists – and they are quite right in drawing attention to this – and yet some of them turn around and blame all Jews for their grievances over the “conflict in Palestine,” even to the point of justifying the beating or murder of Jews worldwide?
Jan. 27, on the Haaretz website (this is a leading left-wing Israeli newspaper): “Research comparing high school textbooks in 139 countries and territories shows that just 57 countries describe the Holocaust directly.”
The story explains that a recent study indicated that, “Twenty-eight countries make no reference to the Holocaust in their curricula, including Western countries like New Zealand and Iceland as well as Bolivia, Thailand and Muslim areas including the Palestinian territories, Egypt and Iraq. …”
If this denial continues to spread while Holocaust survivors are still alive, with the Holocaust verified in shocking detail by massive, documentary evidence, what will happen a few years from now?
All this reminds me of two verses in the Bible, one on the lips of Moses and the other on the lips of Jesus, both spoken shortly before their deaths.
Moses warned his fellow-Israelites about their sin and rebellion, saying, “For I know how rebellious and stubborn you are. Behold, even today while I am yet alive with you, you have been rebellious against the LORD. How much more after my death!” (Deuteronomy 31:27)
And Jesus, on the way to the cross, speaking of worse things to happen to his people in the coming days, asked, “For if they do these things when the wood is green, what will happen when it is dry?” (Luke 23:31)
Today, we can only wonder what will happen to the next generation when not a single Holocaust survivor is alive and when something else occurs in the world to provoke hatred of the Jews.
That’s why we do well to continue to shout out, “Never forget!”
This is not just a matter of Jewish survival.
It is a matter of humanity’s survival.