RobertERutherford posted a comment · Jul 26, 2022
Dr. Brown thankyou for entering into the arena as apologist. I think it is clear at least to me in the Spirit that you are courageous in your faith for the truth of scripture. I believe the ultimate end of a faith that is progressive is no faith at all and then a great falling away. I am concerned that there are many in our churches in America wrestling with their souls over these truths. My hope is that the Spirit will guide us into all truth. The church is less unified today so that there is no overarching authority to state the "fiction" of the false gospel of progressive ideology. The ends is people trying to earn their salvation with God by giving acceptance for things God has clearly stated as displeasing and grieving to His Spirit. I believe you know you will never gain acceptance for stating truth from their own mouths. This false gospel rejects God as Creator, Jesus as Savior, The scriptures as God's word, The Spirit as God's guide, and Man as made in the image of God. Finally it rejects Jesus as the Way to God and any need of repentance. It rejects Man as born in sin and in need of a Savior.
MCamp posted a comment · Nov 08, 2019
Michael, one problem with these interactions you explain is the difference in how you and "progressives" view scripture and define right behavior. Your request for "one explicit verse that sanctions same-sex relationships" is one example. It's a silly request. Why? Because just because a explicit verse isn't there doesn't mean something is wrong.
Can you cite one explicit verse that sanctions the abolition of slavery? How about civil rights for blacks and African Americans? How about one verse where Jesus condemns same sex relationships (and not merely one on marriage in the context of divorce) or even mentions homosexuality? How about a verse that sanctions women's voting rights? And please make them all explicit. Do you see what I mean?
You keep saying you want to be scriptural. Fine. But you appear to mock someone who doesn't believe the Bible is THE final authority. Why is that such an evil belief? You don't even take it seriously. The Bible is full of wonderful, inspirational wisdom, especially from Jesus and how he interprets the prophets and Torah. But it also is full of disturbing violent narratives attributed to God. Why is it such a terrible thing for someone to reject those narratives? In fact, both Jesus and Paul did. As far as the homosexual narratives in the Bible, there is plenty of biblical and historical evidence that what they are talking about is NOT mutually loving same-sex relationships, but rather cultic shrine prostitution (both homo- and heterosexual), sexual exploitation, and pederasty.
You also dismiss too easily the claims these people make. Are you not aware of the other side of your argument (that there are "thousands of ex-gays") that there are a large percentage if not a majority of these very ex-gays that changed their mind about actually being ex-gay? What happened to the Exodus organization? They folded and the director, Alan Chambers, apologized. What about the testimony of John Paulk? He was the poster boy for James Dobson and Love Won Out until he realized he was living a lie and was still gay… and found peace that God was okay with that. And Mel White, who did essentially the same? And many others, like my friend who tried to go through these ex-gay ministries and found them to be fraudulent. What about the studies done that show sexual orientation cannot be changed, only stuffed? What about these facts?
The question is, is it possible to love God and love your neighbor and be gay? That is the only requirements Jesus gave to be in the kingdom (and loving neighbor meant to also love one's enemy). Paul even restricted it to love your neighbor. "Anyone who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law" Romans 13:8.
I want to take you up on your challenge. If you reach out to me as a progressive Christian, I will engage--if you are open to engagement on your show or other venue. I am a former evangelical, missionary, and "progressive" Christian author. Best to you.
Dora posted a comment · Dec 28, 2018
I would challenge any of these "progressives" to read 'The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert' by Rosaria Champagne Butterfield. Absolutely inciteful read into the LBGT worldview and how the power of God can change lives if you are willing to challenge your presumption of truth with what's found in scripture - something we should all be doing :) Enjoy!
WordNerd posted a comment · Dec 19, 2018
23 years after Sowell's book, there is, sadly, even more non-empirical ideas accepted as "moot points" which reject well-known easily-accessed facts and evidence. For example, maiming healthy human bodies and subjecting them to risky lifelong "medication" because the person "thinks" their body is "wrong". God commands us to think and use our minds, which is the location of spiritual battle. We need to fill our minds with scripture, but also to stop and consider carefully the issues and ideas presented to us. It seems that many Christians prefer the ease of going along with the culture, and would rather not do the hard work of resisting sinful human nature. It's the ultimate selfishness and lack of care for your neighbors and the lost ones.
WordNerd posted a comment · Dec 19, 2018
The so-called "progressives" we're euphemistically dubbed "the Anointed" by Thomas Sowell in his visionary 1995 book. I highly recommend everyone especially authentic Christ-followers to read it, if you want some clarity as to how statistics are manipulated and why so many are wrong and not based on empirical evidence (such as that "1/2 of all marriages end in divorce"), how blatant policy failures continue to be pushed by "elites" (such as sex "education" and "affirmative action"), and how anyone who disagrees is a backwards bigot, deserving to be silenced despite the First Amendment. It's been going on for decades, and longer. There is now what I call a "Christian Elite" that has been duped by these "self-congratulatory" folks and have joined them. As Dr Brown indicated: being conformed to culture rather than separating your mind from it with God's truth.