kibruyonathan38 posted a comment · Aug 22, 2019
When John Duncan says that, he would mean that just like in Russia, preaching the Gospel in the open-air, sharing the Gospel with friends and coworkers--even in your own home, and inviting friends to come to church to hear the Word of God should all be made illegal not just as these people offend LGBT people, but the Gospel, according to the Russian law, is the most restrictive measure, especially in post-Soviet history. You know what? So that's his opinion. How 'bout he let us have our opinion? I believe in the Gospel, and preaching the Gospel in the open-air, sharing the Gospel with friends and coworkers--even in your own home, and inviting friends to come to church to hear the Word of God should all be legalized everywhere, once again, including Russia.
And also, the Bible says in Mark 16:15: Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.
kibruyonathan38 posted a comment · Aug 22, 2019
When John Duncan says that, he would mean that just like in Russia, preaching the Gospel in the open-air, sharing the Gospel with friends and coworkers--even in your own home, and inviting friends to come to church to hear the Word of God should all be made illegal not just as these people offend LGBT people, but the Gospel, according to the Russian law, is the most restrictive measure, especially in post-Soviet history. You know what? So that's his opinion. How 'bout he let us have our opinion? I believe in the Gospel, and preaching the Gospel in the open-air, sharing the Gospel with friends and coworkers--even in your own home, and inviting friends to come to church to hear the Word of God should all be legalized everywhere, once again, including Russia.
DStephens posted a comment · May 27, 2019
Many years ago, I homeschooled our children. Sometimes, during public school hours I would take the children to a grocery store. At that time of the day it was usually quiet and I would let them put their math skills to use in a real world setting. One morning, I was approached by a woman who was an acquaintance of my family as a relation to one of my mother's friends. The conversation started off with questions about why the children weren't in school and one of them quickly shared that they were homeschooled. The situation quickly went wrong. She told my children that was wrong and I should be arrested. I admit that I was stunned momentarily. Thankfully, I snapped out of it and did my best to gracefully exit the situation while screamed at my frightened children that they were going to be stupid. After 14 years of home schooling, both of my children had went off to college and later graduated. We must not be afraid to answer the call of God no matter what others may say. This reminds me of Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.