
allenrayjohnson posted a comment · Nov 22, 2020
First of all, Donald Trump is not our savior! Nor is Joe Biden?
Our task foremost is to follow Jesus as He taught us.
Be reminded of Luke 6:46, where Jesus laments, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord, yet do not do what I ask?"
It is so sad to me that so many church folks are tied up in knots echoing Trump's charge of fraud. According to mental health diagnosis criteria, he fits all (yes, all) the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He is incapable of conceding. Pray for his soul, not his presidency! Jesus said, "What profits a person to gain the whole world yet lose his soul?" If you truly love Donald Trump, pray for this man who indeed did gain the whole world in politics and in finance and in fame. So what about his soul?

Wilebo posted a comment · Nov 21, 2020
I appreciate Dr. Brown's ability to see both sides. What he says is tough medicine. God's Word and good counsel is what we need.

czarpaul posted a comment · Nov 21, 2020
Hopefully the judgment the US so rightly deserves is coming then a revival after said judgment wakes up the mostly sleeping church. It will be worse than it would have been 4 years ago given we didn't go out enough masse over the past 4 years to take the country back. I said 4 years ago a Trump presidency would be nice but if we are just going to waste it it would be better Hilary be elected and God's judgment come upon us than to get a reprieve and waste it and then get a even worse judgment. A EMP and nukes could devastate the US and wake up the church but since we squandered our reprieve must we now suffer first??? If so how long???

Bright Reaper posted a comment · Nov 21, 2020
Shalom . . .
Among other things, Jesus said he was the ‘Truth’. What did He mean by that?
Like Dr. Brown, and I’m sure many others, we’ve prayed for truth to be revealed. I personally have prayed that ‘truth about EVERYTHING be revealed’.
I believe for the most part, that my prayers are already answered. (Like with believing Jesus, I can choose to believe the truth or not, when it has been shared with me.) So I hear about this ‘ugly’ truth myself, though I don’t have proof because I’ve not seen it 100% with my eyes. I only have a knowing in my spirit. I’m told how there is much voting fraud, and I even see evidence. I hear testimony of undercover people who speak about the fraud, but must remain anonymous for threat of harm to their life and family and property, and even those who speak about the fraud in the open. [For any of you who don’t believe the depth of corruption in our government, here is an excellent listen: Adam Andrzejewski | The Depth of the Swamp | from Hillsdale College, a Christian non government funded college. Adam has collected absolute proof about corruption. I believe to the depths of my soul, that many governors (Adam speaks of one in particular) and people in ‘high places’ of authority, including Obamas, Clintons and Bidens are a part of the corruption - [though anyone has an opportunity to repent].)
With Jesus, He told His disciples in advance of His death and resurrection. Were any of those He told eye witnesses of the death and raising of Lazarus?
So the time comes, and ‘truth’ dies. Can you imagine what was going on internally with those people (disciples) who had believed? Did Thomas know about Lazarus? Had Lazarus died again before Jesus was raised?
WILL THE TRUTH AGAIN DIE? . . . truth sets us free. . . . truth empowers us.
If the truth again dies, it is just like with Jesus. They (those money hungry power lovers) hate the truth and want to kill (silence) it by any means necessary. Because the truth exposes their evil . . . they will not come to the Light because their evil would be exposed and they would lose their power and money. They are the ones that love darkness rather than Light.
But they will get a real surprise when the truth rises on the third day!

SteveW posted a comment · Nov 21, 2020
One further thing to add: This fraud has not just been committed by the Dems, but also certain elements of the GOP, MSM, Big Tech, Billionaire Elites (Soros) and other bad foreign actors (e.g. votes were counted in Germany!) are in on this. The future of the USA Republic is at stake here. I agree with Dr Brown that there is trouble ahead no matter who "wins", but I would suggest that the USA will fair better if it starts with the legitimate President in place. Prov 11:1 "Dishonest scales are an abomination to the LORD".

SteveW posted a comment · Nov 21, 2020
I am astonished that Dr Brown has not yet figured out whether a great fraud has been perpetrated or not. It does not take much due diligence to see that a fraud on an industrial scale has taken place. My particular favourite (so many to choose from) is the fact that some precincts show decimal places in the voter counts. How on earth can half a person cast a vote? This happens when the voting machine fraudulently weights votes e.g. A Trump vote counts as 0.75, and a Biden vote 1.25! You will notice that those like Swkh310 who claim there is no evidence of voter fraud, never actually engage with the specific claims of fraud – it’s easier to put their fingers in their ears and go la-la-la-la. I get a strong sense that Dr Brown thinks that if there is a massive fraud then everyone should just roll over and accept an illegitimate President. I do not think that Dr Brown would ever have qualified as one of the ‘Mighty Men of David’ back in the day.

Lfannon93 posted a comment · Nov 21, 2020
I dont know the exact how, or why, when, who....but i know without any doubt there is systemic fraud and i feel a sense of urgency...i feel media,large tech, media networks are bought and paid for and their agenda is to get trump out move in biden who will be a puppet. I dont know the details....but i feel like there is a darkness with a sinister spiritual agenda and if Trump loses things are going to turn dark here and quickly. The American people will become enslaved. Thats rational or irrational i dont know. That is the message i feel im getting ,feeling...a constant prod urge to prayer, to speak up, speak out which i didnt vote trump in 2016 and im usually non political
..i voted and have been reading watching everything i is that constant feeling of urgency.

Lfannon93 posted a comment · Nov 21, 2020
I dont know the exact how, or why, when, who....but i know without any doubt there is systemic fraud and i feel a sense of urgency...i feel media,large tech, media networks are bought and paid for and their agenda is to get trump out move in biden who will be a puppet. I dont know the details....but i feel like there is a darkness with a sinister spiritual agenda and if Trump loses things are going to turn dark here and quickly. The American people will become enslaved. Thats rational or irrational i dont know. That is the message i feel im getting ,feeling...a constant prod urge to prayer, to speak up, speak out which i didnt vote trump in 2016 and im usually non political
..i voted and have been reading watching everything i is that constant feeling of urgency.

Lfannon93 posted a comment · Nov 21, 2020
I feel without a doubt Trump won by an unheard of amount. I feel it has been planned for awhile maybe including the clintons and obamas. I think that many anomalies have been found. Blatant fraud with affidavits, witnesss. To me there is no doubt and I worry because i dont think biden is mentally competent or morally competent either. I feel God has a plan for Trump. I can sense spiritually Trump is more than just the president whether he knows or not. I worry, overthink things. I feel its my responsability to support Trump and i have faith in my God. Because my God is a mighty God he reigns. All things will come to light and revenge justice will be delivered by the lord. His will be done so...i woukd think yes trump will win but i dont always know Gods plan i must have faith it will be as it should.

RandySandford posted a comment · Nov 20, 2020
Agree with you on almost everything said here, Dr. Brown, except for the statement "They might just as well be following Rev. Jim Jones". I don't know, how in any way, you could compare Trump to Jones. I think you went too far for anyone's logic on that one. You can do better!

RAS posted a comment · Nov 20, 2020
"past, present, and future tense" -- wish there was editing here, I am atrocious at spelling and typos.

RAS posted a comment · Nov 20, 2020
Should have used the word, "won", because it is part, present, and future tense; my bad.

RAS posted a comment · Nov 20, 2020
Swkh310, it doesn't matter who won. In the end, God wins everything.

Swkh310 posted a comment · Nov 20, 2020
There are no “questions.” Biden won the electoral college, and Biden won the popular vote. And the deplorables have not produced one shred of evidence in in a court of law. It’s over. Bigly.

RAS posted a comment · Nov 20, 2020
I admire Boteach’s writing skills, although not to the degree that I am stunned at how oblivious he is to the current crises—the result of a world view brought about by intellectualization rather than faith in the Gospel. The things we are watching unfold before us are NOT signs of a healthy nation, but of a collapsing civilization. We are in the midst of a spiritual war being played out by clay figures in a temporal world: a world where for an appointed time evil is allowed to prevail for a season that it may be brought into the light for the end purpose of judgment. I never believed for one moment Trump could MAGA. Only God could do that, and it cannot come politically, but by repentance, faith, and the Word of God. Still, God will bring judgment upon America for the great wickedness that is, and has taken place, just as both houses of Israel and Judea faced judgment. We cannot escape that. I have grave doubts that the America we loved will come back; but as individuals, through prayer and repentance, whosoever will can. God raised up Trump for a purpose. I thank God for that. If that purpose is nearly fulfilled, and God is moving to the next phase, so be it. Jesus said take up your cross and follow me, if the time has come to bear it down the road of persecution to a crucifixion in American society, so be it. Fret not when the wicked rule for their appointed time, for: – A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this. When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed for ever: But thou, Lord, art most high for evermore. Psalm 92: 6-8