Posted Dec 29, 2015 by Michael L. Brown

In January of this year, I wrote that 2015 would be a year of pushback, and throughout this year,

we have seen how God’s people have been pushing back against the downward slide of our


I believe that this pushback will continue and intensify in 2016 and that we will see the evidence

of a rising, nation-impacting, Jesus-based counterculture revolution.

May I encourage your heart and build your faith by sharing some of my own testimony with

you? Although I will tell you my personal story, this is not about me. It’s about you and about

this generation, and I write simply as a witness.

In April of 1983, during an intense season of prayer, the Lord spoke to me that I would be part of

a revival that would touch the world.

Thirteen years later, that promise was fulfilled as God called me to be part of the leadership of

the Brownsville Revival, a revival that drew people from more than 130 nations and, to this day,

is touching people around the world.

Grads from the ministry school we raised up in the revival – originally the Brownsville Revival

School of Ministry, continuing today as FIRE School of Ministry – are making an amazing

impact for Jesus in many nations, and that is just a part of the lasting, global fruit of the revival.

What the Lord spoke to me in 1983 He brought to pass, a credit to His faithfulness, not mine.

Then, starting in the late 1990’s, He began to lay on my heart that there would be a gospel-based

countercultural revolution in America that would help take back some of the moral ground that

had been stolen from under our feet.

I believe we are in the early stages of that revolution, as more and more of God’s people are

saying, “Enough is enough! We refuse to live the way we have been living, and we refuse to

allow our country to be destroyed. We’re ready to do God’s will and exalt Jesus and touch this

generation, regardless of cost or consequence. Let us move forward without flinching!”

If you are reading this article, you are probably one of these people, and I truly believe that,

despite all the really bad news around us, God is up to something big.

This nation is about to be rocked, and it will be through prayer and the power of the Spirit and

through a godly remnant that rises up and refuses to back down.

And I have strong reasons to believe this.

The same God who told me that I would be in the midst of a revival that would touch the world

also told me that I would be a voice for this holy revolution on national talk radio and through

online writing. (Let me say it again: I am testifying to God’s faithfulness, not mine, and if He can

use me, He can use anyone.)

For more than 7 years now, I have served as “your voice of moral, cultural, and spiritual

revolution” on national talk radio (that’s how the announcer introduces me five days a week),

and I have been writing regular “revolutionary” articles for major websites since 2010 – on this

website since 2012, including more than 140 articles posted here in the last 12 months, without

pay or compensation from Charisma, since I write these articles out of a sense of burden and


By God’s grace, the reach of our message continues to grow, as we currently reach as many 50

million people just on our AskDrBrown Facebook page, with as many 5 million actively engaged

(meaning, liking, sharing, or commenting on a post) – and that is not counting all the people we

reach through radio or TV or YouTube or other websites.

What is the point in sharing all this?

I write these words as a witness, testifying that what God has spoken He is bringing to pass.

And He wants to use all of us together.

There are no superstars in God’s kingdom, no big shots, no celebrities.

All of us are servants, and none of us succeed on our own.

That means that I have not reached millions of people this year but we have reached them

together, as you took the time to read these articles and share them with your friends; as you

prayed and believed and took action; as you took a stand right where you live – behind your

pulpits; in your living rooms; on your jobs; in your class rooms.

Together, we are forging a nation-changing movement, and to the core of my being, I am

convinced that things are ready to explode in a glorious, life-giving way right here in America.

I assure you that this is not just idle talk or foolish charismania.

Something is ready to burst, and I truly believe that everything we have done so far, swimming

against the tide and going against the grain, is just the preparation for what is to come. What we

thought was the ceiling is actually the floor to the next level.

And so, as we come to the end of this year, I’m asking you to partner with me in this

revolutionary cause, not for my sake but for the sake of the gospel. It is all about Him and only

about Him, and as you help amplify my voice in 2016, I will help magnify His name.

In addition to the hundreds of articles I have posted in the last 5 years, all of our radio broadcasts

– 10 hours a week – are made available free online, and every week, we post new video

commentaries on YouTube, doing our best to share freely what the Lord has given to us.

But we are barely scratching the surface: We have invitations to be on more radio stations across

America; we have the opportunity to produce new, cutting-edge TV shows that will equip you to

respond to the most critical issues of the day; we have major plans for frontline Jewish outreach,

in America, Israel, and around the world; we want to post timely YouTube videos on a daily

basis as the news happens.

The only thing lacking is the funding for these critically important projects, and if you feel it

would good for this message to reach many millions more in 2016, then I ask you to:

1) Pray with me that Jesus would be exalted more and more and that every need would be met.

2) Consider making a year-end, tax-deductible donation to our ministry. I give you my word that

every dollar will be invested in fanning the flames of this new Jesus Revolution and not a dime

of it will enrich me or my team.

3) Continue to share these articles with others as we work together to shake the nations.

4) If you live within a few hours of Charlotte, North Carolina, join us for our first-ever Night to

Ignite visionary banquet on January 28th.

With all my heart, I thank you for your solidarity and support, and it is my fervent hope and

prayer that I will be able to serve all of you more effectively in the years ahead.

So, on with it! The time for change is now.

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