
OT posted a comment · May 31, 2022
Hyperbolic- deluded

Really now posted a comment · May 27, 2022
Mikey says above that the ‘revolution’ is here!!! Stating - ‘What we need is a beautiful expression of what a culture of life looks like, with thriving marriages and blessed kids and a sense of purpose and joy in our lives’….
Hmmmm let’s hope he reads the 400+ report that unearths decades of horrific abuse at the hands of the Southern Baptist Convention, America’s largest Christian organization with over 14 million members. Do they represent part of the ‘beautiful expression of what a culture of life looks like’’? Or is the SBC also in need of revolution?? But I thought ‘Christians’ WERE the chosen ones? Or maybe these SBC ‘Christians’ aren’t ‘real’ Christians?? I’m confused. I don’t get it….

OT posted a comment · May 22, 2022
@ swkh310 your widely discrepant conclusions that you visit here daily on Askdrbrown in a malcontent manor a clear contrast of light and dark, true and false narratives , you have a declared hero on here a kindred spirit! As Implied that you are one in the same! I have to admit I thought the same….but concluded you couldn’t be so devious, it’s likely you are of the same spirit, self described “progressive christian” I could be wrong though ….

Really now posted a comment · May 22, 2022
Well, I greatly admire ol’ Swkh310, but we are different people. Kindred spirits, but different souls.
While you may be right about ‘God never changing’, our UNDERSTANDING of God, however, can, must, and should change in time. Otherwise we’d be somewhat on par with God, wouldn’t we?? How can we EVER say that we fully understand a God who’s been at work for BILLIONS of years??
Plus, despite the black and white thinking mikey and his cohorts love to profess, life is incredibly complex and nuanced. It is easy to think in a black and white fashion. Nuanced thought takes courage, intelligence, risk, and true faith. After raising our kids in the Christian tradition, our younger daughter came out in her teens. If you think I’m going to celebrate and welcome my straight daughter’s relationships, but not my gay daughter’s you are crazy. And before you quote a scripture at me - what would YOU do??

Severiano David posted a comment · May 22, 2022
Having followed Dr Brown's articles and reader comments for many many years, I have noticed regular comments made by "Swkh310' and "Really Now" for a good amount of time, and this individual will always have something to say that is antagonistic towards Bible believing Christians while praising Lukewarm, "progressive Christians". Progressive Christianity is an oxymoron in terms, because a progressive's stances changes over time, hence their acceptance of issues that are antithetical towards Scripture such as Abortion and homosexuality; whereas a Christian in the biblical sense of the word holds fast, firm and true to the unadulterated and inerrant Word, which never changes!
By the way, why do I get the impression that these two are one and the same person using two different aliases? Because not only are their writings similar in style but their comments are almost nearly chronologically ordered? Just an observation though....

Really now posted a comment · May 20, 2022
Swkh310 really is my hero. What great points. Despite what Mikey brown, and others here LOVE to focus on, a post ‘revival’ world would look EXACTLY the same as now. The ONLY thing most Christians are ‘superior’ at is pretending they are ‘better than’ anyone else.

OT posted a comment · May 16, 2022
Swkh310 the duplicity is diabolical….. duplicity, like: deceit, double-dealing, deception, hypocrisy, mendacity, dishonesty, chicanery, cunning, duality, fraud and guile. and you criticize because your target is doesn’t please you and you give a pass to pro-choice “terrorists” who fire bomb citizens on American soil in the name of activism!
News Headline “According to a police chief in Madison where it happened, "the arson is not considered a terrorist incident." So, firebombing with Molotov cocktails for political reasons, threats left on the wall in spray paint, definitely not terrorism. Let's call it activism, because, you know, a fire broke out.

czarpaul posted a comment · May 15, 2022
While I agree on the NEED for this I don't think we'll get it. We didn't start doing any coast to coast preaching and so on when God gave us the REPRIEVE of Trump so there is no reason to believe we now will do so. Yes the country is fighting back but like the Israelites who went to conquer the land after rejecting the faithful spies message God is NOT with America. This "Revolution" will end in the same failure!

OT posted a comment · May 15, 2022
Seek the truth
Listen to the truth
Teach the truth
Love the truth
Abide by the truth
And defend the truth
Unto death.
— John Huss

OT posted a comment · May 15, 2022
Skwh310 you have absolutely no credibility, you use fraudulent research, poles, data all day long! And what makes you think you’ve got the monopoly on morals. I don’t like saying it but You’ll lead people to hell as the duplicitous pied Piper Anything goes kinda of moral fraud! Jesus came to conquer sin and death so that through him we could to. Not throw our hands up in defeat I give into lust or whatever. I wish you would acknowledge the error of your false gospel and repent while you still have time! Please. I’m not the judge but when it comes to laws and social policy making, - yes people make their own choices, but telling them you can be a follower of Christ and do what you want He died on the cross so you could without restraint! God have mercy your whataboutisms are endless you defend societal wrongs because everyone in your cross heirs etc …..blew it some place and time in history.

OT posted a comment · May 15, 2022
Skwh310 What a bunch %*#€}Hooey why did Jesus come ? For flawed sinful people who don’t get it right! Of which you are the biggest one here on askdrbrown your not a very Christian like are you!

Swkh310 posted a comment · May 15, 2022
What a bunch of self-congratulatory nonsense. As Christians, we do not have some kind of monopoly on morals. We are just as flawed as our non-Christian brothers and sisters, proven by centuries of crusades, imperialism, and inquisitions.