
OT posted a comment · May 09, 2022
Glad you live in Canada!

Really now posted a comment · May 08, 2022
The social implications of drastically reducing abortion access are HUGE. Half of the nation’s abortions are completed by women living in poverty. The continuation of those unwanted pregnancies would dig these people even deeper in the hole, and could also severely impact the ‘fathers’ of these babies with crippling life long economic and social impacts. ‘Orangehunter’ says below that ‘Christians are called to care for the preservation of human life’. I call B$ tho. Doing NOTHING about the underlying reasons people choose to end a pregnancy, the Christian Right believes in the preservation of THEIR white, straight, evangelical lives, but could give a rip about ‘other lives’.

OT posted a comment · May 08, 2022
How you bi·fur·cate your faith and the rest…….will you ever repudiate your own duplicity?” Shrug”

OT posted a comment · May 08, 2022
The laughable duplicity of the liberal democrat left, pure unethical behavior/corruption Skwh310 is incapable of speaking too it because of a worship like rev·er·ence for anti God party! Duplicity of the top order of evil parading as the preferred conduct of political/theatre it really is nothing more than a production of the dark side Skwh310 nothing more than a tool…

OT posted a comment · May 06, 2022
Your example is laughable! I’ve witnessed lgbtq/assault a elderly lady ripped her sign out of her hand and pushed her down! What a joke / I thought you were talking about violently setting fire and burning entire city blocks /google counter protests by far the violence is on the part of the left statistics show your argument falls flat! Mainstream won’t report on it Violence from the left is arrested more than Christians are! The fact that you’ll lie expected! Oh and Antifa assaults group in portland w/ live mortars and then scurrying like rats !

Swkh310 posted a comment · May 06, 2022
Christian Nationalists and White Supremicists:

OT posted a comment · May 05, 2022
Pure left political theater, talking heads trying to influence talking points !

OT posted a comment · May 05, 2022
Who says ? Name Sources Skwh310 says:
“Christian Nationalist men are the most violent demographic in the country right now.”

Swkh310 posted a comment · May 05, 2022
Dr. Brown’s article predicted that potential violence would come from the Left. I’m merely stating indisputable facts: white, Christian Nationalist men are the most violent demographic in the country right now.

OrangeHunter posted a comment · May 05, 2022
Swkh310, this isn't a matter of privacy, but of preservation of human life. You know, the thing Christians are called to care for? It has nothing to do with contraception. If you had a real Christian faith, you would've known this. Beisdes, what kind of racist rubbish is this: "...overwhelming majority of violence in this country is committed by middle-age, white, right-wing Christian, men"? Uhmm...Evidence? I don't think you have any. Drop out the racism and start being a decent human.

OT posted a comment · May 05, 2022
63 million abortions - 63 million acts of violence to snuff out life of a child! Get effing real the idiocy ideology of the left ! Skwh310 God cares about those 63 million snuffed out lives. More than your utilization sophistry the deliberate use of a false argument with the intent to trick/deceive someone, use of a false or untrue argument.

Swkh310 posted a comment · May 04, 2022
This is a surprise? The Right has been focused on this for fifty years. My biggest concern is the basis for this decision. If the Supreme Court rules that there is no right to privacy in the Constitution, then the larger implications are endless -- including and up the ability to purchase contraception. (PS: the boogeyman claim of potential violence conveniently misses that the overwhelming majority of violence in this country is committed by middle-age, white, right-wing Christian, men. The worst thing the Left will do is snarl traffic with another pointless march.)

czarpaul posted a comment · May 03, 2022
We should prepare. We are taking a sacred cow from the left, the Golden Calf, abortion nationwide on demand. We're in for more violence than we've seen since the civil war.