truthforce posted a comment · Jan 15, 2021
Christians have been proven to be confused, misled, and easily deceived into doing evil. You would think that they would have learned their lesson after seeing the truth of Vietnam, would have seen the character of politicians over the years-liars all. But 9-11 was blamed on Muslims, and despite no significant evidence of blame on Afghanistan, Christians by the tens of thousands enlisted to go kill Arabs. Bush and Obama were shown to be evil lying warmongering liars, yet Christians killed for them willingly . The bible tells us regarding the love of money, yet Christians are quick to get rich and have slaves (minimum wage employees). I am trying to facilitate the survival and transformation of the planet, but if Christians have such a hard time perceiving what the truth really is (supporting any democrat or republican), how can they expect to win in this battle between good and evil, when they cannot discern truth from fiction, good values from wrong, shepherds from wolves, etc.. An easily decieved and obedient to lying leaders and shepherds seems to be the Christian character. Perhaps you should rethink the idea of being a sheep as being a positive attribute.

Contend4Truth posted a comment · Dec 28, 2020
Thank you Dr. Brown. No doubt many people on the right will find your words in this article offensive. But the gospel is neither right nor left -- thank you for bravely standing with God and not with any political fad.

Deancooper posted a comment · Dec 28, 2020
I think if you would listen to Flynn some, you would understand what he was meaning to say. As I understand him, he is simply saying that our country was designed by our founders assuming a moral and believing people. Once our country departs from those, our constitution doesn't really work. You can't fully separate our nation (our flag) from a people that believe in God. If you do, the whole thing will eventually fall apart. And yes, believers don't get a pass just because they believe. Morality does matter. But the farther you go to the Left, the more they hate God and want to tear down all biblical concepts of morality. The Left is the antithesis of what our country was founded on. Since I think Flynn was talking along these lines, I cheer him on. And I regret that you chose to disparage him.

Swkh310 posted a comment · Dec 23, 2020
I place the blame squarely on the revisionist history that turned the deeply flawed, shortsighted, duplicitous founders into some kind of brilliant statesmen.

czarpaul posted a comment · Dec 22, 2020
Man you seem all over the place. In us vs them we are not saying we are without sin but recognize PUBLICLY confessing that sin in today's cancel culture would be very harmful. We confess PRIVATELY to God and reveal nothing to those that would slander and destroy us. We we founded on Christian principles and for along time were a Christian nation and most who serve WERE Christian believing they were doing their duty to God and country.
You seem to be extrapolating an awful lot from what he said. And very few trump supporters would support the thing the German church did in Nazi era Germany. Antisemitism was rife in the European church then so it was easier to blame the Jews and have Christians look the other way.
Remember too Obama was openly talked about by several of his supporters as the second coming an a messianic figure or messiah. Trump was not called that by many if any of his. No I don't think all dems or leftists are evil but I believe most are simply deceived.

kimberly posted a comment · Dec 22, 2020
Dr. Brown, excellent article !!! Keep speaking truth !!!

[email protected] posted a comment · Dec 22, 2020
I had the same or similar tho't as RAS. The word "and" associates the two, but does not NecessarilY conflate them. For some it could, for others it might not. I've never been a flag waver, but I'm giving him a pass on that one. I like your post, though. Good job. Strictly speaking, IF the flag represents a true god fearing country and IF there is in fact only one actual god (the Bible is100% clear that there's actually only one true almighty self-existent creator and savior of mankind), IF the "Banner of Christ" is Christ's "flag" (some concepts I find rather vague and alien to the Bible--I think of "His banner over me is love" so that's a different thing because God's or Christ's banner there is "love", not God Himself, though if God is love, then I guess His banner is Himself, and Jehovah(God is salvation), so maybe. . . . another discussion) then you could say the American flag is also the flag of Christ. I don't think I would be caught dead saying that the American flag is the flag of Christ; probably for all your reasons and more. By the way, I don't think there's any such thing as the flag of Christ, is there? But I digress. I'm not actually trying to nit pick. I am just saying (having virtually no information about (Lieutenant?) General Flynn) I'm still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in using "and." As far as I know, General Flynn may be a non-believing "God and country" careless ignoramous on matters of Christ; he maybe a man who every moment has the eyes of his heart on Jesus our Savior and Lord and will die in that blessed state. I'm GuessinG he's closer to the latter than the former. First post ever on this site. Badly written. Will try being succinct next time.

RAS posted a comment · Dec 22, 2020
Last stanza of the Star-Spangled Banner .....................................................................................
O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand.................................................................................
Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation! ................................................................
Blest with vict'ry and peace may the heav'n rescued land .......................................................
Praise the power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation! .................................................
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, ......................................................................
And this be our motto - "In God is our trust,"...............................................................................
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave ..............................................................
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. ...............................................................
What do you think? Should Sir Francis Scott Key be denounced and labeled Christian nationalist?

RAS posted a comment · Dec 22, 2020
Maybe Flynn is not conflating the two, as the word "and" is used to separate the Banner of Christ and the flag . I have no doubt the hand of God was instrumental in the creation and rise of America. If our flag to you symbolizes the things that God gave us, I have no problem standing with that symbol in preservation of those gifts. This all comes down to context and meanings, which vary among individuals. Viewing Flynn's statements in only one context is itself an over simplification. As for Christian nationalism, I see the term as an oxymoron. You cannot serve two masters. However, if you are embracing your nation as a gift from God for the purpose of preserving what little is left and restoring the former things God gave to this nation, it is a noble cause. In such context, patriotism is not dangerous but honorable.