OT posted a comment · Apr 20, 2021
Dr. Brown please consider a up or down feature - thumbs up! - thumbs down! feature on your website ASK DR BROWN Please think about what it would add to the exchange on here! again Dr Brown thank you for your grounded commentary on current events and trending narratives - subjects and how it lines up with The Word! your common sense approach that is not always popular and draws Ire from left leaning commenters on Thank you
OT posted a comment · Apr 20, 2021
Turn Around Time on News is instantaneous! hence what you see is News engineering a reaction not a response! some call that incitement! freedom of the press should be veritas sadly it is not. The Media/News cares not about Veritas. Engineering a narrative is not News it is Fake News! We the people should insist on veritas. To whom do protections for news media apply in an era in which the Internet and social media platforms make everyone a potential publisher? as much as I distrust the news at least Fox News gives you the whole story! We report you decide - CNN not so much! CNN tells you what to believe ! and insults your right to your convictions ! they e·quiv·o·cate - intransitive verb. 1 : to use equivocal language especially with intent to deceive. 2 : to avoid committing oneself in what one says.- CNN
OT posted a comment · Apr 19, 2021
Swkh310 Writes
“Fear not only “sells,” but manufactured, baseless fear propelled a deranged demagogue to the White House for four torturous years.”
——No one to blame———
Left wing media is in bed w/far left deep state that doesn’t exist! For Trumps election and the providential care of God as some said ! Raising the Ire of Godless abortion supporting lefty’s who removed the mention of His Name in the lefty platform ! What a bleating wince .... what was God thinking putting Trump in at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave...DC oh and how the left screamed Illegitimate! They tried to thwart his presidency at every turn! So tell me who is illegitimate! The Democrats are!
czarpaul posted a comment · Apr 17, 2021
"and we are close to crossing over the point of no return."
We have past that point! Some don't want to admit that desperately clinging to some miracle that will wash over that nation. It isn't IF America will fall but WHEN. He didn't spare Ancient Israel from falling and we are worse. Whoever survives can bring about revival but sometimes a people need to be broken before revival not just brought to their knees. We have been given many smaller judgments yet none brought the nation back. Sin is far too ingrained in society for small to medium judgments. This time it will have to be full blown.
Swkh310 posted a comment · Apr 16, 2021
Fear not only “sells,” but manufactured, baseless fear propelled a deranged demagogue to the White House for four torturous years.