
Carl Staton posted a comment · Sep 08, 2020
I am a Black man. Born in Baltimore and raised in very rural northeastern North Carolina. I love this country. I have traced my ancestry as far back as the 1840 census where my forefather was recorded in the census "male negro slave 4 yrs old." The real history vs hypothetical is that I know of no other country in history that has gone to war against itself to right the wrong of slavery. For me, that and the civil rights laws and equality measures that followed is more than enough. An equal opportunity to live the American dream and the legal standing to bring the full force of the American justice system to bare on those who would sever my civil rights. What was not mentioned in the hypothetical "White slavery" scenario was a political party that represents over half of the American population that not only went to war to defend slavery but has continued to this day to hold Blacks as hostages to their paternal socialistic ideology that closely resembles how the slave masters of old treated Blacks on their plantations before they were liberated. Look how we are housed together, educated, and taken for granted that we would continue to depend on them and not have the freedom to succeed or fail. That is the party that always emphasizes and divides by physical traits instead of seeing every man, woman, and child as an equal member of ONE race, the Human Race.

czarpaul posted a comment · Sep 07, 2020
You mentioned the past leaving scars yet scars cannot form if the scab over the wound is continually ripped off. Race is simply a subset of humanity a grouping based on various factors. There are at least 25 maybe 50+. If blacks and whites got more in tune with God racism would disappear. Racism corrupts the diversity God built into humanity and is built on hate. Instead of eliminating the idea of races, as we have evidence these groupings exist, let us get rid of the hatred.

czarpaul posted a comment · Sep 07, 2020
You mentioned the past leaving scars yet scars cannot form if the scab over the wound is continually ripped off. Race is simply a subset of humanity a grouping based on various factors. There are at least 25 maybe 50+. If blacks and whites go more in tune with God racism would disappear. Racism corrupts the diversity God built into humanity and is built on hate. Instead of eliminating the idea of races, as we have evidence these groupings exist, let us get rid of the hatred.

Swkh310 posted a comment · Sep 07, 2020
Dr. Brown reaches for more outrageous hypotheticals as the election draws near. Coincidence?

SteveW posted a comment · Sep 07, 2020
I wholeheartedly agree with the article's advice that Whites should be less defensive about the past and should be more empathetic to the plight of Blacks. Interestingly, the key involvement of African merchants and Islamic traders in the slave trade tells me that the problem at heart wasn't about Whites enslaving Blacks, but all about the strong exploiting the weak. The article also fails to take its argument to its logical conclusion, which is that if the circumstances had been reversed Blacks would have done exactly the same to Whites. The teaching of Scripture is that there is only one race, the human race, and in man's fallen depraved state he has an infinite capacity to inflict cruelty on his fellow man. Just look at what we all did to the Saviour of the World!