Jay500 posted a comment · Mar 14, 2020
Whether Republican or Democrat, there’s no difference between the two for the most part. Both groups are a part of the Swamp, progressives, globalists,, though most are Democrats. Many Republicans are Rinos and pseudo conservatives (Kaisech, Bush, Romney, etc.) while others have been true leaders within the party (Nunes, Jordan, Meadows, etc.). Romney has taken the baton of “independence” from McCain and ran with it in his anti Trump tirade. When he debated and disagreed with Obama it was in the context of a mutual collaboration. Yet when it came to Trump, the transformation was classic. He exhibited an energy that wasn’t detectable before. Yet, what seemed to be a major paradigm shift really wasn’t. The dark lurking shadow was always there, deep within his religious-moral psyche. He was for most his life disciplined in a passive aggressive form of external goodness. But after his loss in winning the presidency, he became personally offended by the success of Trump where all his sense of propriety was cast aside and a holy hell of bitterness poured out. Trump was the exact opposite of him: outwardly simple and offensively defiant, inwardly faithful to the true American cause. Romney was basically the same as Obama, only it was externally veiled. Those who had discernment back then at least suspected his true inclinations. Yet after Trump took office, the contrast became very clear when the true colors of many so called conservatives became abundantly clear.
neptune posted a comment · Mar 12, 2020
Wow, get a load of this: Apparently now almost two and a half times as many Democrats approve of Mitt Romney as Republicans!! Well, that tells ya everything right there. ;)
Jay500 posted a comment · Mar 11, 2020
After reading my last post, I realized I needed to take more time to self edit...
For too long there’s been so little discernment among Christians due to lazy theology. A key example is when so many cannot distinguish human good from genuine godliness. So much religion that by appearance may seem sincere but is really bogus. Misplaced fears of judging only compounds the problem. We need to know how to spiritually appraise things from God’s Word or there won’t be a handle in significant areas of spiritual warfare ....
neptune posted a comment · Mar 08, 2020
I think it's important not to overanalyze this issue. As Christians, if we have developed our sense of discernment over many years, then our "gut" or "intuition" is often a reliable way to arrive at the truth. As Christ said, "By their fruits you will know them." Romney has a history of corruption and deception—in fact, back in 2012, many people (including me) felt that there was little difference between him and Obama. So, if Romney has a history of bearing rotten fruit, why should we believe that his intentions are sincere now? Let's take a look at Luke 3:7: "Then John said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him, 'You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?'" Did John say, "Oh, these crowds are basically good people, so I won't doubt their motivations or intentions"? No! Was he being "judgmental"? No. He was a prophet with a very keen sense of discernment, so what he said was right on target. He gave that crowd a well-deserved rebuke. Does that mean that every Christian nowadays is capable of discerning just like John the Baptist? No. But at the same time, it's not healthy for Christians to be too slow to discern bad character and bad fruit. We're supposed to be as wise as serpents, not as wise as doves. Do serpents go around licking everybody's hand and believing that hearts are made of gold? ;) Yes, sometimes we will make honest mistakes, but it doesn't take Isaac Newton to see that a shady guy like Mitt Romney is someone to be very suspicious of.
Jay500 posted a comment · Mar 08, 2020
As a final thought, I thought it poignant that Paul wrote that it’s very possible for anyone to have all faith to move mountains, but without love, it would be nothing. As well, we could give up our body to be burned (a sacrifice of ourselves for a purpose we consider serious or a cause we deeply believe in) yet again, without (agape) love, it is nothing....
I’ll repeat again what I said in my first post: I don’t make any claims that I know what was in Mitt Romney’s mind/heart when he made his decision. But his past statements of outrage against Trump, apparently far more antagonistic and virulent than any other I have ever heard him publicly make against anyone, along with the seeming disregard or lack of interest he seemed to have had pertaining to the facts that were there for anyone to see that more than justified the president’s action as well as his willingness to believe a presumed take that read into what the president actually stated rather than an impartial, objective stance, it would seem that any serious, realistic consideration that he was being impartial and objective would be a stretch by a long shot. Hiding behind religious solemnity as well doesn’t cut it especially when there’s indications of a pattern of bitterness that seems very personal and unresolved.
Jay500 posted a comment · Mar 07, 2020
After more thought on this, I’m writing again, hoping that this would be more of a touchstone as to what I was originally trying to convey....
Romney was confident that the president’s guilt was beyond doubt, even though there was no way anyone can know for certain. Yet as a man in a position of power, he was willing to publicly condemn the president by casting a vote to impeach him. This was brazenness of the highest order, and yet it was all the more unsettling when he sought to validate his decision by attesting that he solemnly sought God as his witness. Even though Dr. Brown believed that the sincerity of his faith in God was genuine, it is bedeviled by the fact that his confidence of guilt concerning the president was completely based upon a presumption, not proof beyond reasonable doubt. This alone, I would think, should have at least made him pause before highlighting Romney’s’s sincerity of faith. It can be said that the Pharisee was sincere in his faith in God when he condescendingly compared himself in his prayer to the sinful tax collector (Luke 18: 9 -14), yet would it really be considered profitable in alleging it as sincere?
Though Romney didn’t make such an overt comparison of himself with President Trump, he, nevertheless, presumed against him by concluding that his phone conversation was for the purpose of interfering with the election. There was no mention on his part, that he took into consideration that the president was obligated and required by law, as the chief law officer of the United States, to investigate any possible corruption in connection to a foreign government that potentially threatened the national security of our country, especially when there was ample material evidence to back it up. It’s an obligation that overrides any supposed appearance of impropriety.
As such, it doesn’t actually serve any real purpose to highlight Romney’s sincerity of belief as being virtuously genuine, especially when it’s abstrusely tainted with an arrogance that’s based on either willful ignorance or delusion. Throughout history there have been many who were sincere in their beliefs and were willing to do whatever it takes to affirm it, even though there was no truth to it. I can understand what Dr. Brown is saying, and as much as I do respect him, his commentary fails to objectively connect the underlying presumption Romney made from the onset. This should, by any reasonable consideration, give pause in projecting any supposed virtue of genuineness concerning Romney’s sincerity of faith and supposed struggle. Otherwise, regardless of Dr. Brown’s stated disagreement with Romney’s decision, emphasizing Romney’s struggle, supposed convictions and sincerity of faith can inadvertently enhance a wrong impression that he was, perhaps, not being presumptuous after all.
God loves Mitt Romney. But it’s not because he’s sincere in his belief. God loves him, and all sinners, because it’s in His nature to do so. It’s who He is. He does not rely on any virtuous attribute in man in order for Him to love them.
It’s based on the fact that He made man in his image and even though the human race is fallen and flawed, He remembers that they are but dust. Of course that doesn’t mean that God does not get angry when there is evil. Nor does it mean, of course, that there is no justice in the end. Yet it must be remembered that Gods anger, even His wrath, is clean. It is righteous. There’s no malice in Him, no vindictiveness. Its in this, whereby His justice is the foundation for all of creation.
Thats why highlighting Romney’s sincerity of faith as supposedly genuine is missing a key significant point. It didn’t take into account that his alleged sincerity about the president’s guilt is really based upon a presumption of unprovable allegations. Thus, when he committed his decision unto God by faith, basing it all upon this presumption, it should be, in spite of his alleged struggles and concerns, at the least, disconcerting.
Jay500 posted a comment · Mar 07, 2020
After more thought on this, I’m writing again, hoping that this would be more of a touchstone as to what I was originally trying to convey....
Romney was confident that the president’s guilt was beyond doubt, even though there was no way anyone can know for certain. Yet as a man in a position of power, he was willing to publicly condemn the president by casting a vote to impeach him. This was brazenness of the highest order, and yet it was all the more unsettling when he sought to validate his decision by attesting that he solemnly sought God as his witness. Even though Dr. Brown believed that the sincerity of his faith in God was genuine, it is bedeviled by the fact that his confidence of guilt concerning the president was completely based upon a presumption, not proof beyond reasonable doubt. This alone, I would think, should have at least made him pause before highlighting Romney’s’s sincerity of faith. It can be said that the Pharisee was sincere in his faith in God when he condescendingly compared himself in his prayer to the sinful tax collector (Luke 18: 9 -14), yet would it really be considered profitable in alleging it as sincere?
Though Romney didn’t make such an overt comparison of himself with President Trump, he, nevertheless, presumed against him by concluding that his phone conversation was for the purpose of interfering with the election. There was no mention on his part, that he took into consideration that the president was obligated and required by law, as the chief law officer of the United States, to investigate any possible corruption in connection to a foreign government that potentially threatened the national security of our country, especially when there was ample material evidence to back it up. It’s an obligation that overrides any supposed appearance of impropriety.
As such, it doesn’t actually serve any real purpose to highlight Romney’s sincerity of belief as being virtuously genuine, especially when it’s abstrusely tainted with an arrogance that’s based on either willful ignorance or delusion. Throughout history there have been many who were sincere in their beliefs and were willing to do whatever it takes to affirm it, even though there was no truth to it. I can understand what Dr. Brown is saying, and as much as I do respect him, his commentary fails to objectively connect the underlying presumption Romney made from the onset. This should, by any reasonable consideration, give pause in projecting any supposed virtue of genuineness concerning Romney’s sincerity of faith and supposed struggle. Otherwise, regardless of Dr. Brown’s stated disagreement with Romney’s decision, emphasizing Romney’s struggle, supposed convictions and sincerity of faith can inadvertently enhance a wrong impression that he was, perhaps, not being presumptuous after all.
God loves Mitt Romney. But it’s not because he’s sincere in his belief. God loves him, and all sinners, because it’s in His nature to do so. It’s who He is. He does not rely on any virtuous attribute in man in order for Him to love them.
It’s based on the fact that He made man in his image and even though the human race is fallen and flawed, He remembers that they are but dust. Of course that doesn’t mean that God does not get angry when there is evil. Nor does it mean, of course, that there is no justice in the end. Yet it must be remembered that Gods anger, even His wrath, is clean. It is righteous. There’s no malice in Him, no vindictiveness. Its in this, whereby His justice is the foundation for all of creation.
Thats why highlighting Romney’s sincerity of faith as supposedly genuine is missing a key significant point. It didn’t take into account that his alleged sincerity about the president’s guilt is really based upon a presumption of unprovable allegations. Thus, when he committed his decision unto God by faith, basing it all upon this presumption, it should be, in spite of his alleged struggles and concerns, at the least, disconcerting.
neptune posted a comment · Feb 18, 2020
Thanks for clarifying, Jay500. Glad that we're on the same page. :) In addition to the general discernment that all believers should cultivate (mentioned in Hebrews 5:14), there's also a specific gift among those spiritual gifts described in Romans 12:6–8. Someone who has the first gift (prophecy) is often referred to as a "perceiver." Here's what the book "Know Your Ministry" by Marilyn Hickey (which is about spiritual gifts) says about the matter: "The gift of prophecy . . . is the ability to discern. . . . People with the prophecy motivation have great spiritual insight into what motivates others. They 'see' what prompts people's actions and can identify their intentions as being good or evil." Anyway, I bet that just about any believer who is a mature "perceiver" would see right through Mitt Romney's actions. :) Incidentally, the book I mentioned above is a great introduction to spiritual gifts. Sadly, very few believers seem to understand what their spiritual gifts are. It's important that we learn to recognize them so that we can use them effectively to build up the Body of Christ. I'm so glad that I've been able to learn more about this important topic.
Jay500 posted a comment · Feb 18, 2020
What I meant was simply what you stated: that believers should never judge a man’s motives unfairly and unjustly. Getting to the bottom of a matter requires impartiality and an unbiased mindset. Only a man who puts truth ahead of himself is able to make a righteous evaluation. I should agree with God, not myself. In the case of Romney and the democrats, there was no corroborating evidence that affirmed their allegations. Their decision to impeach was solely based on their subjective take of what he said. This was arrogance on their part. The way and manner they held the hearings, and by their vociferous statements against Trump in the past are sufficient indications that there was no real desire for justice. It was their state of mind, and thus motives, that should have been questioned by anyone who is truly objective...
Judging is a spiritual issue. Righteous judgment requires discernment. Discernment requires death to self.
This is how truth should ultimately be determined.
There’s never an advantage in being naive. In this regard, we are to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
neptune posted a comment · Feb 16, 2020
Jay500, excellent points. I wasn't clear about this statement, though: "Believers should never judge a man’s motives just like Romney and the democrats judged president Trumps. It takes arrogance to do that." If you're saying that they judged Trump unfairly and unjustly, then I can agree with that. However, the idea that we can *never* attempt to judge someone's motivations, as Brown seems to imply in this article, is just plain silly. Almost every time she hears a case, Judge Judy is judging people's motivations. Is that wrong? In general, no. That's her job. Here's how John 7:24 puts it: "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” If you are sincere and your goal is to honestly uncover the truth, then it's not necessarily wrong to question people's motivations, as long as you try to be fair about it. On the other hand, if you have no regard for the actual truth but just want to smear someone—as the Democrats seem to have done with Trump—then it *is* wrong. Similarly, if you have a beam in your own eye, then you have no business trying to judge someone else until you get rid of that first. Of course, it's one thing to question someone's motivations, but it's quite another to say that you know with absolute certainty what they were thinking. We rarely have 100% certainty about anything. But anyway, when someone has a history of slimy character (as Romney clearly does), then it isn't typically wrong to question their motivations and to be skeptical about their statements. In fact, to do otherwise is simply naive. And the Bible commands us Christians to be wise and discerning, not naive and gullible. As Proverbs 14:15a says, "The simple man believes every word." I mean, should we actually believe Nancy Pelosi when she says that she "prays" for President Trump?? LOL.
Jay500 posted a comment · Feb 16, 2020
Dr. Brown,
Maybe you believed Romney when he said he agonized over his decision. That’s your prerogative. But I ask, how would you actually know for sure and what’s the point anyway?
If his cutting himself off politically is a major reason that you took to heart when you believed him at his word, then why isn’t it not also possible that his bitterness could have been a major factor that overrode and/or influenced all those concerns? After all, the democrats seem to be going that route, why not him? I don’t claim to truly know what was going on in his mind and heart which led to his decision, but it shouldn’t take a rocket scientist to realize he could be shrewd and ruthless as your links revealed. Eyes wide open should include wise discretion.
Believers should never judge a man’s motives just like Romney and the democrats judged president Trumps. It takes arrogance to do that. No matter what Romney brought up about Article 1, I don’t recall him ever addressing the president’s obligation to investigate any corruption in our relations with foreign powers. It’s an obligation that overrides any supposed appearance of impropriety when it potentially threatens national security and there exists ample material evidence that demands an investigation.
Oreopagus posted a comment · Feb 11, 2020
That Matt Schlapp would say Romney is formally not invited to CPAC2020 reminds me of the beginning of the shunning/disfellowshipping process used by certain religious cults.
CPAC Is Officially Trump's Anti-Romney Safe Space
Oreopagus posted a comment · Feb 11, 2020
First he came for @comey...
Articles by Benjamin Wittes
Oreopagus posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
Once Trump is out of office, his projection behavior will be the subject of a mountain of books, articles, academic papers, plus talks and interviews by psychologists and psychiatrists. Actually, there is a film currently in post-production, titled #UNFIT
Projection is seeing something in others that lies in ourselves:
Remarks by President Trump to the Nation (Feb. 6, 2020)
"I want to apologize to my family for having them have to go through a phony, rotten deal by some very evil and sick people."
"So I’ve always said they’re lousy politicians, but they do two things: They are vicious and mean. Vicious. These people are vicious. Adam Schiff is a vicious, horrible person. Nancy Pelosi is a horrible person. And she wanted to impeach a long time ago. When she said, “I pray for the President. I pray for the…” — she doesn’t pray. She may pray, but she prays for the opposite. (Laughter.) But I doubt she prays at all."
Mad Man Trump has PDS—Projection Derangement Syndrome
The Projector in Chief
The Projection President
See also: Duty To Warn
Oreopagus posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
“During a recent road trip, we were listening to the news on the radio. The 'breaking reports’ of ranting Tweets were making my head spin. I thought to myself, ‘How do people who constantly lie, sleep at night?’ So, we switched to a pop station that was playing a song with a hypnotic beat. As I looked off into the distance, this song title and lyrics came too me.” — Barbra Streisand
Don’t Lie to Me (2018)
Barbra Streisand
Oreopagus posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
Brown wrote: "Romney has subjected himself to isolation within his own party. He has likely doomed any future political plans. And he has guaranteed that he will be hated and vilified by millions of loyal Trump supporters in the years ahead."
The right-wing media is also condemning Romney for his vote to convict Trump, but Romney can take comfort in this: "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." (Matthew 5:11-12, NIV)
Oreopagus posted a comment · Feb 10, 2020
So history will record that the ONLY Republican who took seriously his oath "to do impartial justice" in the senate trial, and spoke truth to power, was Mitt Romney, a Mormon. God bless him!
The Republican God
neptune posted a comment · Feb 09, 2020
Brown wrote: "I reject Mormonism as a non-Christian cult . . . ." Actually, I think a better term would be "false religion."
Swkh310 posted a comment · Feb 08, 2020
“... I reject Mormonism as a non-Christian cult that distorts the Scripture...”
Funny, that’s EXACTLY how I feel about politically motivated Evangelicals and their phony claim to be Christians.
nonewworldorder... posted a comment · Feb 07, 2020
I don’t understand how if supposedly he is religious he can’t see and understand that what the democrats have been trying to establish is a One World Government. Most of these people work for Hillary and her boss George Soros who I pray both for. They paid for the caravans to come to the USA border and pay for the fake news. This is very serious because what Daniel and John spoke of is trying to get establish. The antichrist system! Daniel 7 and Apocalypse 12 the eagles wings nation USA will fight this one world government! The eagles wings are not seen with the other nations in Apocalypse 13. The United States of America will help Israel during the Great Tribulation WWIII for 1,260 days, 42 months, Times, times and half a time = 3 and a half years. This will begin 3 and a half years after the peace treaty is signed, remember satan doesn’t like peace and unity and he will destroy it. Satan will enter the third temple and stop the animal sacrifices and pretend to be the Messiah. The REAL MESSIAH comes in the sky with the clouds like Daniel says. Also, the two witnesses are the two olives and lampstands, the church and the Jewish Christians prophesying for 3 and a half years and they will be killed and 3 and a half days later they will be resurrected and most likely that’s when the rapture is. We are not children of the darkness so that day comes to us like a thief in the night.
words2yz posted a comment · Feb 07, 2020
Mitt was the only Senate
Republican who considered
his Constitutional duty and
oath and his vow before GOD
to defend and protect the
interests of this nation‼️
silkyf117 posted a comment · Feb 07, 2020
Yes Dr. Brown, you have every right to say all that you said. What you are still failing to discern is that Mitt Romney is still very bitter for many things including not being elected as a president when he ran. Also, whether you believe it or not there are many many politicians, both sides of the isle, that have been bought and have sold their souls to Hillary Clinton, or George Soros, or any number of people with affluence and money and power. There is a swamp in Washington that has great need to be drained, and I dare say there are many swamps around the country, yes even around the world that have this same kind of problem. So in essence, we are not judging the man or even condemning the man. He simply has called judgement upon his own self by his actions. Does not the Bible state that whatever bears fruit will indeed bear the actual fruit of that entity. Romney has done himself in. He is part of the problem in Washington, not part of the solution. He needs to go.
triumphtr6 posted a comment · Feb 07, 2020
As a Christian, it took me years to finally, and fully realize that Mormons are not Christians, and that they have a different spirit than we do. I will not go much deeper than that. So Mr. Romney, when he seeks "God" he is seeking a different God than we have. Therefore when he gets his answers from his god, his god is not going to give him what we call "Godly direction". He is a "religious person", and religious people, SOMETIMES can be the most evil people on earth. Remember the words "crucify him crucify him"? Those were religious people speaking. I have worked as a pastor for about seventeen years now. I have learned that every church has these groups of people: Visitors, Seekers, Religious People, and Christians. It is ALWAYS the religious people that cause all of the problems for a pastor. And by the way, I am a Jewish Christian, so I am NOT attacking Jews here in any way. Just want to be clear on that. I was of course disturbed at what he did, (Mr. Romney), but I also realize that the most we can do for him is to pray that he comes to know the true and living God.
neptune posted a comment · Feb 07, 2020
"That’s why I’m not upset with him for voting his conscience, since I genuinely believe that’s exactly what he did." Wait a minute—don't have to HAVE a conscience before you can vote it??? LOL. Two verses come to mind here. 1) Prov. 14:15a: "The simple man believes every word." 2) Prov. 26:25: "When he speaks graciously, do not believe him, For there are seven abominations in his heart." So, no, I don't believe Mitt Romney, and most other conservatives don't seem to either. As the saying goes, how can you tell when Mitt Romney is lying? Answer: When his mouth is moving. ;)
Kenneth Greifer posted a comment · Feb 07, 2020
Ukraine is a country with millions of people that has been attacked by Russia and is fighting for it's survival. Thousands of their soldiers have died in this war. They are an ally of America. America was helping them survive against a much larger enemy.
President Trump decided during this crucial time to fight corruption in Ukraine by stopping military aid to Ukraine. He hates corruption so much that he was willing to sacrifice the freedom of millions of people and let them be ruled by the very corrupt government of Russia instead. I don't think that stopping corruption in Ukraine was worth destroying Ukraine. Then you have to consider that the only corruption he wanted investigated by Ukraine was corruption by Biden and his son and the hacking of the Democratic National Party's emails in 2016. He was willing to sacrifice millions of people for that information.
He could have simply followed the rules and requested these investigations without cutting off military aid, but he did it off the record and probably illegally. If this doesn't bother you, then at least realize that coincidentally the only corruption he wanted investigated involved his political opponents. He wasn't worried about other corruption. He didn't think Biden and his son were going to steal the military aid money. He was worried that Biden might beat him in an election. Even if you support Trump, you should be honest with yourself and admit he did something that is either wrong or nonsensical to an ally fighting a war for it's survival. The Bible says not to be a respecter of persons, meaning to judge people fairly and not favor the rich and powerful or the poor. You are supposed to judge people fairly no matter who they are or how much you like them. Look up the words "respecting persons" or "respecter of persons" and see what the Bible says about that because many Bible believers are breaking that rule.