
almapes posted a comment · Nov 03, 2016
There may not be any pleasant or easy answers to the electoral dilemma we now find ourselves in, but there are answers. Especially now, we need to commit ourselves to trust and follow our Lord come what may. I am convinced that we are diminishing our call to be salt and light in this world by postponing that calling because man's wisdom is in conflict with God's wisdom; something that has been a point of strife for any who wish to live a holy life in an unholy world. Yet, it seems our answer is to diminish and postpone our calling again. The consequences of ruining our testimony is hard to get back after the compromise has taken place and in some cases it's almost impossible. I would like to set forth a series of questions, most of them are rhetorical in nature and hopefully instructive.

lewisparrish1@t... posted a comment · Oct 26, 2016
Dr. Brown, from the very beginning, I have taken the same stand that Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention ERLC has espoused. I believe this is the dilemma your wife, Nancy, has said she also faces. I have prayerfully thought about this since the nominations for the presidency were decided. I truly believe that neither of these candidates is of the moral character and integrity to occupy the Oval Office. I was determined I would write in the name of one of the other Republican candidates. After the third debate and several days of a haunting questioning about my decision, I now plan to cast a vote against Hillary Clinton by the only means available -- by pulling the lever for Donald Trump. Don't think I have changed my opinion regarding either of these people. I have known all along that Clinton is pro-choice, that Trump claims to be pro-life. However, I do not believe Trump really cares whether or not Roe vs Wade is over turned, but he would more than likely go along with any efforts Congress makes to repeal it. What concerns me most is that Clinton would do everything in her power to repeal the partial birth abortion ban. For this reason, I consider my vote not a vote for Trump -- but for the life of a child.
Finally, please write an open letter to Dr. Russell Moore and other Christian leaders who are refusing to vote for either nominee. We are already allowing the killing of millions of babies in the womb. Their non vote and consequential influence on other Evangelicals would increase the probability of a Clinton administration which in turn might ultimately lead to opening the gate for infanticide here in America.

RUSSPLUS82 posted a comment · Oct 24, 2016
Donald Trump has said that what he did in the past was wrong (repented) and has moved on .

RUSSPLUS82 posted a comment · Oct 24, 2016
How can you say simply or only? I wanted to start my comment that way. She is the leader of the fight against us. If she could see, if her eyes were open to the truth the fruit would be there. I don't mind a fight, but, the Lord's hand has not been with the deceitful or their perfidiousness of God. Pray in the spirit, if you have been called then stand!

Herald of God posted a comment · Oct 24, 2016
This is your statement Dr. Brown, “If you vote for Hillary you have the blood of the unborn on your hands.” If we extend your premises to its logical outworking, to vote for Mr. Trump is to share in is documented disrespect, and disregard for women, abusive business practices, his attempted infidelity and the list goes on and on. With all due respect (and I do mean that) Dr. Brown how do you square this?

Herald of God posted a comment · Oct 24, 2016
Well written and clearly delineated Dr. Brown, but I must respectful differ. If the elections were only between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, your article would be more convincing. There are at least two other candidates seeking to become president, yet it seems like you have never seriously considered them, which is a bit perplexing. While you might content that a vote for one of the lesser known candidates maybe wasted, the reality is, democracy dictates that we participate and express our views at the ballot box, regardless of how popular our views might be. To capitulate into voting for Mr. Trump, knowing all that has been revealed of his conduct and character is mystifying. This calls into question the idea of moral clarity, under no stretch of the imagination is a vote for Mr. Trump a “moral” choice.
I pray simply that God continues to illumine your path my brother.

david posted a comment · Oct 24, 2016
Dr. Brown, again a very well defined view on this personal issue as always.

Monica522 posted a comment · Oct 23, 2016
Hi, Dr. Brown.
Thank you so much for continually posting your thoughtful articles. I always look forward to seeing a new piece from you pop up in my Facebook feed!
I think this article is excellent and full of respect and grace to people of all consciences.
To vote or not to vote for a presidential candidate is not an agonizing decision for me personally: I live in a state that is overwhelmingly Democrat where my vote has very little effect in the electoral college. (Maybe this is a cop-out, but it does make the situation more complicated than it would seem from the impassioned cries of some Trump supporters that essentially declare abstaining from voting for Mr. Trump to render me personally responsible for the innocent blood of the casualties of abortion and Mrs. Clinton's national security decisions should she be elected).
Anyway, there is one other face of this issue I would love it if you would have time to address, either on The Line of Fire or in an article. Since you know many who work in the Middle East and the Islamic World, you are probably aware that Mr. Trump's words are ruthlessly played up for propaganda in the Arab media. They use them to further paint America as hostile, vindictive, and hateful towards them. Even worse, it is common for them to conflate Americans with Christianity, and while this might not be entirely fair, you can imagine that it is not difficult in light of the fact that some American evangelicals themselves practice a sort of soft syncretism that confuses our Christian CULTURAL heritage and by extension politics with the (universal and spiritual) gospel itself. Be assured that evangelical support for Mr. Trump has not escaped the Arab media, and is displayed right alongside his basest and most incendiary comments. This, I fear, is going to poison the gospel message in the Islamic World and its effects are going to be lethal.
I feel strongly about this as someone who has worked in the Middle East for years and who cares deeply about the souls of the people there. As a Christian from the U.S., I have to work so hard to undo the damage propagated by the Arab media and unfortunately also by both local and foreign "Christians" who are poor witnesses and tarnish the Name. I deeply fear that a Trump presidency will significantly impede our efforts to purify the face of Christianity from its association with libertine immorality and unloving, cold-hearted bigotry.
Yes, a Clinton presidency is dangerous for all the obvious reasons. She has flirted with illegal activity and welcomed groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood. But in some ways, I am less concerned about a Clinton presidency than a Trump presidency for the simple reason that at least believers are by-and-large united against the dangers of Mrs. Clinton's policies. We all agree that they are bad: we acknowledge it, recognize it, and condemn it. But what alarms me about Mr. Trump's pitfalls is the fact that that so many believers are NOT willing (for whatever justifications or misplaced political priorities) to call evil evil. "Woe to those who call good evil and evil good!" I understand that many have pragmatic reasons for a Trump vote, (especially if they live in swing states) but I hope that my voice can also be heard.
Thank you very much for your time!

Royce posted a comment · Oct 23, 2016
The sad part of this story, and so many others like it, is that I see the decision to vote for Trump always being based on man's wisdom and I've yet to see any Scriptural substantiation for doing so. In fact, the vast majority of articles I've seen on why NOT to vote for Trump have been backed up with Scripture.
So without going into it all, I would just ask Dr. Brown this one question. As a Christian you are called to be an IMAGE BEARER of Jesus Christ. Jesus said He AlWAYS did the Father's will. Do you honestly believe Christ would vote for Trump? Do you honestly believe you'll be bearing the image of Christ when you vote for Trump?
If so, I'd sure like to know how because try as I might I can't see anyway I can do so and remain an image bearer of Christ.
God Bless,