Last week, I posted an article on the CharismaNews website entitled A Hebrew Insight that Breaks the Yoke, explaining what the Hebrew to Isaiah 10:27 actually meant. I felt it would be an edifying article, but I never accepted a response like this from a grieving widow. She wrote:
“Thank you SO much for this good word. I came home from visiting my husband’s grave today….I was praying there and crying out to the Lord to show me what my next step toward healing was to be…. I logged on to my computer, and God answered my prayer through your post. My husband died 3 months ago of brain cancer, and as his illness progressed, he became angry at me, and at the Lord as well. He kept me out of his room, and I was unable to be with him, or say goodbye. I have been in a place of deep, deep darkness, but am just starting to come out of that dreadful place. Today, I cried to the Lord to show me what I was to do…and He answered me…just feed my spirit with the Living Word day and night, and continue in worship and communion….so simple, yet powerful, and yoke-breaking! Healthy and strong sounds SO healing to me!”
I want to encourage you to share the truth of the Word and the truth of your testimony and the truth about our Savior Jesus. You never know who you will touch or how you will touch that person. As Proverbs 12:18 states, “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”