
CapitalGGeek posted a comment · Aug 20, 2021
So we 'lost' Afghanistan, as if there was ever any possibility that we could 'win' there. And leaving at the very least will protect our soldiers from the insanity that was the 'war' there.
If you're of the opinion that we were there to do 'good', then you should read up on the Bachi Bazi. As part of our effort to defeat the Taliban, we supported local warlords and police (read pedofiles) who were opposed to the Taliban (who opposed this 'custom').
The 'official' policy of the US government was to leave it to local authorities unless it was an 'act of war'. Yes, the same local authorities that are the pedofile predators.
Not just supported pedofiles, but actively ignored the practice, even when the abuse occurred on US military bases. The Green Berets who discovered it severely beat the Afghan police captain who laughed about it, and physically threw him off base. The military tried to 'involuntarily separate' them, but Sgt Martland was allowed to remain in the army after media publicity. ( )
A Marine, who was struggling with being forced to ignore the abuse was killed by a bachi-bazi. How damaging would you expect that to be for young men to told to pretend that they don't know anything about it, or even worse to pretend that they see nothing wrong with it? ( )
A contractor was even found to have paid for these child sex slaves, and nothing was done about it. ( )
And finally, the Afghanis. I'm not there and haven't been, but I know people who were. I've heard stories of 80% of the Afghan military being drug addicts and unsuitable for any job requiring more than minimum effort or attention to detail. That to go on a scheduled patrol required enough Americans to make sure that they all had the correct gear (like helmets & rifles). The most frequent comment on training and 'handling' the Afghan military was babysitting children, although herding cats came in a close second.
The airport evacuation is another thing entirely. We spent 20 years training and equiping their 'military' that can't (or won't) fight. From the pictures, small arms are being left behind for the taking, and yet they're not willing to pick them up to defend themselves or their families. There have been Afghanis that have tried to run away by hanging on to the outside of a C-5, and thousands more crowding the runways trying to get on planes to leave. According to them, they will be killed when the Taliban gets there, so why not grab a weapon and fight?
So why were we there, aside from the obvious killing of those responsible for 9/11?
I suspect that the real reason we were there was two-fold. First, to damage the US credibility internationally. What foreigner will look at the scenes from the Kabul airport and decide that the US is trustworthy. We appear to have used and discarded locals after promising them protection. Does Taiwan still think we can will prevent China from invading? Does Communist China? Erdogan is likely pleased that he aligned with Russia instead of the US now.
Secondly, to damage the US internally. The demoralizing aspect alone are a godsend to the enemies of the US. Scenes from Kabul are uncomfortably close to the evacuation of Saigon, but that is minor compared to the damage done to our troops. They were given insane rules of engagement that prioritized enemy lives over their own. They were required to train locals that they knew were going to turn on them. They were required to show deference bordering on self degredation to locals that were 'playing both sides'. They were punished for mentioning any of the above. And they were forced to give the appearance of approval to pedofiles.
Is it any wonder that the suicide rate for military veterans is so high?

OT posted a comment · Aug 17, 2021
Democrats have no credibility nor does swkh310 blind Afghan Disaster belongs to biden

OT posted a comment · Aug 17, 2021
Classic skwh310 blame Bush, skip (obama) then blame Trump. Amnesia Classic move obumer pulled out of Iraq created vacuum filled by Isis. Classic move Biden pulled out Afghanistan creates vacuum filled by Taliban._____________
__________de·ja vu__________

Swkh310 posted a comment · Aug 17, 2021
Two Republican presidents are fully responsible for this disaster, but history will blame Biden. Well played, GOP. Well played.