
neptune posted a comment · Nov 29, 2019
From WorldNetDaily: "Family Research Council President Tony Perkins says it's 'time for Christians to find a fast food alternative to Chick-fil-A' after a tax filing revealed the chicken sandwich chain donated $2,500 to the anti-Christian and far-left Southern Poverty Law Center." Christians, let's take our business elsewhere.

dasavo posted a comment · Nov 24, 2019
Hi Dr. Brown! Here is my letter to Chick-Fil-A... I wonder if I will get a response...
Dear Chick-Fil-A,
I write to you today with a heavy heart. I am deeply saddened and appalled at your decisions to bow down to the leader of this world and not to the One True King, Jesus...our God. I am taken back at your weakness considering how our God has Blessed you. Instead of remaining a beacon of light for those who are in the dark and without hope you have sold yourself for fame and fortune. You used to be a representation of "truth" and of all that is missing in our lost world but today, you have joined them. You have turned your back on God and His Truth and disguised your new endeavors with a cheap and vague agenda...almost deception. Instead of standing firm in your roots based on God's Word you have sold your soul in order to be accepted by those who serve this world. Hats off to you for losing your back bone (sarcastically)... I had expected more from you! God Blessed you with prosperity and leadership ...apparently that was not enough for you. Because you no longer represent our core value, Jesus, and His love for the lost, AND your "new' choices now discriminate against our family we will not longer be supporting you with our business. Amanda Savo (this is so sad)

Warrior of Righ... posted a comment · Nov 22, 2019
I went to the Chick-fil-A website and sent them an email via their webform. All I said is that I am disappointed that they would cave to a vile, and violent crowd. Very short message.
Their response: (this is a copy/paste):
Thank you for reaching out to us. We know you care a lot about Chick-fil-A and the work of the Chick-fil-A Foundation - and we truly value your feedback and appreciate you're taking the time to share with us. Please know that you have been heard.
The mission of the Chick-fil-A Foundation is to nourish the potential in every child. For more information on the Chick-fil-A Foundation's giving, we strongly encourage you to read our announcement directly from us here:
As you will see, the Chick-fil-A Foundation announced that in 2020 it will focus its giving to address three critical needs facing children: education, homelessness and hunger. In 2020, the Chick-fil-A Foundation will partner with Junior Achievement USA, Covenant House International, and more than 120 local food banks in the communities where Chick-fil-A opens new restaurants. Moving forward, the Chick-fil-A Foundation will reassess philanthropic partnerships annually rather than make multiyear commitments. All organizations - faith-based and non-faith-based-will be considered for future partnerships.
You can also visit to learn more about our refined giving approach and how we will work with our 2020 partners to help all children reach their potential.
Thank you again for taking the time to share your comments and concerns with us. We hope to have the opportunity to serve you in one of our restaurants soon.
Customer Service Team
Chick-fil-A, Inc.

neptune posted a comment · Nov 19, 2019
I just called Chick-fil-A and told them I'm done. Apparently they've been deluged with angry phone calls! Praise the Lord. I encourage others to call too, and to pray that God will send His panic to the directors of the company. Tough love is the only way to deal with this kind of situation.

neptune posted a comment · Nov 19, 2019
Oops, in my last sentence, that should be "BIG hit in the wallet." :)

neptune posted a comment · Nov 19, 2019
As the Bible says, you cannot serve both God and Mammon. Even way back in 2012, Chick-fil-A was still being mealy-mouthed about certain things, and I thought their commitment to Christian values wasn't all that strong. But at least now their behavior is plain for all to see. Christians, please take your business elsewhere. The only way Chick-fil-A might change their tune is if they take a bit hit in the wallet.

Swkh310 posted a comment · Nov 19, 2019
A business has ONE responsibility: to keep its shareholders happy.

Swkh310 posted a comment · Nov 19, 2019
A business has ONE responsibility: to keep its shareholders happy.