Dr. Brown Unpacks the First Trump Biden Debate

neptune posted a comment · Oct 07, 2020
Lance Wallnau has unpacked the debate too. In fact, he even thinks that Biden might have had a wire in his ear:

neptune posted a comment · Oct 02, 2020
SteveW wrote: "I think the Lord uses 'Bull in the china shop' types such as Jehu to confront the Ahab’s and Jezebel’s of this world because polite believers just wouldn’t get the job done. True, it’s not pretty, but I think Christians need to cut Trump some slack and wake up and realise the enormity of the challenge he faces . . ." Good point, SteveW. Too often, Christians seems to have a wimpy view of what it means to stand up for truth. Of course, Trump has many problems and says a lot of dumb things, so I'm certainly not defending everything he does. But I'd like to see how those who are always expecting Trump to "make nice" and be demure and polite would do if they were in his shoes. My guess is they wouldn't even be half as effective as he is. It's so easy to say, "Trump should be a more civil person!!" when you're not facing the crazy onslaught that he has to every day. Anyway, I think the best thing we can do is to try to remember him in our prayers daily.

SteveW posted a comment · Oct 01, 2020
It is interesting that Newt Gingrich said that Trump had no choice but to go in heavy as otherwise, he would have been rolled-over by all the lies and deceit (he cited previous Presidential debates as evidence of this). This is doubly true when the moderator is compromised as well. I think the Lord uses “Bull in the china shop” types such as Jehu to confront the Ahab’s and Jezebel’s of this world because polite believers just wouldn’t get the job done. True, it’s not pretty, but I think Christians need to cut Trump some slack and wake up and realise the enormity of the challenge he faces from corrupted elites, politicians, judges, MSM, officials, etc, etc.
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