
Kaleidoscope posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Preach it, Brother!

OT posted a comment · Apr 04, 2022
I have no issue with people living how they like within the law. But messing with innocent children in schools is grooming! Criminal and beyond the pail!

OT posted a comment · Apr 04, 2022
Sorry I could not resist… excerpted from Swkh310 …Reallynow you should ALWAYS be subject to challenge … and constantly scrutinized, questioned, and held up for examination. Always Always!

OT posted a comment · Apr 04, 2022
Lgbt advocates should not have access to other peoples children. RN’s railing has all the hallmarks of bullying RN has no boundary’s and talks as if it is settled psychology and science. RN I do not take pleasure in hurting peoples feelings like you seem too that is that is the definition of a bully! And as for your whole spittle on God is not capable of communication and He put it in the hands of old ancient men that got it wrong ! This is simply a case of you creating molding your own god so you can sleep at night ! The truth is The God of Abraham does not change. Not for you not for me not for anyone. If anything angers me is people who pro-port to know the truth and it’s clear they don’t. I can only pray that no one is taken in by their emotional non-sense that’s totally based on feelings and not facts. God have mercy on all who struggle, bring truth God!

Really now posted a comment · Apr 02, 2022
So you are heterosexual because you were ‘taught to be’ straight?? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Different forms of human sexuality and gender expressions exist, and always have. Helping people feel ‘normal’ in their differences is the most loving, kind, and gracious thing we can do. To twist it into this sickening version you’ve outlined here is so horrifically sad. Like I said before, you need one of your children to come out - it will forever change you, and rescue you from the insane beliefs you have been indoctrinated with. Until then, what is your solution?? Pray the gay away? Go back to the days when gay people were chemically castrated? Or diagnosed with mental illnesses? Nope. None of those things work, and in fact cause HORRIFIC damage. Time to grow up. Move on from this issue. STOP bullying people in the name of ‘God’.

YJS17 posted a comment · Apr 02, 2022
You're not "born gay" or "born trans"; that is simply a lie! Gender identity disorder is a mindset born of a mental disorder and sexuality is acquired at puberty! Teaching kids to be either homosexual or a transvestite is abuse and indoctrination because it leads to all sorts of health issues from STDs and cancer to depression and anxiety, not to mention suicide! If you think it's okay to teach kids about sex or to have gender identity delusions, you're a child abuser and a groomer! Being homosexual is NOTHING like being black. Skin color and race are characteristics you can't help being born with because they're inborn, genetic, and practically immutable. Plus, neither of those characteristics hold any inherent moral value or significance. NONE of these things apply to sexuality. Sodomy and lesbianism carry immense health risks and will deprive children of having both a mother and a father 100% of the time if the lifestyles are given a legal status in which their practitioners are able to adopt. Gender identity disorder similarly confuses the individual by making them doubt that they truly are the sex they were born as and can thus potentially tempt them into choosing sodomy and lesbianism over natural sexual relations.

Really now posted a comment · Apr 01, 2022
Gay and transgender kids exist. Always have, always will. The BEST thing we can do for our children is to make them feel included and that they belong. No matter what their age…and the earlier the better. Anyone who wants to teach children that there are ‘normal’ kids, and ‘abnormal’ kids, is sick and twisted. PERIOD.

OT posted a comment · Mar 30, 2022
The casualties here are kids, as Dr.Brown sadly pointed out is the noted the broad disfunction that children endure because of choices made by parents who are wounded broken themselves. Jesus made it clear Mathew 18:6
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Pretty straight forward. Don’t mess with the innocence of children.

OT posted a comment · Mar 29, 2022
Being Sardonic is your strength” not much good for anything but it is your strength. Idiocy seems to be rampant in our day. Political bs in kindergarten, you have no kooTH. Maine erd Skwh310

Swkh310 posted a comment · Mar 28, 2022
How about this: "Hey, kiddies. Families, like people, come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Now, it's time for recess..."

OT posted a comment · Mar 28, 2022
Brain washing small children 5-6 who are gullible, innocent children is diabolical and criminal and as God says Homosexuality is an abomination! a majority of people of faith reject it as acceptable. , make it a subject for teaching it against the law, Schools have no business teaching children about this at any age ," that is an unnecessary intrusion, and teachers do not have the moral responsibility to cover all the different configurations of a family." This should be left to families to cover such things with their children. not teachers. I agree with you on this Dr. Brown Thank you for this platform to express this.