
Kenneth Greifer posted a comment · Nov 02, 2019
Yes, they do lock up asylum seekers in detention centers, even though it is legal to seek asylum.

gerald a posted a comment · Nov 01, 2019
They put legal immigrants in detention centers? What a preposterous statement.

Kenneth Greifer posted a comment · Oct 30, 2019
Bass Fishing Dude,
I am not sure how to answer you because I said that I am not sure if the accusations against Planned Parenthood are true or not, and I am not defending them at all. I was saying originally that there were pregnant women kept in these detention centers who probably lost their babies from the horrible conditions, and Dr. Brown doesn't notice and most evangelicals don't seem to care about the suffering of those people. I was pointing out that Dr. Brown and other Christians care about the unborn suffering and dying, but not the suffering of the already born. I was not defending any atrocities done against babies, born or unborn. I think people should care about the unborn and the already born people. I know that the Christians in America are very politically powerful and can help those people easily if they wanted to by talking to the president. If they wanted to help those people it would take them five minutes to get things changed, but they don't care enough to do it.

Bass Fishing Dude posted a comment · Oct 29, 2019
@Kenneth Greifer - So, the "terrible conditions" you mention in prisons excuse the horrific atrocities being carried out on unborn babies? What kind of answer is that? Where do the two connect?

Kenneth Greifer posted a comment · Oct 28, 2019
I don't listen to Brown's radio shows or watch his videos. They take a long time and I am not a Christian, so they are not interesting to me. I just look at his articles occasionally.

Kenneth Greifer posted a comment · Oct 28, 2019
Do you think that Trump's administration has deported parents without their children and that they have put legal and illegal immigrants into overcrowded detention centers that are probably violating their human rights? Do the evangelical Christians, who number in the millions, seem upset because I don't hear their complaints. They have the president's ear, and if they complained he would listen to them. He needs their votes, but they are pretty quiet on that issue. I am not going to buy Dr. Brown's book, but he writes an article almost every day and he makes many videos. Can you find the one where he says Trump's administration is violating the human rights of these people? Or maybe he thinks they are being treated well. I don't.

john44 posted a comment · Oct 28, 2019
@Greifer: Again, your post is long, so let's start here with your statement "(Brown) and other evangelical Christians are ignoring anything negative about Trump": Really? There ARE matters "negative about Trump" that Brown has explicitly addressed. He has even written an entire book, "Donald Trump is Not My Savior" on the subject, not to mention specific radio segments. How closely have been listening to Dr Brown?

Kenneth Greifer posted a comment · Oct 26, 2019
The reason I am not commenting on what Brown said about Planned Parenthood is that I don't know if the accusations are true or not. I am not interested in defending them anyway. It bothers me that Brown points out their bad acts, but he has been defending Trump, and, if you notice, he does not talk about the suffering of people in Trump's detention centers.
He and other evangelical Christians are ignoring anything negative about Trump. I would like people who support Trump to be honest and point out his administrations cruelty to legal and illegal immigrants. You can support him and be honest at the same time. You know the Bible says not to respect persons or be a respecter of persons. You are supposed to judge people fairly and not consider who they are when you judge them. It shouldn't matter if the person is someone you like or not. You should be able to criticize anyone who does bad things. Brown doesn't seem to care about the unborn babies who might have died at Trump's overcrowded detention centers. If they can't provide decent housing, then they should not arrest them and put them in those places.
Trump has made the religious people in this country meaner. They used to talk about helping the poor and suffering and now they don't care because they are coming here illegally or even legally, so let's lock them up in miserable conditions. He has changed the religious beliefs of so many people that it amazes me how weak their beliefs must have been in the first place.

norma3iredale@g... posted a comment · Oct 26, 2019
If these stories are accurate and I am inclined to think they are , they rival the most heinous atrocities of the Second World War. Yet supposedly civilized people shrug this off as if it is completely inconsequential.

john44 posted a comment · Oct 26, 2019
@Heimann: So are you saying what Brown's post is really all about is the Trump presidency? Have you nothing to say about whether the allegations are true? If they are, are they worth talking about?
@Greifer: There is truth in your response. But do you have anything specific to say about the implications of Brown's post?
@Heimann @Greifer: Why do you both seem to want to change the subject so quickly?

Swkh310 posted a comment · Oct 23, 2019
This is the last hope of trump’s supporters: amplify the talk about abortion.

Kenneth Greifer posted a comment · Oct 21, 2019
I don't know if these horror stories are true or false, and I am not going to defend abortion or the sale of body parts of aborted infants, but I would like to ask why some cruelty and evil is important and other examples of this are not? How many pregnant women had miscarriages and stillbirths in the detention centers because of the cruel and horrible living conditions? They don't have room to stretch their bodies or even walk in some places. How many pregnant foreign women have suffered and lost their babies from bad nutrition, bad hygiene, overcrowding, and stress from these cruel conditions? If you consider the amount of money being paid to the companies that run these places, each of the illegal immigrants and legal asylum seekers could be kept in hotel rooms with room service for the same money or less. I understand you care about unborn babies more than already born children and adults who are treated cruelly by the government, but maybe you can care about the dead babies no one knows about because miscarriages and stillbirths are not reported by our government, but these detention centers have probably caused some deaths of unborn babies who could have lived if their mothers were kept under humane