
OT posted a comment · Mar 17, 2020
Skeptic posted a comment · Mar 12, 2020
Reading through this article Dr. Brown, it seems like a sober warning if biden has his way “ key words “ his way” warning ⚠️ hate is not part of it!

OT posted a comment · Mar 17, 2020
Skeptic posted a comment · Mar 12, 2020
Reading through this article Dr. Brown, it seems like a sober warning if biden has his way “ key words “ his way” warning ⚠️ hate is not part of it!

OT posted a comment · Mar 17, 2020
Swkh310 nothing personal but you are Absolute, 100%, US-Grade A, blue ribbon, 5-star, complete nonsense.

SteveF posted a comment · Mar 14, 2020
This is so serious. Let us blow the trumpet and sound the alarm!

Endeavor posted a comment · Mar 14, 2020
One wonders why the "Christian" uproar over people choosing gender identity, when they themselves choose to identify their Christ with paganism rather than the Biblical walk both He and His disciples followed...i.e. Passover instead of easter (the name itself is a pagan goddess). In other words, if you choose what is "not" over what is, what right do you have to criticize others who do the same.

Omaloves posted a comment · Mar 13, 2020
May I please commend you for this 100% accurate article.
Please also read this artiicle, written by a young man who was abused as a child, lived as a homosexual until his late twenties, and now is a Christian, married to a Christian woman, with two young children. The writer exposes lies and tactics used by those affirming LGBTQ ideology, to indoctrinate young people and our society!

Omaloves posted a comment · Mar 13, 2020
May I please commend you for this 100% accurate article.
Please also read this artiicle, written by a young man who was abused as a child, lived as a homosexual until his late twenties, and now is a Christian, married to a Christian woman, with two young children. The writer exposes lies and tactics used by those affirming LGBTQ ideology, to indoctrinate young people and our society!

Swkh310 posted a comment · Mar 13, 2020
Absolute, 100%, US-Grade A, blue ribbon, 5-star, complete nonsense.

neptune posted a comment · Mar 12, 2020
Good article. To be more specific, if Biden were to become President, it seems that he would indeed declare war on our religious freedoms—for about 10 to 12 days. Then the Vice President would pick up the mantle. ;) Seriously, I think that we, as Christians, should be praying that God will clearly reveal Biden's mental state (of lack thereof) for all to see. It's important that the American people see what they're really getting in a candidate, so I am definitely praying for God to make the truth known.

Skeptic posted a comment · Mar 12, 2020
Reading through this article Dr. Brown, it seems like "hate" is THE Christian value which is being "attacked". How can speak about compassion? There is none on your end, and this is sad.