
OT posted a comment · Jan 12, 2021
Swkh310 remember history won't "forget" all the reasons Trump ran for President ! stick that in your pipe and sMoKe it ! ______Obama opened the door and unveiled the way to Sodom-n-Gomorrah 2.0 just saying! "Obama"s world apology tour" just saying! so It is unequivocally Obama's Fault Trump ran for office ! You say it was not, could not be a course correction for America inspired by God! Then Obama inspired the "ORANGE" monster as you call him! who or what else could have been the reason!

rpdeamici posted a comment · Jan 08, 2021
In a world confused, one thing is unstoppable: Daniel 7:14 "He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed."

neptune posted a comment · Jan 07, 2021
SteveW wrote: "You are living in denial Michael. There can be no democracy when elections are rigged and that will be the permanent state from now on." Glad that you can see this, Steve! I only visit this site every now and then just to read some perceptive comments by you and a few others. As for Brown's so-called articles, they seem to only be good for comedic value these days. ;)

RAS posted a comment · Jan 07, 2021
America effectively ended a long time ago, it just hasn't been officially announced, yet. However, there are still many faithful Americans living in a nation called America which slowly become a façade. In reality does not embrace the America of days gone by. Like body snatchers, the children of antichrists who feign to be Americans have taken over our political institutions, media, corporations, education, and financial systems. The "new" vision is for a Great Reset. Indeed, but there is no new thing under the Sun. It is the resurrection of a modern day Babel. Satan has been at work to bring the world back together under one rulership (his), since the people were divided by God at Babel. God created nationalism; he divided the people into different tongues, races, and nations because when the people were one people, they united together under Satan's rule. Consider world history and how many times the powers that were sought to rule the whole world. In our time, technology and modernization have made the goal possible. If this globalistic movement today is not the Beast, which I certainly believe that it is, it is a forerunner. Christ will return as he said. The day is near. The last kingdom in Nebuchadnezzar's dream consumed the whole earth, it was a diverse kingdom "mingled with the seed of men". However, these mingled people did not adhere to one another, as clay and iron do not mix. A multicultural one world society comprised of of divers people and nations are feet of iron and clay that are destined to disintegrate. Christ will destroy this final kingdom and set up his eternal rule.

SteveW posted a comment · Jan 07, 2021
You are living in denial Michael. There can be no democracy when elections are rigged and that will be the permanent state from now on. Did you see the videos of the Georgia runoffs where c32,000 votes suddenly disappeared live on TV from Purdue's totals? Look at these videos on ABC and CNN if you are brave enough to face the truth:

Swkh310 posted a comment · Jan 07, 2021
By a razor thin margin, the voters of Georgia rejected two criminals who profited off the deaths of thousands. Then, later on the same day, we watched the end of Trumpism, played out in violence that was incited by their very own leader. I call that a great day for humanity and this country.