OT posted a comment · Jul 25, 2021
Why is a multitude of counselors valuable (Proverbs 15:22)?
Having a multitude of counselors is valuable because hearing varied viewpoints gives us a healthier foundation upon which to form opinions. Gods view point is our foremost consideration! Safety in Gods word! We are but pilgrims passing through this wearisome land!
Now that we know news outlet manipulate/skew there reporting to achieve a narrative thereby a manipulation!
David N. Gray posted a comment · Jul 19, 2021
Yes, this is about more than Trump, and I agree with the conclusion "to do our best to be as accurate and unbiased as we can be". But it bothers me that the "good reason" which the headline seems to promise isn't provided by the body of the article. Instead the assumption here seems to be that if a lot of people believe something, then there must be some truth to it. This overlooks the tendency for people to believe something just because other people say it and it fits what they want to believe. The concept of the "wisdom of crowds" presumes that people are making independent judgements. If instead people are echoing other people's opinions, that becomes "group think". I'm particularly bothered by the phrase "enemy of the people", because it doesn't even really make sense. (For example, aren't journalists also American people themselves, so are they enemies of themselves?) I've never heard anyone even try to justify it, they just keep saying it. A phrase that absurd on the face of it doesn't seem like a conclusion that many people would come to independently.
OT posted a comment · Jul 15, 2021
Left wing media run a muck no accountability the unicorn theology network-CNN
ShaneMoberg posted a comment · Jul 15, 2021
Dr Brown, please quit lumping in "right wing " media along with the ubiquitous leftist mainstream media. Any short comings of biased right wing media pales in comparison to the way the leftist media purposely and recklessly lies.
Don't forget the whole black lives matter movement started on a lie disseminated by CNN-NPR-PBS-MSNBC-ABC-CBS-NYT-LAT-WP monster: that Michael Brown was shot in cold blood by Darren Wilson in Ferguson. Darren Wilson who was exonerated despite the best efforts of the Obama administration. That man I'm sure has to live under an assumed name thanks to THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. When they were proven wrong about that story, they just dropped it, no mea culpas. That's what that do all the time, push some big lie enough to get a chunk of the public to accept it and when it gets exposed as a lie,they just fine another lie to push that furthers their Marxist narrative.
OT posted a comment · Jul 13, 2021
Coloring the story is what is distasteful and dangerous and what the electorate does not need and should not have to navigate! The distrust of the media results in this perception they make or break campaigns . The perception is they unfairly influenced elections! The media was undeniable hard after Biden winning the election and the electorate knew it They use to call that being in bed with politicians! It was beyond obvious! That Rasmussen pole points to it ! Trump claimed the media was his enemy and therefore the enemy of the people! The media no longer trusted to give you a truthful uncolored picture! Those days are long gone , Trump simply stated what everyone already knew ! Media are not for the people ! They have their own agenda and have now shown it to American voters And are prejudicial against one or the other candidate in primary’s or political races ! God we pray your will be done! Expose the lies, agendas of men .. Jesus name amen!
Swkh310 posted a comment · Jul 13, 2021
Stick with the non-profits:, politifact, media matters, and right wing watch. The networks serve their shareholders only.