
OT posted a comment · Jul 16, 2021
I wish you were constrained like President Trump was ! Constrained in everything you do and everything you say and a cricket on your shoulder every time you open your mouth! Americans are the worst yet have the most!

OT posted a comment · Jul 16, 2021
“Every week an explosive story we are told was true turns out to be as false as Julie's eyelashes. Today’s big lie – The story of how President Donald Trump ordered Lafayette Square cleared ‘with tear gas’ to vacate ‘peaceful protesters’ for a callous ‘photo-op’. The press covered it with a cicada-like fervor.”
Swkh310 posted a comment · Jun 13, 2021
The myth of a liberal media or a conservative media is a absurd. In this country we have a corporate media. Ratings equal profits. “The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” is right up there with the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.
you hate. you target. you demean. you trivialize the plight of your neighbor. your a bigot. you go after people you dont agree with. you judge. you cast stones. your prideful. you come off as arrogant. your cocky. you have a conceited air about you. your condescending. egotistic. haughty. hoity-toity. you deride others for not being as good at you on the front of discerning between support/ love and defending trans -Lgbtq - people....besides all you offer in the way of offensive pro's Jesus loves you with undeserved grace ....Imagine that! wow but for the grace of God go I....

OT posted a comment · Jul 16, 2021
Swkh310 You are a liar. you post lies. you repeat lies. and as time goes on it is proven on this very blog that you troll is proof positive you lie!

OT posted a comment · Jul 15, 2021
This women is for real she’s not backing down she won’t be silenced she is taking it to the street and calling out the perv in public !

OT posted a comment · Jul 15, 2021
You sure read a lot of not so credible rags .....

OT posted a comment · Jul 15, 2021
Why because you didn’t witness it personally? Skhw310 that in your mind reduces it to a stunt! Try harder !!!!! I think it’s funny how you Cry fuzzy facts! I think she is credible as witness go. you have no evidence that it didn’t happen ! Funny how you rely on tea leaves! lol

Swkh310 posted a comment · Jul 15, 2021
Gosh, I just don’t understand. Such an important story and yet not a single shred of evidence that it actually happened. If I didn’t know better, I would start to wonder if the whole thing was made up.

yeshuais4me posted a comment · Jul 15, 2021
Man only needs to be concerned about what God tells us. If we follow God's directions we are good. If we do not follow God's directions we end up in the weeds. Remember that John 14 and 1 John 5:19 and other verses tell us that when the Messiah went to the Father, the world (earth) came under the power of the Evil One. As we get closer to the end of age prophecies are being fulfilled, Israel becoming a nation in 1948 (Isaiah). Then in 1967 Jerusalem becomes a part of Israel (Matthew 24).
Extremely few go to our Creator for anything. Most go to man and most will be destroyed. The sad thing is that most churches in the world do not follow God.

OT posted a comment · Jul 15, 2021
A straw man fallacy occurs when someone takes another person's argument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the only person (dr.brown) who is rational in the exchange skwh310 dogs initials and 3 digits of phone# and predictable behavior from trolls the spirit of anti-christ is in the building and they brought their phone and their dogs with them ! lol not

OT posted a comment · Jul 15, 2021
UK-,speculated faked, hoax, Independent, uk’s equivalent to brietbart Skwh310 and of course it must me true ! Everything you read on the internet is true! What s bunch of slight of hand bosh!

OT posted a comment · Jul 15, 2021
UK-,speculated faked, hoax, Independent, uk’s equivalent to brietbart Skwh310 and of course it must me true ! Everything you read on the internet is true! What s bunch of slight of hand bosh!

Swkh310 posted a comment · Jul 15, 2021
Surely the gay bashers wouldn’t go so far as to make up the entire story. Would they?

czarpaul posted a comment · Jul 14, 2021
The left must feel: better 1000 women and girls get raped or molested than 1 trans woman get her feelings hurt.
Without God man is without a guide and without any standard. Lost in a sea of debased possibilities.

OT posted a comment · Jul 14, 2021
In The name of Jesus!

Really now posted a comment · Jul 14, 2021
And what on earth would the all-knowing and all-wise Mike Brown suggest be done here? Mike Brown, king for the next 5 years - how would he solve this worldwide 'issue'?? Further emphasize that 'these people' are NOT part of God's plan, and DO NOT belong?? Try the pray-the-gay-away approach? Push the 'conversion therapy' agenda, at a time where we KNOW this does not work? Go back in time and start chemically castrating, jailing, or diagnosing 'these people' with mental illnesses? Or....does he have this wacky notion that 'thru Christ, allllll is possible??' Which I suppose is true in a way - like, God COULD give me a third arm if she really wanted to....but highly highly unlikely. What is the plan Mike?? Instead of constantly stirring up fear, division, and dislike for 'other', write an article outlining your plan. I'd LOVE to hear it!!!

OT posted a comment · Jul 14, 2021
No one is safe!