
T. Letoka posted a comment · Oct 01, 2016
Dr. Michael L. Brown, if Christians were filled with the knowledge of the will of God (Col 1:9), they would know that this stuff is not His will. The Lord Jesus Christ has got nothing to do with folk making punching bags out of what is meant to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Down here in Africa they do it without boxing gloves to cheering crowds in the name of "culture". If you wanna get away with anything in Africa, just say the magic word: "culture". You could kidnap a high school girl and marry her by force and be covered by "culture". You could abuse boys and devirginize teenage girls as much as you like on some "mountain school" (initiation school) where they claim to initiate them into adulthood and simply say the magic word. In good ol' America "pleasure and money set the rules". But you see, to the Church the Bible is the canon.

angelsanz23@gma... posted a comment · Sep 30, 2016
Dr Brown, you hit it right in the head. In the days we are living today, we had become pleasure seekers. Even in the church, today's church attendance is base on watching a show and if the show is not good, then the church is not good. I understood long time ago that sports like (Boxing, MMA, etc..) are not appropriate for a Christian to Watch. The lord demands from us Sanctification, which means that we have to be separated for him and only him, we have the liberty of do whatever we want to do, but not everything is good for us. If we want to shine as light for the world, we can not compromise with the world, we shall not eat the King's meal. Good Bleesing.

Royce posted a comment · Sep 30, 2016
"God alone knows the heart and only He can judge who belongs to Him and who doesn’t".
C'mon Dr. Brown. You're MUCH smarter than that and you know that is NOT what the Bible teaches!! I've commented on this statement by you before and I previously listed a dozen Scriptures or so that prove that's not the case.
I'm with you 100% when you say, "Again, I am not judging the hearts of the combatants and claiming they have no relationship with God" because they have said or done nothing that gives us the ability to say. We cannot judge by appearance alone (John 7:24).
However, Scripture is clear, there are ample times when one says or does something where we CAN and SHOULD say, "You are not a Christian."
In fact, that said, I think it's high time for Christians to start asking, a whole LOT more, the question "What makes you think you are a Christian?" Or "Who is the 'Jesus' you speak of?" Or "What does kissing that cross (or wearing a 10 lb. diamond studded cross around your neck) mean to you?"
Last time I looked, Matt. 7:13-23 was still in the Bible. Fact is, MOST self-professing Christians, well, aren't.

Rev. Randy K. posted a comment · Sep 28, 2016
Maybe you need to write and article or two on what/who a Christian really is Dr. Brown. I don't watch garbage like MMA or professional wrestling, so obviously I've never even heard of Cristiane Justino. On a whim I googled her name. Up came a bunch of pictures. I didn't look long as one was of her standing stark naked behind a man who was also stark naked. She was standing off to the side behind the man enough that her private parts could not be seen and the man had on a pair of boxing gloves with his arms crossed covering his private parts. I know without a doubt we are not saved by our works Dr. Brown, but can a person honestly be a Christian if they simply believe Jesus died on the cross for their sins and rose from the dead--regardless of how they live? Today in America we have politicians and people supporting them that are adamant supporters of abortion, same sex marriage and transgenderism while adamantly claiming at the same time that they are indeed Christians. Today in America we have homosexuals and transgender people fully living their lifestyle while adamantly claiming they are indeed Christians. Many of the pro-homosexual and transgender supporters who claim to be Christians claim they have a better understanding of God's love than those of us who maintain that homosexuality is still a sin in God's eyes. For many years I wondered how the Christians in the Corinthian church could actually be proud about having a man who claimed to be a believer in their midst who was guilty of a sexual sin that was even practiced among unbelievers! However, when I began hearing people who call themselves Christians arguing that they have more of the love of God and understand God's love better than those of us who maintain homosexuality is a sin, my understanding of I Corinthians 5 became very clear. People haven't changed in 6,000 years because human nature hasn't changed in 6,000 yearts.... a part from having a new nature as a result of being truly born again. For us Christians in United States, I predict that our greatest persecution will come from religious people--even those who claim to be Christians. Of course, that is nothing new. It was the religious leaders of Jesus' day who were responsible for having Him crucified on a cross.