
OT posted a comment · Apr 22, 2022
A troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or ‘off-topic messages’ in an online community platform with the primary intent of provoking others into an emotional unbelievable or “disciplinary response” or of otherwise ‘disrupting’ normal *on-topic* discussion.also Being dismissive attacks,rude.

OT posted a comment · Apr 20, 2022
“You "outbubba'd me again.”

OT posted a comment · Apr 20, 2022

Really now posted a comment · Apr 19, 2022
You’ve got an ancient book, penned by God himself. How could I possibly provide ‘evidence’ that would convince you of ANYTHING to its contrary?? Heck, you no doubt distrust modern evolutionary and cosmological science too. Can just hear you…‘the bible says God created Adam from dirt, and Eve from Adam’s rib….and formed alllllll of creation in 7 days. See it says so right here!’

OT posted a comment · Apr 19, 2022
See how your circular reasoning is meaningless, there is no supportive evidence to’s just bloviating you say homosexuality is normal ..that is a fallacy All fallacies are errors in reasoning. Circular reasoning in particular happens when the person making the argument assumes their conclusion is true instead of proving it’s true. All fallacies are errors in reasoning. Circular reasoning in particular happens when the person making the argument assumes their conclusion is true instead of proving it’s true. You never provide proof because you can’t. So what your actually say is All you need is to be different and you have to be included excepted, You have to be embraced Regardless. With all questions un answered. Clearly there is no end to the depth of depravity that will present itself to the world for ratification! I empathize with the your daughters struggle would never address her personally or any gay for that matter but can’t condone it because of setting precedence that is irresponsible. Nothing personal you see. Your accusations are mere misdirected fallacy

OT posted a comment · Apr 19, 2022
Discussing what the Bible clearly says is sin ~ you call bad behavior. You logic is just not there! : /

Really now posted a comment · Apr 19, 2022
Right…I knew you’d play the good ol ‘persecution’ card!! It’s a great tactic. I love it how it’s used to justify bad behaviour, and give ‘followers of Christ’ and easy out for just being mean, nasty, self-righteous, and intolerant of difference.

OT posted a comment · Apr 19, 2022
John 15:18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. John 15:18…… Mathew 5-11 “Blessed are you when people insult you,persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

OT posted a comment · Apr 18, 2022
Thanks, not an original thought! Jesus said You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

Really now posted a comment · Apr 18, 2022
Yes. You got me. I firmly believe in belittling and attacking those who belittle and attack gay/queer people.

OT posted a comment · Apr 18, 2022
Why are you so fixated on people who don’t agree with you It’s downright weird !!!!!! Is that your version of Christianity…. belittle and attack those who are different than you!

OT posted a comment · Apr 18, 2022
"Gods is the solution. If you don’t agree, then don’t be bothered! Simple Stop all characterization and name calling, and belittling this platform says “God is the solution. You exhibit behavior that is troll like, secular-atypical leftist from Canada who has an issue with others who happen to believe homosexuality is abhorrent an abomination and according to The God of Abraham a sin. That most of inhabitants of the world( 7.9 billion) 7.7 billion agree w/ God . And a minuscule number of people in comparison think it’s normal (you) included. Not all the world is gay as you try to make it sound. So stop with the bullying! Sad. A difference of belief is ok.

Really now posted a comment · Apr 18, 2022
Why are you so fixated on ‘sin’?? It’s downright weird. Is that the basis of Christianity in your mind? To be ‘good’ or pretend you are ‘good’, so that God doesn’t get angry or disappointed in you?? This version of God is IDENTICAL to Santa Claus. He’s making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who’s naughty or nice. The good kids get rewarded, the bad kids punished. Is that what Christianity is all about?? If so, hate to say it, but it’s pretty clear that NO ONE is beyond ‘sin/naughtiness’. As much as your mind/ego may like to think, God doesn’t play favourites. Sorry.

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 18, 2022
Really now, The difference between me and you is that I at least admit that I'm a sinner and that I sin but you on the other hand are going around saying there's nothing wrong with sin, that your daughter isn't sinning, why should I have to ask God for forgiveness when I'm not the one saying sin is OK?

Really now posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Always easier to point fingers at others than to look within. I bet you have a whole ton of stuff you feel guilty and shameful about in your OWN life, but such a nice distraction to focus on the dirt of others. I really hope you experience something that will force you to understand God differently…

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Well I'm done talking to you Really now, I'll pray for you and hope you change your ways.

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Jesus would say go and sin no more, you're saying go and sin some more.

Really now posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Jesus would say ‘love the sinner, hate your own sin’. The only ‘sin’ that’s any of your business is your own.
If you can’t see God as bigger than a ‘he’, you’ve got even bigger problems than I first thought….

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Loving your neighbors has nothing to do with accepting sin. by accepting sin you are putting your soul and your daughter's soul at risk by keeping her in sin and sorry but the BIBLE (Gods word) disagrees with you. homosexuality is not inborn and why did you call God a her in another comment?

Really now posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
My job is to love, accept, and celebrate my gay daughter JUST AS MUCH as my straight daughter. If God wants to judge me for that, so be it. I’m willing yo take that risk. God’s creation is all about diversity, and wayyyy beyond your pay grade to figure out. Maybe gay/queer people were created to test our ability to ‘love our neighbours’?? Pretty easy to love people who are just like you.

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Really now. you are teaching kids that sin is OK. you could teach them to treat others nicely but telling them that sin is OK and that it should be supported is leading them astray. ''Our youngest daughter was ‘different’ from birth'' I have a hard time believing that because how can a baby be gay? it is such a ridiculous notion and not backed by any science. if 'gay babies' exist then why has science not discovered one? a child has no concept of sexuality whatsoever. so how can a child know he/she is homosexual at such a young age? it makes no sense. you believe that God created some people homosexual. why? what is your reason for believing that? why would God create a person homosexual? what would be the purpose for it? it is obvious that he did not create people that way because all throughout the Bible men are said to be with woman and vice versa and also God commanded humans to be fruitful and multiply. two men and two women cannot do this. so why would God create people homosexual when that makes it impossible for them to have kids? you say that God created some people homosexual as a way to reduce the population? but was it not God who commanded us to have babies and fill the earth? and now he takes back what he said according to you? why would God create some people gay when there is no scientific evidence nor any biblical evidence for it? and when homosexuality contradicts his purpose for humanity?

Really now posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
I’m done with you ‘JUST’. We raised our daughter’s in the church. Both baptized and born again thru their youth group. Our youngest daughter was ‘different’ from birth, and came out when she was 16. She was shunned, ridiculed, and constantly excluded and bullied as a child because she was different than her peers. Gay kids exist, and I’ve lived it. Have you?? Gay kids NEED to feel like they belong, and the earlier the better. This INSANE notion that it’s ‘perverted’ to teach kids - at a young age - that it’s ok to be different is SICK, TWISTED, and incredibly damaging. Tell me, what would YOU do if you had a queer child? Read them Leviticus and remind them that they are an abomination, and NOT part of God’s plan for humanity? I pity the gay child who’d have you or Mikey brown as a parent. How HORRIFIC that would be. YOU are the people gay kids need to be protected from.

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Really now, no, it isn't easy because they love their sin and they want recruit kids into being gay, which is why they want to push homosexuality so much on them through schools, through the media, through Hollywood, all this does is mess with a child's mind.

Really now posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
So if it’s as easy as ‘recruiting more children into this lifestyle’, then shouldn’t we be able to ‘recruit’ gay people to be straight?? What a RIDICULOUS notion.

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Really now , what else can we do? we can't force them to stop being gay, we can only pray for them and hope that they come to repentance and liked I said earlier stop them from trying to recruit more children into this lifestyle.

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Really now, we can pray for them and keep them from leading children into that sinful lifestyle and what is so normal about it? how can it be normal and good when it leads to extinction? two men cannot have kids nor can two women which would result in human extinction. so how is it good? how can something that can kill off an entire species be good? and people are not born that way. there is no scientific evidence for it nor is there any biblical evidence for it. so why would anyone believe the born that way argument? two genders were created for a reason and that was to keep people from being homosexual. God did not want men being with men which is why he created women and also if you are going to use the ''animals do it therefore that makes homosexuality normal'' as your argument on why you think homosexuality is normal. do you know that animals also murder? and practice cannibalism? and rape? are those things normal too?

Kaleidoscope posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
I agree. They’re literally SO inconsistent.

Really now posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Just as suspected. Like your buddy OT - just pray that gay away. And you are completely wrong. There are gay kids. There are straight kids. There are kids in between. And who cares about ‘born that way’ or not - all are COMPLETELY NORMAL VARIATIONS. Move on pal. This ‘issue’ is not going away.

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Really now, no kid is gay. sorry, but I believe that this has more to do with the environment that those kids are raised in than genetics and what to do about gays? all we can do is pray for them. not much else we can do, God will deal with them.

Really now posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Oh gosh - so you ask ‘why would you want your kids exposed’…. Do you know that some kids are straight and some kids aren’t?? Or do you have this silly notion that we are ‘creating’ gay kids….and if society just shut up about it, gay people would cease to exist??
And again, you haven’t answered my earlier questions….how would YOU propose we solve this ‘problem’?

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 17, 2022
Really now, just because you disagree with something does not mean that you hate the people involved in it and just because God has put restrictions on how people conduct themselves sexually does not make him a hateful God and if you are a Christian why would you want your kids exposed to and support something that the Bible calls sin?

Really now posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
So tell me oh wise ‘OT’…why is there still such chaos, division, arrogance, judgement, hatred, and self-righteousness within ‘God’s solution’??

OT posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
I weep, when people reject for whatever their reasons are, Gods solution…For God so loved the that He gave His Son that who so ever believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting life John 3:16. Repent and turn from sin. Be washed and cleansed from all unrighteousness. Holy are you Lord. Mary went to the tomb it was empty. “ Jesus is Alive” He is risen from the dead”

OT posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
Done ✔️

OT posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
It’s not my solution, it’s Gods solution. Christs death and resurrection is the solution for humanity.

Really now posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
So ‘pray the gay away’ is basically your solution?? Too funny, you make it sound like ‘coming to God’ will make all well. Sorry, but have you any idea of the corruption within ‘Christianity’. Sorry, time to move on from the notion that this will solve the issue of our humanness.

OT posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
Gods is the solution. The first step is acknowledging He is. And the the journey begins. Thousands have testified to being overwhelmed by Gods Spirit the Holy Spirit full of grace and mercy as they walk into a journey of healing so deep complete down in their souls until a knowing who they are is theirs, a freedom they thought impossible is theirs. They possess it and walk it out knowing “The battle belongs to the Lord” When the power of darkness comes in like a flood , The battle belongs to the Lord. Reallynow you are a denier sad to say. repent and turn from your deception ask God He will show you.

Really now posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
Since ‘JUST’ won’t answer, tell me ‘OT’, what would YOU do to solve this ‘problem’, and get those pesky gay people back into the closet, where you and Mikey think they belong?? Enough of your rants. Let’s put your words to action. Would you suggest we pray the gay away? Revert to chemical castrations, or jailing like we did decades ago? C’mon what would YOU suggest???

OT posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
Really Now, there you go doing it again! right on cue fein blindness to all the facts pretend there are not any challenges to the physical, biological complications to homosexual and lesbian physiology they don’t complete each other or compliment each other, not able in continuing the human species, human kind, to say otherwise is what called a counterfeit not ideal. Follow the Science. Your whole lesbian relationship campaign is "from the pits of hell" it it’s focus is selling bondage masquerading as freedom. Sad thing is you go around selling it like it works as normal … but people listen to your pitch while scratching their heads in disbelief being sold a lie! I recognize Dr. Micheal Brown is a lightning rod and that is why you are here peddling your lies! Others say your a troll, Your frustration shows your anger shows and your fear of losing ground… losing the battle! But to Christian’s the battle belongs to the Lord! Pray for your daughter! Jesus is able!

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
How do we know what God wants? because he said it in the Bible, and God is not a her. and also wasn't it God who said ''be fruitful and multiply''? and now he's backtracking on what he said according to you? loving others doesn't mean accept sin.

Really now posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
And you didn’t answer my questions. What would YOU do to solve this ‘problem’, and get those pesky gay people back into the closet, where you and Mikey think they belong??

Really now posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
I’m not saying this is my view, but how do you know that God isn’t controlling population growth by reducing the birth rate? Do you know where the world would be headed in an overpopulated state?? Despite what a few pages of a book say, WE HAVE NO IDEA what God wants or doesn’t want. God has been at work for BILLIONS of years…how can we claim - with certainty - that we know God’s thoughts and plan?? If we did, are we not then on the same level as God?? Our job is to love our neighbours - which as much as it pains you, includes our gay brothers and sisters. So how bout we do our job, and let God do hers.

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
Really now, if you can't prove it then why call it normal? if you believe that homosexuals are born that way then where is your evidence for that? and how can it be normal when it leads to extinction? do you really think that something that can kill off an entire species is normal? and who cares about what man's law says? God's law says that it's wrong and that it's a sin, and in your worldview, anything goes right? so that would also include disagreement with homosexuality. you're going against your worldview by attacking people who disagree with homosexuality.

Really now posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
It wouldn’t matter if I ‘proved’ to you that homosexuality is a normal variation of human sexuality. You have your book, and it says otherwise in your book. Tell me tho, what is your solution to this issue? Should that darn gay be prayed away? Should we go back several decades to a time where gay people were jailed or chemically castrated? Or diagnosed with mental illnesses? See we’ve tried those things and they DON’T work, and in fact they cause immense damage. Now, in most civilized nations, sexual identity is a protected HUMAN RIGHT, governed by legislation with discrimination punishable BY LAW. YOU ARE expressing discriminatory opinions here, as does Mikey brown - CONSTANTLY. It is sick. It is twisted. It is wrong. STOP picking on gay people. The bullying must end. And the fact that it’s all ‘in the name of God’ makes it that much more HORRIFIC. Time to grow up, and progress in your views.

Really now posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
Hmmmm - sounds like it exists to me. And in fact, you’ve provided some great examples for us. ‘Homophobia can take many different forms, including negative attitudes and beliefs about, aversion to, or prejudice against bisexual, lesbian, and gay people. It’s often based in irrational fear and misunderstanding. Some people’s homophobia may be rooted in conservative religious beliefs. People may hold homophobic beliefs if they were taught them by parents and families’.

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
Really now, 'homophobia' is non-existent, it is a tool made up to control people. no one fears homosexuals.

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
Really now, you say that homosexuality is normal. can you prove it? what makes it normal? how is it normal? if you are going to say because people are born that way then do you have any strong evidence for that?

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
Really now, if you're claiming that homosexuality isn't a sin and that the Bible approves of it then you're going to have to have some evidence for that.

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
Really now, another troll pretending to be Christian.

JUSTJC1992 posted a comment · Apr 16, 2022
Really now, His name is Michael Brown and now How is it normal? and they are not our brothers and sisters, anyone who engages in what the Bible condemns isn't a brother or a sister and the Bible is God's word

Really now posted a comment · Apr 15, 2022
Homosexuality is a NORMAL VARIATION OF HUMAN SEXUALITY. Time to STOP using ‘God’s word’ to justify homophobia. And by NOT ‘saying gay’, we are pretending our gay brothers and sisters don’t exist. Well sorry. Gay people are here, always have been, and are NOT going away. The Chinese gov’t needs to get with the times, and STOP alienating these people. Absolutely shameful that Mikey brown seen this as something admirable. How sick. How twisted.

OrangeHunter posted a comment · Apr 15, 2022
Swkh310, that's pretty hypocritical on your behalf. I still remember your rants about "homophobia" and how homosexual love is ok to you. Now suddenly money turns out to be above all. Yup, nothing wrong with your "Christian faith". It seems that being a full-time troll takes its toll sooner or later.

Swkh310 posted a comment · Apr 14, 2022
If I held stock in Warner brothers I would expect no less. It’s a movie, and it is designed to make a profit.