
Seidensticker posted a comment · May 30, 2022
Once again, God has a chance to do something--say, turn the shooter's AR-15 into a paintball gun--but he does nothing. He's always a no-show.
The God hypothesis needs to be retired.

OT posted a comment · May 28, 2022
News - find Uvalde gunman, isolated and bullied, was teased about being 'school shooter.' Then he bought guns.also One former classmate who sat with Ramos in high school and played Xbox with him said he "would get severely bullied and made fun of a lot" for the clothes he wore and his family's financial situation, CNN reported. "People would, like, actually call him school shooter and stuff like that," he said. ……..OT “ what kind of messed up is that??” Fix that and you lessen the probability of creating shooter’s Skwh310 is a political bully a self proclaimed religious bully he plays on bait n switch culpability he blames others for what God clearly calls sin and try’s to shame people for calling it out! Christ Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). The sad reality of sin..
Sin deceives us into thinking that God has distanced Himself from us.
o It affects our prayer life and worship.
o Above everything else, abiding in sin quenches the Holy Spirit in us.
o We end up listening to the wrong voices.
o We are easily deceived by Satan.
o It affects our witnessing to other people.

echodeltacharlie posted a comment · May 27, 2022
Those who think gun laws would do anything about it are simpleminded. Even if you could *somehow* prevent shooters from having dreaded semiautomatic guns, they'd still have guns. Even if you could *somehow* prevent them from having guns, they'd use other weapons—like cars or trucks.
It is inexcusable that at this point, an armed man can have unresisted access to a school.
What does the 2nd Amendment tell us? ‘A well-regulated militia, being *necessary* to the security of a *free* state....’ There are minimally tens of potential armed responders present in any school. It's way past time they were armed and trained to respond...and who is watching the doors?

OT posted a comment · May 27, 2022
America shouldn’t kill babies.

OT posted a comment · May 26, 2022
Maybe it’s (Dumb old Party) DOP!

OT posted a comment · May 26, 2022
And while we’re at it the least we could do at a time like this is ban the Sale of all video games that have gratuitous violence/killing for entertainment. what is that game called “call of duty” mortal Combat” Postal” manhunt” what sends people over the edge but mental illnesses! Gun violence one of the many things that widen the gap of the DOP (Democrats Opposition party)!

Seidensticker posted a comment · May 26, 2022
"It’s the least we can do at a time like this."
And, based on past performance, I'm sure we can count on the GOP to do the least that they can do.

OT posted a comment · May 26, 2022
Idiotic and simplistic, you’ve stated your fear young white males with guns/Skwh310 you can add young Hispanic males to your fear list you seem to fear what you can’t control! This Texas shooting is not the gop’s fault it is society’s fault collectively but more narrowly a 18 yr old male Hispanic made a tragic decision, a choice that resulted in a deep sadness for the loss of life .

Swkh310 posted a comment · May 26, 2022
I lived through the 1950-60’s too, Czar. Automatic and semiautomatic assault weapons did not exist. The problem is easy to identify and easy to fix. But the GOP is owned by the NRA. That is the problem.

OT posted a comment · May 26, 2022
Mental illness of a shooter has nothing to do with guns and the availability and ability to poses one. The cause of such a diabolical act of cowardice! The pro choice to kill is right in keeping with all baby’s murdered by abortion everyday. babies to kindergartners! Absolutely diabolical!

czarpaul posted a comment · May 25, 2022
Removing God from society, normalizing senseless violence and teaching kids to hate people who don't tow the progressive line got us here. We didn't have a bunch of school school shootings in the 40's-60's we we still had the last fumes of Christianity in our culture and SENSELESS violence wasn't glorified (video games have done a LOT of that though Hollywood has done it's part too). I didn't say we didn't have any but we didn't have a bunch like today.

Swkh310 posted a comment · May 25, 2022
No need for concern. Nothing will happen as a result, nothing will change. If the wholesale slaughter of kindergarten children, one week before Christmas, didn't sever the GOP from the NRA, nothing will. I guess "Pro Life" doesn't extend past birth.