
OT posted a comment · Oct 27, 2022
Really now is a hostile example of a wolf in sheep clothing ! He has demonstrated over and over He (REALLY NOW) would place himself between parent and child, if a child is mixed up, He would risk injury, permanent injury, in a self identifying neurosis he gained going through his child's same sex attraction struggle and as a result of said trauma deems himself an expert based on said trauma and will demean anyone who believes differently! sad

OT posted a comment · Aug 01, 2022
“protect minors from adults who would irresponsibly set them on the course for such ‘treatments.’”
There are lgb groups that strongly oppose this!
“In fact, the LGB Alliance USA, billed as “leading the fight for same-sex rights,” strongly opposes the bill stating, “This particular bill is written under the fallacious premise that ‘gender affirming care’ is something that should be protected. However, the very term ‘gender-affirming care’ is a euphemism that obscures the reality of such ‘care’—namely, that it sets people on the path of lifelong medicalization based on scientifically dubious treatments, including hormones, puberty blockers, and mastectomies. No minor should be subjected to such treatments for gender dysphoria, as they have damaging and irreversible effects. “

Really now posted a comment · Jul 31, 2022
I’m so confused… So you just said ‘any parent that would verbally abuse a child …. Needs help’. But as a ‘Christian’ parent, it would be their duty and obligation to constantly remind their queer kid of being an abomination, and not part of God’s plan, would it not?? Isn’t this what OT - parent of the year - would do with a queer child?? Would this be ‘abusive’? Or exactly what the Lord would demand and expect from you as a Christian parent??? As I said…I’m so confused by your ramblings…

OT posted a comment · Jul 31, 2022
Right on cue! Let’s be clear Any parent that would verbally abuse a child …. Needs help. Your problem is you are hopelessly subject to serious rabbit trails. That have no connection to comments made on here your strokes are so broad they are irrelevant to the context. Dr Brown writes an article and you have one bent and one bent only it’s pretty transparent! I don’t care what you think about me personally! And what you say about Christian it just goes to show

Really now posted a comment · Jul 31, 2022
Well OT, let’s be honest at least. Many queer kids, who are ‘parented’ by adults who constantly remind them that they are an abomination, and NOT part of God’s plan for humanity won’t stick around until they are 18. They either end their own lives, or disown their ‘loving Christian parents’. This kind of ‘love’ is just too much to bear.

OT posted a comment · Jul 31, 2022
Last time I checked children don’t step into adulthood until age 18 then they can make up their own journey as the desire! And at that time they should know they are fully responsible for their choices! Just like all humans ……..

OT posted a comment · Jul 30, 2022
I’d say more like defective gibberish !

OT posted a comment · Jul 30, 2022
What a mouth full of marbles!

Really now posted a comment · Jul 30, 2022
The ‘truth’ is that there are people who are different…and whether gay, straight, queer, or transgender, we are ALL equally loved and equally belong. Sorry OT, as much as you like to pretend, God doesn’t play favourites!!

OT posted a comment · Jul 30, 2022
Your tactic is to turn what is clearly a difference of opinion, values, into hate because it serves you to do so! I don’t hate you! I disagree w/ you! Simple

OT posted a comment · Jul 30, 2022
“ Build a monster. Remove this strategy, and the right has NOTHING.” WRONG they have the truth, If truth is a strategy- truth always wins !
Definition of truth
1a(1) : the body of real things, events, and facts : ACTUALITY
(2) : the state of being the case : FACT
(3) often capitalized : a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality
b : a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true*
c : the body of true statements and propositions
2a : the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality
b chiefly British : TRUE sense 2
c : fidelity to an original or to a standard
3a : sincerity in action, character, and utterance
4 capitalized, Christian : GOD
in truth
: in accordance with fact : ACTUALLY

OT posted a comment · Jul 30, 2022
No Really it’s like having to listen to your broken family history ! That has turned you into an offensive socialist attack dog! You regurgitate this endless description of people who strongly oppose what you are about! Everyone has a history some of it broken and some of it not! Factually you are truthfully in the minority! You have an agenda that hurts people! Denial isn’t a way out of your unbelievable hypocrisy! That leads people to life long gender that never really works as much as I disagree with all this I would never single someone out never, how I vote is my business YOU don’t get to control that! Mock me I do not care!

Swkh310 posted a comment · Jul 30, 2022
Something tells me there is more to this story than Dr. B cares to share.

Really now posted a comment · Jul 30, 2022
A classic tactic of the right. Use the odd and and extreme examples or ‘what if’s’ to demonize, and instil hatred on the whole. Exaggerate. Create enemies. Drum up hate and opposition. Build a monster.
Remove this strategy, and the right has NOTHING.

OT posted a comment · Jul 30, 2022
I call butchering and permanently maiming children bizarre ! Criminal

OT posted a comment · Jul 30, 2022
RN what you put forward is fraudulent and not Christian! Your arguments are hollow that have no backing or verifiable as beneficial all risk! I don’t care what you think of me, mock on!

OT posted a comment · Jul 30, 2022
what is the utter obsession you have…you have utter interventional obsession with other peoples children you have some obsession with controlling people and how they parent in some god like crazed savior like complex! That’s a red flag its downright bizarre. Why don’t you open an animal shelter and practice your experimental sex reassignment therapies on animals and leave human children alone, you are evil incarnate. you regurgitated day after day you are in the minority In the U.S. oh I’m awful because I call out what you do as fraudulent! Evil incarnate masked as “ Help “ here let me get in your head and move a few things around ! Now how’s that ? better!

OT posted a comment · Jul 29, 2022
A transgender psychologist who has helped hundreds of teens transition has warned that it has “gone too far” — and fears many are making life-changing decisions because it’s “trendy” and pushed on social media.
Erica Anderson, 71 — who is transgender herself — told the Los Angeles Times that she is horrified that even 13-year-old kids are now getting hormone treatment without even meeting with psychologists. You are wrong ! You R/N are a person who is an abuser by proxy because you push a fraudulent clinical butcher of children !

Really now posted a comment · Jul 29, 2022
OT - what is the utter obsession you, Mikey B, and other Christian charismaniacs have with controlling people’s bodies?? It’s downright bizarre.

OT posted a comment · Jul 29, 2022
I am thankful your Canadian values are stuck in Canada I don’t welcome your progressive values here in the U.S. I don’t want a one world system. man can scheme and plan all he wants for his onebworld govt! That they try to set up and exalt itself above God …… spoiler alert He thumps em into oblivion! Read the book ! You will fail! It’s in the book!

OT posted a comment · Jul 29, 2022
I hope people wake up! The voices that people like R/N are drowning out are kids that have transitioned as children and are young adults now - full of regret! In physical agony R/N has nothing to say to them ! How about Sorry kid we screwd you up we took you from your parents and screwd you up ! Their tragedy is just as valid as your daughter’s tragic childhood! Letting immature children butcher themselves at the insistence psychologist who know nothing , who are guilty of malpractices /child abuse oh yes I’m guilty of calling out the butchers of children RN you know nothing you float around like it’s all fluffy and cuddles gum drops / you help no one! You are a crusader for the vile acts against children ! Your not a hero! Your solution is incomplete evil!

SteveF posted a comment · Jul 29, 2022
Insanity is too complimentary a word for these detestable creatures. Before the great tribulation unfortunately we will see some of the same judgments now but somewhat diluted in intensity due to the sinful wickedness of mankind.

Really now posted a comment · Jul 29, 2022
Good for California.
Kids need support and unconditional acceptance for who they truly are. Can you imagine having a parent like OT, or Mikey B?? They’d be constantly reminding you that are an abomination before ‘the lord’, and ‘not good enough’ for the kingdom of God. How horrific. Hmmmm and we wonder why suicide rates are so high amongst LGBTQ youth??

OT posted a comment · Jul 28, 2022
Lunacy! Calling evil good and what is good evil, California wants to be the kid napper /nanny state no longer the sunshine state! The dark state, coincidence that it’s a natural inferno…. Look around and scratch your head (: -/) Trump presidency/financial markets strong investor confidence at all time high. communist world leaders held in check through strength!!! biden presidency financial markets dismal investor confidence through the floor! World leaders posture putan starts war invades sovereign country obliterates Ukraine/millions displaced death tole unknowable! China posturing over Taiwan the sickos who want the one world order posture in shadow, bidens whitehouse is a dementia ward! That’s your guy Skwh310 whoop woop !
And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure.
James 4:3